Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 63

I see the four of them off into the Dungeon with hugs this time. I get squeezed by each of them but it doesn’t hurt so it feels nice to be loved. Amber touches the dungeon’s door and they all disappear. I hope they can get a lot of levels, the plan is to take the fort when they reach 4th tier. It should only take a few days probably, but Citrine says I won’t be able to tier up to 5th and won’t tell me why. Odd.

Since I got one of Sue’s daughters to watch the gate, I’m going to try some quests since I haven’t been able to do many on the board yet. They also give Land experience, and it seems to be taking a while for Liberation to level up again. I know I’m giving it to Sue once we get the new fort, but she’s basically family. She’ll be making this camp into a farm, which will help all the camps and forts we decide to keep. I’m going through the missions and see the trade missions. Wait, wasn’t I going to take Tasha back to her husband? I’ll go find her first then.

I find Tasha over by the Pig Pen and wave. She gives me an awkward wave back so I say “I have free time and it’s still light out, did you want to be taken back now?” She seems to freeze up and then hugs me saying “Thank you so much, I really do want to be taken back now. I.. was afraid I wouldn’t get any help after what I did.” I shake my head and tell her “Ruby already forgave you and wants you to be happy. She asked me to take you, so do you know where to go?” She nods and says “We just need to take the trade quest on the board for Dragon Roost. That’s the name of the camp.” We both go back to the Quest Board and I pick up the quest since she already has it.

As we leave the gate I tell Sue’s daughter that I’ll be taking Tasha now and she yells “Come visit us sometimes Auntie Tasha!” while waving. Tasha blushes and we start heading in the direction of the quest marker. We are apparently headed for the center of the town and we end up running into a lot of -Zombie-. They look like walking dead bodies and Tasha tells me that’s exactly what they are. They can’t really hurt me though so I fight them instead of Tasha who’s worried about being bit. They do seem really bitey for monsters that don’t have sharp teeth.

A big weird looking rock, no wait, it’s a car. I don’t know why I know what a car looks like, just my memory being rude again. Anyways, the car goes flying by where I was just standing, since I dodged it. I look in the direction it came flying from and see a large zombie that has -Muscle Zombie- Lvl 23 above it’s head. I get a fun idea as it starts running at me. So I grab the bottom of the car and throw it back at it. It’s kind of heavy, but my Strength is pretty high right now, so the car hits the big zombie. The car shakes a bit as I’m walking up to it, so I push it off the poor zombie, and then stomp its head. It stops moving.

Well it was probably only tier 2 anyways, so even Tasha would be able to kill it easily. Maybe. I heard she hasn’t been going to the dungeon to level like everyone else, so she might still be 2nd tier herself. I’m not sure though. It would explain why she hasn’t just walked to Dragon Roost herself already. Maybe I should be more careful to keep the zombies away from her if she’s so weak. She’s still my friend, so I don’t want to see her get hurt.

We start passing more big buildings now and Tasha nervously states “We’re almost there Opal.” I don’t see any more zombies before we get to a gate with brick wall on both sides. The gate made of metal bars and we can see into the camp. As we get closer a guard on the wall yells out to us “Are you Players or Monsters?” Tasha steps forward with her hands up and says “My name is Tasha, I’m a guard of Dragon Roost and was captured on a mission.” I hear the guard on the wall tell someone I can’t see something and the gate opens. Out runs a tall man with a long beard. Tasha starts crying and opens her arms wide. The man looks like he’s going to tackle her, but instead grabs her in a strong hug and kisses her.

That’s probably her husband then. I’m glad he’s still alive after so long. They stay there kissing for about a minute before she finally pulls back and says “Tom, I’m home.” they are both smiling and he responds “Tasha, welcome home.” Suddenly I want hugs to, so I hug Sapphire with my body in Ruby’s Rest. She giggles and says “Love you too mom.” Back in front of the camp they finally separate and Tom asks “Are you okay? You can tell me about all of it later in private.” Tasha nods and answers “I’m okay, I’ll tell you everything later.” She turns to me and waves me over so I walk up to them. Tasha continues “This is Opal, you could say she’s the only reason I made it out of there and could come home.” Tom sticks his hand out to me and I remember what I’m supposed to do so I shake his hand softly, since he’s probably weak like Tasha.

