Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 42

I walk out into the light of day and hear a few excited shouts, so I put down the chest and get tackled by two bodies.

They of course aren’t able to knock me over, but I look and see my daughter Jessica, she’s one of my daughters that didn’t get Firm so I hope she’s okay after that hit. I also see Daria, Amber’s daughter, and they are both hugging me. I hear them say “Mom!” and “Grandma!” while they squeeze me, so I wrap my arms around them a little and try to assure them “I’m okay now sweeties, I’m fine see?” They then pull back and see my naked, cum and blood covered body… Oh yeah, I didn’t think that through did I? “You don’t look fine Mom.” Jessica says and grabs my hand, dragging me up the stairs with the help of Daria. I walk with them since actually dragging me up the stairs doesn’t sound fun.

I see a large group of my family when I get to the top, almost everyone is here, and I see Amber, Ruby and Sapphire coming from the direction of the gate. I remember hearing them talk about having to guard it while I was locked up and an insane person. Everyone looks like they are about to come hug pile me so I put up my hands to stop them “At least let Sapphire clean me first, I don’t want to ruin all your pretty uniforms.” then I hear a lot of “Hurry up Mom needs hugs!” and Amber doesn’t wait, just tackling me, she’s able to knock me over though. I guess she’s not my weak little baby anymore.

Neither of us is hurt when we hit the dirt so I just hug her and kiss her forehead. “I missed you too sweetie. Sorry Sapphire you’re going to have to clean both of us.”

I feel clean, no longer coated in red and white fluids and hear Sapphire shout “Stupid Mom, don’t you know how much we were worried trying to get you out? Both of you are grounded for the rest of the day, and no more going places alone.” Ruby then tries to pull me up, so I help her by standing, Amber is already up and cleaned again as well. Ruby says “I agree with Sapphire Mom, no one should be going anywhere alone anymore, there are enough of us and it’s too much of a risk.” Amber says “Now stand there and take your punishment hugs. Everyone line up to hug Mom, try not to be too greedy since you’ll have people in line behind you.” they then all listen to Amber and make a disorganized line and I spend the next half hour making sure all my babies know I’m fine now. I don’t feel all better but it helps a lot.

I then bring the chests and other stuff I got last night and this morning up the stairs to show everyone. I give the mana regeneration ring to Daria like I had planned, which gets me another hug and a kiss on the cheek. I ask who doesn’t have a weapon yet and would like a spear, and hand out those. The biggest reaction is when I get to the big chest and open it. It’s not the sword on top though. “Are those blankets and pillows?” I hear someone yell, so I toss the 3 pillows to people since I don’t want them getting dirty on the ground. Sapphire ends up with one, but she may have stolen it from one of her daughters. Maybe.

I then pull out the two blankets and show them off saying “These are for the cuddle pile at night, try not to get them dirty.” I then put them back in the chest, to avoid messing them up, but I see a lot of eyes staring at the box. I hand the monster orb to Jessica since she’s my weakest daughter right now so she could probably use the extra Credits. I ask who wants the sword, but the daughters tell me that Sue should get it, she’s apparently been helping everyone a lot, getting a few more battle boars for people, and cheering them up when I was captured. I should thank her then.

I show off my dresses and even put one on, that reminds me, I should let my other body out of the pillory after this. Amber claims the rings I got from the orc, and since she didn’t get anything yet, I don’t see a problem with it. She asks for the other dress too, but she already got the rings so I can safely turn her down. I want it for my other body of course, and although she is close to me in body shape, I’m going to be selfish. Sara, Ruby’s daughter, dashes my hopes though and asks for it saying “I haven’t gotten anything yet Grandma, can I have it pleeeaaaase?” With big round eyes. I hand it to her since it’s beyond my willpower as a grandmother. There are still a bunch of orbs from my earlier dungeon fights last night, but I’m going to be absorbing them so we can get the Quest Board faster.

Amber offers to be the one to let me out of the pillory and takes off in that direction.

Sapphire and Ruby both tell me I can’t go into the dungeon anymore today, and I agree. I don’t feel like going back in there anyways right now. As I’m absorbing the last orb, Ruby comes up to me and asks “Can we talk somewhere? It’s about Tasha.” I agree and ask if she’s okay with going to the stream with me. I know I’m clean from my daughters skill, but I just want to wash myself off. I don’t tell Ruby that though, since it sounds silly. She brings Sara along too, and we head that way.

