Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 59

Opal’s body at Ruby’s Rest

While I run through the dungeon with my wife and other daughter I happily swing my legs over the edge of the gate. “So I’ve decided I’d like to take over one of the camps.” Jessica, one of my daughters starts explaining to me. “If Sue is going to make a camp into a farm for the wider family group, then I can do my part too. I know I’m not strong in a fight like some of my sisters, but I got an option for my second class called Manager. It sounds like it will let me do stuff with Land.” I give her a hug and say “That’s great sweetie, we’ll get you one of the camps then. You should go ask Ruby when she thinks we can go after another camp.” She nod and starts leaving “Okay Mom, I won’t let you down.” she says and I yell at her since she took off so fast “Love you too sweetie!”

My babies are always so cute. I wonder what kind of skills Manager will have, and I wonder why she got the option without having any Land yet. Strange. Well as long as she’s happy that’s what matters. I don’t think I’d like another class that doesn’t have to do with fighting, Breeder is more than enough. I sigh and wish I could get rid of it, but my Unique title makes that impossible. I checked earlier how many free points a 4th class would cost, but it doesn’t even have the option. So I guess there isn’t one, or maybe the option has to be unlocked somehow like the Land menus.

After about half an hour I see Jessica running up to me with a concerned face. “Mom I need your help, Ruby is having sex with someone, but she’s acting strange.” I wasn’t expecting her to say that, I’m glad Ruby is able to find someone to have fun with again. I ask her to clarify “How is she acting strange?” Jessica answers “It’s hard to explain, she doesn’t seem like herself.” I nod and tell her to lead the way.

She takes me to the large building Ruby has been staying in and up some stairs to her bedroom. She’s been using it as a sort of storage to put all of her stuff. Jessica motions to the door, so I open it. Inside on a bed are Ruby and... I think his name was Samuel, the one who looked like a woman but with no breasts and a giant penis. His giant penis which I see shoving in and out of Ruby’s pussy. She’s on all fours and he’s thrusting into her from behind.

I’m a bit confused because I remember Ruby saying a lot of times that she wasn’t interested in males. I assume she’s having sex with Samuel because he looks kind of like a woman? Maybe. Samuel sees us enter and waves saying “Ruby is showing me her hospitality, if you’re interested we can have sex after I’m done with her.” he then moans and cums into Ruby. Remembering what Jessica told me I ask Ruby “Sweetie are you okay? Your sister is worried about you.” she turns her head to me and answers in a dull voice “I’m just having sex, it’s normal and I like it.” something tugs at my brain, I feel like it’s important, so I ask “Are you sure Ruby?” Samuel plunges his penis back into her and she stares at us with a blank face and answers again “I’m just having sex, it’s normal and I like it.”

Then it hits me, this is just like what Arhu did to me in the beginning. I run across the room to the bed, luckily Samuel isn’t expecting it so I grab him from behind and pull him back. Ruby just stays in her pose, but Samuel struggles and starts saying “It’s too late I’ve already given her my seed if you kill m-” but I cut him off by spinning us both off the bed and landing on top of him. I feel his body crush underneath me. I stand up off of him and check that he’s dead, as I’m doing so Ruby hugs me from behind and says “Thank you mom, thank you sis.” I can hear her voice crack a bit so she’s probably trying not to cry. He’s dead though and I hear a chime.


Hidden Quest Complete!

You found and killed the Seducer Demon trying to take over Ruby’s Rest.

All Classes (Level up) x3*Currently in combat, levels queued*

Jessica comes over and adds to the group hug. Suddenly I hear Ruby yell behind me in pain, I turn around as she falls. I manage to catch her before she hits the ground, but she’s sweating and in obvious pain, her body jerking. I lay her on the bed and she stops shaking but she’s still screaming in pain and I don’t know what to do so I tell Jessica “Go find a Healer and get them here fast.” she nods and runs out of the room. I hold Ruby’s hand and she squeezes mine back, her hips start shaking again, and I notice something growing out of her. Ruby seems to be growing a penis.