“Thank you for returning my wife to me, if you need a place to stay we have a spare room that you can use.” I shake my head and say “No need I’ll be heading back soon so I can make it to dinner with everyone. If you look at the Trade quests on your board I currently own Liberation on the list. Tasha can tell you more about it later, I’m not very good at explaining things.” He nods and says “Well I’d like to thank you again, would you like to speak to our Landowner?” I nod, agreeing to meet the Landowner here, how else will I finish the quest. They might also have something useful for us.

Tom leads us inside the camp and it seems to be a brick wall surrounding a lot of houses, like the ones I saw when first entering the town. Where I was netted and captured by the orcs. It feels so long ago now. Tasha and Tom are holding hands as we walk and she seems to be leaning on him a lot, but we finally get in front of one of the houses and Tom knocks on the door. I hear some grumbling coming from inside the house and suddenly the door swings open and an old man says “What?!” He’s bald but still has a white beard, and looks strong. He looks at Tasha and then gets a surprised face before he gently moves forward and hugs her saying “Tasha, we were all so worried about you.” he then backs up again and says “I’m glad you could make it back, did anyone else?” Tasha shakes her head but doesn’t answer. The old man sighs and says “That’s a shame, to lose so many young ones.”

He looks at me and asks “So did you bring her back to us?” I nod and answer “Yeah, Tasha is my friend, my name is Opal.” I stick my hand out for shaking this time. He takes it and shakes it telling me “Thank you for getting her back Opal, are you needing a place to stay?” Tom then answers for me “No pops, she’s the Landowner from Liberation on the quest board. She’ll be heading back soon.” I nod and confirm “Yup, I just wanted to meet you and see if you were in need of anything we might have to trade, and if you have anything we might need. I probably should have brought one of my daughters though since they would know better.” He turns to Tom and says “Find someone to replace you on the wall, but you’ll get the next two days off since your wife has come back. Tasha, you have those days off too and find a time to come and talk to me after you’ve had time with Tom okay?” They both nod and then Tasha hugs me says “Thank you again Opal.”

They both walk off and then the old man says “My name is Derrik, everyone around here calls me Sir or Pops out of respect but don’t feel obligated to do so. Now what kind of production structures do you have available?” I answer him “We only have pigs right now, but we plan on setting up the place as a farm. Sue is in charge of that though and would know more.” Pops has a thinking face and asks “How many pigs does it make, I could really go for some meat. All we have for food is a structure that makes rice, and we’ve been having to go hunting for any meat.” I tell him that it’s just stamina production and he nods saying that’s how the rice works too. “Is there anything you can think of that you need?” I just shake my head and answer “Sue would know more, I’ll be handing the place over to her soon. Would it be alright if I sent her to come talk with you?”

Pops laughs and says “That would probably be a good idea, just make sure she can get here safe.” I nod and say “I’ll bring her myself if I have to, but she should be able to come with a few of the elves.” Pops seems surprised and asks “Elves? Like pointy ears?” I agree that is a simple description but matches and he looks excited “So this new system crap isn’t just throwing monsters at us. A real fantasy race, I’d like to meet one.” I say “I’ll see if any of them want to come with Sue then, but they probably will. Sue is really nice.” Pops gives me another handshake and says “That would be great! Are you gonna be safe getting back alone?” he starts, looking me up and down then finishing “Well I’m sure you’ll be fine, you got Tasha back here just fine and your title does sound pretty intimidating. How did you get it to be two words like that Guardian Mother?”

I then explain to him how Unique titles work and he nods along saying after “That’s good to know, thanks for sharing that Opal.” I smile at him and say “It’s no problem, Players should stick together.. Oh right! Do you know how long it’s been since the first system announcement?” He strokes his beard and then says “Almost 6 months now I think, why?” I tell him “I’m told that at six months there will be another message saying something about a Scenario, I don’t really know much else except monsters will start spawning a lot more after it. So you should be prepared.” He looks concerned and says “We’ll have to hurry and get that Dungeon built so we can get experience for the lower level guards that are slacking off. Thanks again for telling me. I’ll get on their asses about getting the wall fixed too. Here I’ll walk you to the gate since I’ll need to head there now anyways.” I start walking that way and say “Thanks Pops, it’s always more fun to walk with someone else and you seem nice.”

