Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 48

-POV Miss Taylor-

Oh goodness me. I get up the dirt stairs and onto the platform so I can start healing the nice people, and what I see puts my heart into a flutter. Everyone is killing monsters that look like they would give the best cuddles. I have so many cute little glass pig figures at home, and these poor things don’t stand a chance. I understand that they are monsters and will try to eat us but their bodies are so… delicious. I keep trying to get my husband to gain weight but he’s been thin as a rail his whole life and no amount of added butter in his mashed potatoes has helped. Their muscular arms are nice, but its really their piggy bellies and cute sequels that make me want to do things I’d have to tell Father Armon about.

Lord forgive me for I am sinning in my head. I cast a heal on my sweet brother who is being grappled by one of the walking sex symbols. Should I go down there and hope they carry me away and do indecent things to my body? Oh Betty you’re so bad. I giggle to myself and then cross my heart. I love my husband so I would never, but they’re naked and some of them are sporting quite the package down there. They remind me of the actor in those adult films I found in my youth, I forget his name. Ah what I’d let them do to me.

Oops, I healed one of the orcs with a massive dick but I don’t think anyone noticed. Ah it ran back into the woods, flee my perfect specimen. I mean, oh no, one of them slipped away. I imagine going into the woods at night and something large steps out from behind a tree. It’s the orc I saved and he looks savage, he grabs me roughly and rips off my clothing. His bulky arms hold me down and his big belly rubs against me. He positions his dick in front of my… I heal my son, who got stuck between two of the orcs, he’s such a sincere boy. I wish I could get stuck between two of them.

-POV End-

I smash the skull of an ugly orc that tried to get behind my wife.

This is so much fun, its like some sort of present for getting married. Amber swingers her ax next to me and she looks amazing covered in the blood of our enemies. I realize now we shouldn’t have just taken off our dress before fighting. We should have taken off our lingerie too, it’s going to be ruined now. Naked is the easiest way to fight. I’d take off my bra and panties now in hopes that the blood could be washed out, but there are other people around now so it would be rude.

I watch as an orc manages to scratch at Amber’s chest and her bra gets destroyed. I smash the stupid orc. How are we going to get her a new one now, I’m pretty upset. Ohh I still haven’t put the pair for my other body on yet, so they are safe in my chest in the camp. For me of course, I don’t think the pair I’m wearing now is going to survive and I look amazing in them. Maybe Amber will get lucky and find her own later. I notice Jeff staring at Amber since she looks amazing while fighting, but he gets surrounded by orcs so I rush over to him. He gets a slash to his side, but gets a heal from somewhere and I’m able to smash the orcs on him.

A flaming orc runs into my back, probably set on fire by Steph. My bra falls off as I’m helping Jeff stand back up. His eyes go wide in surprise after seeing me protect him from a fire orc and then he blushes from embarrassment for having to be helped up. The strap must have been burned by the stupid flame orc, but at least I still have my panties. I turn around and go back to fight by my wife, this battle is so exhilarating I feel breezy!

-POV Jeffery-

Pink nipples and was that a womb tattoo? She has a giant hole burned in her panties and I can see her butt as she rushes off.

They’re married.

I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend.

-POV End-

The fight doesn’t end up lasting that long, since there were only a little over a hundred orcs. The only one with a different name over its head ran off when I wasn’t paying attention. We are dragging the orc bodies into the pit Tina and her kids made for another orc burning.

“Hey wife?” Amber says so I respond “Yes wife?”

She giggles and then takes something off of my head and shows it to me, gross, it’s an eye. She tosses it into the pit. “Thank you, it would have been embarrassing to walk around with that on my head all day.” I tell her. “Check me.” She requests in return while spinning. On her back is a severed orc penis, I don’t mention it but throw it into the pit for her. I wouldn’t want to know so I’ll assume she’s the same. Probably.

I see Tina walking off into the woods with Chair and I wonder what he could need our mud mage for, but I get distracted when Steph lights the orc pit. I hear Mr. Taylor saying something about the smell of bacon. He gets slapped in the head by his wife, it must be something I don’t understand. Sapphire says loudly from the gate “If you want to go to the stream to wash up we are leaving now, you can also use the well in camp to rinse off.”

I see Miss Taylor dragging the three men from her group into camp and I hear her brother say “Such a spoil sport.” I can understand what they’re saying but I don’t always know what they are talking about. The language skill is weird sometimes. Probably.

A few minutes later, I’m sitting in the stream next to Amber and say to Ruby. “That was a really fun wedding, I’m glad the orcs decided to attack.” and then I snuggle up closer to Amber and wiggle, dispersing some of the excitement from the battle. “It’s hard not to feel the same way Mom, I think a lot of us got some battle lust from you.” Ruby says while wiping herself off. “It was a pretty good wedding gift from the orcs.” Amber adds. So presents for weddings are a thing? Maybe.