I look again and sure enough, by now she has grown a rather sizable meat rod. It stops growing and Ruby stops screaming and shaking. She opens her eyes, still breathing heavily and looks down at her new penis. She starts crying so I pull her into a hug and stroke her hair saying “You’ll be okay Ruby, mommy is here.” Ruby seems to bolster her resolve and wipes her face on my shirt. She then pulls back and says “Thank you so much mom, I could feel myself starting to like him and I hated it. Can you bring me my spare pair of shorts from the chest over there before Jessica gets back. I’m not sure I want to tell sis about this yet.” she says, motioning to her new penis. I nod and bring her a shirt and shorts.

She says “A screen told me that since my Demon Sire was killed without Slavery being established, I ‘Inherited’ his demon tool. Since I was considered his closest female ‘relative’.” She shivers when saying inherited and relative. I don’t blame her, I remember being changed by Arhu and shiver myself, looking down at the pink pattern still on my stomach. “We’ll find some way to fix both of us sweetie, and if you don’t want your other sisters to know then you might want to wear longer shorts.” I say, pointing at how her new cock is sticking out of her short’s leg. She sighs and tries to stuff it back up into her shorts, but fails. I take off my shirt and hand it to her “Here wrap this around your waist, it should end up longer than the shorts until we can find something better.”

She takes it and wraps it around her waist. It barely covers the tip, but it will work for now. Jessica comes running in with one of Ruby’s daughters that took Healer for her second class. I stop them and say “She’s fine now there’s no reason to be worried.” Ruby speaks up and says “Thank you for coming to help me so soon Kaila, but I need to talk to your grandma alone. Could you two leave us for a bit?” They both look relieved hearing Ruby talk normally and leave us alone, closing the door.

Ruby sighs and plops down on the bed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do now Mom.” I sit next to her and hold her hand as she continues “I can’t believe a monster could hide as one of the humans we rescued, and now I have a dick.” She gets a panicked look and takes off her shorts and my shirt. She then reaches down below her new tool and lets out a sigh of relief. She then tries shifting her new penis to the side, but can’t seem to peer around it and the small sac attached to it. She looks frustrated and then asks me while blushing “Mom… can you check to make sure my pussy is still okay, I can feel it still right below this damn sac, but I can’t see it.” I would be worried about my beautiful slit as well, so I nod and then move down between her knees to get a look. She lifts up her shaft and sac and there beneath them is her normal pussy. So I tell her “It looks normal to me, I’ve seen it plenty of times when your butt was sticking out in my face in the pillory.” She lets out another relieved sigh and I sit back next to her.

“I’m so grateful for everything you do to help me without even thinking about it. I love you Mom.” I hold her hand again and say “You’re my Ruby, your back in front of me those months we were held by the orcs really made me happy. I couldn’t see anyone but orcs for the longest time, but I’d wake up seeing your back, and it always seemed tough to me. It was probably just Firm, but it gave me someone I loved to look at waking up. That gave me strength, so don’t think you haven’t helped your mom too.”

Ruby says “Mom’s a pervert, looking at my naked body all the time.” Rude. She laughs at my expression and then tells me “Amber is lucky to be married to you mom. We all knew she liked you the most, I wish I could marry you too mom.” she lets out yet another sigh, this one a bit sad so I respond “I wish I could marry you too Ruby, but I’m already married to Amber.” then I hear a chime.


Do you agree to marry Ruby?

Well I wasn’t expecting that, and why doesn’t it have the part about not being married to more than one individual. Then I notice that I don’t see the screen with my other body which is strange. Did I see the message with both bodies the other times it showed up. I think back… I didn’t. Does this mean that I can get married with each body just like how the pregnancies are separate? I tell Ruby to wait a few minutes and she gives me a questioning look, but then scoots over and places her head on my lap while she waits.

Opal’s body at Liberation

I finish killing the dungeon boss orc and turn to Amber saying “I need to talk to you in private.” then I turn to Citrine and say “You should be able to do the Dungeon fine now with Piggy, don’t forget to come out for dinner with everyone though.” she nods and says “Okay Mom, thanks for helping me get this far, go have fun with sis.” winking at me. Odd. We pick up our spoils from this time and leave the dungeon. I lead Amber to a private spot next to the pig pen and a small wooden structure used for their water.

“Okay Opal, what’s going on?” Amber asks me and I tell her everything that happened with Ruby, leaving out the penis part since she said she might not want to tell people yet. I get to the part where Ruby kind of accidentally proposed to me and how I think my two bodies can each have 1 marriage. She has a surprised face, she’s so cute, and she responds “If that’s true then we need to know if Ruby was serious or not about wanting to marry you. I need to talk to her, can you take me there?” I nod and she says “Okay let’s tell people we’ll be gone for a while so they make sure to keep the gate covered.”