Once we get to the stream I take off my new dress and place it down safely on a large rock nearby. As I get in, Ruby and Sara join me in the cool stream. Ruby sighs and says “You two should know that Tasha ended up telling me last night that she’s actually married to a man who’s probably still alive in the survivor camp she came from. She says she still loves him, more than anyone here.” she winces and then continues “But she was too afraid to leave the safety of our group to go back. She says she thinks of all of us like family, and apologized to me for agreeing to go exclusive. She says she was and still is scared and found being around me comforting.” she sighs deeply again. “I believe her too, I’m sad and it feels like she was using me, but I know it would be childish to do anything about it. Sara, it’s up to you if you want to forgive her, but I still think she’s a good person. Mom I wanted to ask your help.”

It doesn’t sound like she’s very happy right now so I scoot closer and put my arm around her, rubbing her back. “What do you need my help with sweetie?” I ask her, and she says. “Sue, Tina and Steph have said they will stay with us here, since we are their family now and they want to live with their daughters and granddaughters. Tasha though, wants to go back to her old camp and see if her husband will take her back. She’s worried he’ll think she’s soiled but the beating I gave her seems to have given her some courage.” she leans against my shoulder and continues “You are the strongest of us Mom, so I want you to come with us and keep me safe while we drop her off. It could also be a good opportunity to set up a relationship with a nearby Player base, so you should be there as the Landowner.” I think about it, but everything she said makes sense. I can always leave my other body here to help protect our camp, and I’d worry if those two went alone.

“I’ll gladly help you take her back, I think you’re too good for someone that weak anyways.” I kiss the top of her head and say “Love you sweetie” she sniffles and responds “Love you too Mom, and you Sara, get over here and join us.” Sara then happily sits on the other side of Ruby and we all soak in the stream for a while. It’s nice.

I ask Ruby what that bracer ended up doing, so she tells me laughing “It turns the wearers hair white, Stephanie practically promised to sell me one of her children for it, but I just gave it to her. I like my hair, it’s how Mom gave me my name after all. Imagine if I was named Ruby and had white hair, ridiculous.” Sara chimes into the conversation with “Auntie Steph told us she always thought white hair was cool in the shows she watched, but I couldn’t really understand what she was talking about. Maybe something like the screens the system gives us. She was really happy though.” Then I tell them, “You know, Steph was the first friend I ever made, so I’m glad she found something fun.” Which reminds me so I whisper in Ruby’s ear, hoping Sara can’t hear me “I also got some pretty white bras and panties, that I didn’t take out of the box to show everyone. You, Amber and Sapphire are all going to get a pair, but don’t tell anyone.” Her eyes go wide and she whispers “Really?” and I nod, she jumps out of the stream and says “We have stuff to do back at camp, come on let’s hurry.” Sara gives me a confused look, so I think we’re safe.

Back at the camp now, one of my bodies is standing at the top of the stairs to the dungeon, looking around to make sure no one is nearby. Down the stairs in front of the Dungeon door are Sapphire, Ruby, Amber and myself. I pull out a pair of the lingerie and show it off, they all get sparkles in their eyes and I hand the fist pair to Sapphire and she quickly starts disrobing. I hand one more pair each to the other two and we all start getting naked. I’m left with 2 pair, one for each body. We all get them on, and get help adjusting the straps since we all have slightly different sized breasts. It’s not perfect for everyone, but we all sigh in amazement at our sexiness, spinning around and wiggling. We all giggle and Amber says, “I think the guard uniforms should cover all of this, so we can just wear it under them.” They all put on their uniforms and sure enough the sexy bra and panties are hidden under the shirts and shorts. Sapphire laughs loudly and wiggles just like her mom. Ruby shifts a bit and says, “The bra is too big I think, it’s kind of uncomfortable, someone else should take it as a backup. I’ll just keep the panties.” and then takes her shirt and bra off, puts the bra back in the chest and then puts her top back on.

My body at the top of the stairs see’s Ruby’s daughters coming towards us, probably looking for Ruby for something. So we all adjust our cloths and leave the stairwell, in a very not suspicious manner. Probably.

This chapter was much easier and more fun to write than the last two, it came out of my brain a lot faster. So I will be rethinking some of my story boarding. Don't worry, it's stuff down the line a bit, so my releases shouldn't be affected :)

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