I wonder if I could convince Amber to do another wedding with me in hopes that more orcs attack.

Amber starts humming so I close my eyes and lean against her. It’s getting dark so it’s not like having them open is helping much since clouds are covering the moon. I hear splashing and giggles coming from other groups of women in the stream. It’s not as relaxing as the hot water pool, but no one wanted to ruin it with blood and guts so this is still good.

My other body sits down on the other side of Amber and leans on her other shoulder. “I couldn’t find that special orc that got away.” I tell them, wash off my other body and then close it’s eyes too. I just relax like that for a few minutes until Amber stops humming for me or at me maybe, I haven’t asked about it. Maybe she hums for the same reasons I wiggle. “Hey Ruby, how are you doing by the way?” Amber asks “I’m doing okay, we weren’t together that long and I’ll be able to put it behind me once we take her to her old camp and husband.” She answers. “Sit in front of your sister.” I tell her, she looks at me and shrugs, moving to sit between Amber’s legs. I then start using all 4 of my hands to brush all the gross stuff out of her pretty red hair. “Let mommy take care of you sweetie.” I say to her and Amber starts helping but says “I married Mom, so does that make me your mom too now?” Ruby laughs and then responds “You wish sis.”

We finish cleaning up and head as a group back to camp, since it’s darker than usual because of the clouds I cast one of my light skills on a stick and use it to light our way. When we get back almost all of the women head to the Armory and we join them, even my other body’s guard uniform was ruined in the fighting. It almost feels like the orcs were specifically targeting our cloths. They are pretty dumb, so I wouldn’t put it past them.

I wiggle around in my new cloths, still a perfect fit. I’m so glad Amber was able to make me a guard, I do wonder though. Why does it not get an equip bonus, if it’s in the equip-able section but doesn’t give you anything, why use it? I ask Amber if she knows but she gets a thinking face. Luckily Tasha answers it for us “It’s so other people can see who was given the guard authority by the landowner. Or at least that’s what the smart people at my old camp thought.” Ruby speaks up, “That makes sense I guess, but couldn’t it just be a guard from a different camp?” Tasha shakes her head and then points above it “What do I say?” I look and tell her “-Human- Lvl 1, oh did you hit third tier? Congratulations!” Tasha blushes but then responds “Thank you, but that wasn’t my point, I currently have (Guard) equipped but it stopped showing up as Guard once Opal gained control of the camp. It’s a title that’s negated in other people’s territory. It’s the biggest reason people assumed it was to show authority in a territory.”

I wonder if there are other titles like guard that we can get just by appointing people with them. I ask Tasha and she says she doesn’t know any, but she hasn’t been to her camp in months. So we can ask them when we drop her off. Now with everyone dressed we start making the fire pits for food and my frogmen babies say they have to get back to the lake, since it’s annoying being in such a dry place for so long. I give them soft hugs and tell them I’ll visit for that Trade quest. Chair tells me he enjoyed the human’s strange mating customs, but I’m not sure what he means so I just nod along. The frogmen already think I’m dumb sometimes, better not cement the image.

We get the food cooking on chains again and the new people really like the pigs we end up cooking. I even see Miss Taylor trying to stuff more into her husbands mouth even though he mentions being full. I hope they are careful and he doesn’t explode or something. Amber asks me to follow her, so I get up and she leads me towards the gate.

She hugs my other body up on the gate and then we both jump down. “Keep a lookout for us.” she says and I get that she means with my body up on the gate. “What are we doing out here?” I ask her and she confesses “I’m hungry for.. your milk. We didn’t get to do it earlier and it’s been really tempting me all day.” I nod, remembering I did offer it before we got married and outside the gate no one would see us and expect my milk of being special. Probably.

So she sits down and motions for me to sit on her lap, I give her a look since I’m heavy and she rolls her eyes at me and explains “Just kneel down on your knees and face me.” so I get down on my knees, placing them on either side of her legs. She lifts up my shirt and then places her cute lips around my nipple. I can feel her sucking and it feels good. She then pulls back and I hear her say “Hmm” and then she moves to my other breast and starts sucking on it’s nipple. It feels so good that I moan. She unfortunately pulls her lips off of me again and sighs saying “You aren’t making any more milk right now Mom, I guess you have to be pregnant or something.” Well that really stops a lot of our plans for using it to make her and her sisters stronger. I’m also not going to get my nipples sucked. Maybe.

I ask “Do you think you could suck on my nipples for me anyways?”

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