He laughs and we make it to the gate in no time, he thanks me again and I wave goodbye as I’m leaving. I hear him mumble under his breath “If I was a younger man..” but I don’t catch the rest. I get a quest completion screen but it only gives me some Credits and Land experience. Then I realize, I don’t remember how to get back. I think for a minute and then remember about my arrow pointing to Amber and just start following that. This is really handy.

I end up fighting through a lot of those zombie things, I think I ran into a wandering group of them. There are so many of them that it takes me probably about 3 hours to kill them all, and by the time I smash the last one’s head it’s already dark. I hear a chime and see the screen.


Seething Darkness(Level up)x1

Tank(Level up)x3

Tank level 25 skill unlocked

Oh that’s nice, I should just go ahead and tier it up. As a tier 1 class it’s barely giving me any per level stats anyways. I should check and see what the level 25 skill is first though, they are usually pretty good.

(New)Tank: (Passive)

Receive 20 Stamina every time you take a hit in combat.

Oh that sounds really useful for me, I do take a lot of hits. That’s why I took the class in the first place. Are all the level 25 skills for the first tier named the same as the Class? I remember Fighter was, but I can’t remember if Breeder was or not. I know the higher tiers didn’t do it that way though. Strange. I focus on the class and tier it up.




Heavy Fister sounds good, even if I don’t know what lesbian means. I’ll ask Amber or Ruby later. Protective Mother sounds like it would help defending if we get attacked again, and I really do like protecting all my cute babies. I’d pick it over Heavy Fister probably. The last option is a no. They are all (Rare) but it still seems like an easy choice, since I really like being a mom. I select Protective Mother.




I do a little wiggle dance and then check the new skill.

(New)Family Barrier: (Health 100)

Reduces damage received by relatives until end of combat.

This new skill is already going to be useful when we go to take the fort. It won’t work on my friends though, which is a little unfortunate. It is a class about protecting my babies though so it makes sense. Probably. Since that fight took so long and it’s dark I should probably hurry so they don’t worry about me. I start running and end up tripping on a Hound that I didn’t see in time. It of course died, but its pack is snarling at me now. I get up and get ready to fight them… but I’ve been curious since I saw Sapphire having sex with that one hound I killed… should I? They can’t exactly hurt me, even if I do see… a lot of them now that I’m looking. I bite my lip and then sigh as they inch towards me growling and barking. I pull down my shorts and then kick them to the side. I’ll send my other body to tell Liberation I’m fine. I get down on my hands and knees and say “Okay come on.” wiggling my butt at them. Sapphire did seem like she was having a lot of fun.

*Lewd Scene*




Congratulations! You’ve survived six months.

The tutorial time has elapsed and the difficulty will now start increasing.

The randomized Scenario selected is: Undead Hordes

Good luck players!

5th tier Class selection has been unlocked for all Players

I ignore the screen for now. Something has been wrong with me. I stand up and kick the Hound off of my other body. It yelps and then dies, I did kick it as hard as I could. How long have I been here? Why haven’t my wives come for me. Are they in trouble? I look down at the babies I just popped out. None of them are females. Both of my bodies are standing now and I start killing all of the hounds in the room. I then exit the part of the cave I’ve been in and see many more white hounds. I see two of the males attacking the only female in view, so I run up and kill them while my other body starts clearing out the other ones. “Oh thank goodness, the message woke you from your haze mother.” the female hound says to me. I ask “Where are they keeping your sisters?” she just lowers her head and says “They don’t keep the females, they eat them. I only just grew large enough to consume.” I look at her poor bright blue eyes crying, and I pet her pure white hair and ears. I hug her with this body while my other body goes through the cave killing all the males I find.

I ask “Do you know how long I’ve been here for?” she sniffles and says “I overheard one of the black furred ones mention you offering yourself up as a bitch a month ago.” I need to get us out of here and back to Liberation. I can still see my wives arrows and they aren’t listed as deceased on my Status, so why couldn’t they find me. I’ll hold back my crying for now.

I got my first review today, so that's exciting. It's unfortunate that the reviewer didn't read the content warning in my synopsis, but I can understand finding some of the things I write off-putting and unbalanced. If any readers see a place where I can improve feel free to let me know. I'm attempting to get better as I go.  Edit: Enough readers who got this far in the story voted yes, so I'll be adding the tag.

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