We soon finish with that and leave Liberation. I offer her a back ride like I did with Citrine and she lets out a happy giggle while climbing on my back. “Are on on good and tight?” I ask her and she answers “Go as fast as you can wife, I’m ready.”

Opal’s body at Ruby’s Rest

“Ruby, you might want to put your shorts and my shirt back on, Amber and my other body are headed this way.” I tell her while stroking her hair. She sighs yet again, she’s doing that a lot today, but I can understand with what she just went through. “Okay, I’ll put my shorts on, but I’ve decided I’m okay with Sapphire and Amber knowing for now. So I’ll tell her when she gets here, I trust her.” she then stands up and shimmies on her shorts again, it looks uncomfortable. I wonder out loud “Will the guard uniform take it into account now and cover it up? I remember my shirt got bigger when my breasts were bigger from pregnancy. The shirt from then is still a bit baggy.” Ruby looks excited and says “It probably will change to cover it up, I’ll need to head to Liberation soon to get a new one.” I nod and then tell her what Citrine told me about leveling up the Armory for better gear. She says “So it will start giving us armor too? That’s useful, we should go ahead and use the orbs on the one in Liberation since it’s only a few dungeon runs to get enough for it.” That makes sense so I agree with her and she asks “Is Amber worried by the way, why is she coming?” I shake my head and say “She told me to keep it a surprise.” she gets a worried look, but then sits next to me again. “Okay Mom, we’ll wait here for her.”

About 30 minutes later

Amber comes into the room with my other body and then says “Off the bed Mom, go stand by yourself over there.” I go and stand with myself and Amber sits next to Ruby, who now has a worried face again. I see Amber notice Ruby’s giant penis sticking out of her short’s leg and cough. “When did you get a dick Sis?” Ruby shakes her head and says “I told mom not to tell anyone because I wasn’t ready yet, but I got it after mom killed that demon. I’d rather not talk about it right now, so why did you come to chat?” Amber sighs this time and starts by asking “Did you like mom and not tell me?” I see Ruby stiffen up and Amber says “Be honest, we don’t lie to family, that’s what Mom says.”

Ruby starts to explain “I do, and I did, but I knew you probably wanted to be with her more than I did. So I tried dating Tasha instead, that didn’t really work out. I’m sorry for hiding it from you two, but I wanted you to be happy.” Amber sits back a bit and asks “Tell me what you really feel about Mom then and be honest, it’s important.” Ruby straightens up and says looking at both of me “I love her more than anything, it’s hard on me sometimes trying to pretend I don’t want to touch her more or be around her more. The day we spent alone breastfeeding was so comforting that I’m sad I’ll have to wait to use it as an excuse to be alone with her again. I’ve grown a little jealous of you Amber and I feel dirty for it. You’re my sister and I’m glad you’re happy, I just wish I could be that happy too.” she finishes and then lowers her head, not looking at us. Amber asks another question “Would you want to marry Mom if it didn’t mean she’d stop being married to me?” Ruby with her face still looking at the floor answers “Of course, I’m sorry.” Amber laughs a bit and says “Don’t be sorry Sis, okay Mom, you can accept it.” I then focus on the yes option from the flatbox I got earlier. Ruby seems startled but then zones out seeing her own screen. I see her look up at me and then Amber with hopeful eyes and we both nod.



You have just gotten System married, may your marriage be blessed by both Father and Mother!!!

I see the message in just one of my visions and Ruby tackles me with a strong hug. “I love you mom.” I kiss her on her red lips and then pull back and say “Call me Opal or Wife now if you want.” I take my other body and sit down next to Amber grabbing her hand and she says “Okay we need to go over how this is going to work now.”

This is a note to get ahead of the possible questions and worries.

Opal will never grow a penis or learn tentacle magic that would give her similar usages. I've been planning this for Ruby from the start, but it's not suddenly going to turn into a harem novel. For those who want Opal to grow some man meat I can only apologize for dashing your hopes and dreams. I will be doing some chapters with a pov for Ruby where lewds will be involved, so not all hope is lost for those interested in such things. I hope everyone continues to enjoy my writing. :)

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