Film and TV: Obtain Alpha Dog at the beginning

Chapter 728 Opening Ceremony

On the first day of August in the third year of Zhenguan, the three villages in Qinhao's fiefdom in Wannian County were full of people.

The men on the ridges of the fields were swinging their hoes vigorously. In the scorching sun, sweat was seeping out and falling from their skins, but there was no look of pain on the faces of these men.

When the hoe digs up the soil, the round, yellow spherical objects are so endearing. For foreigners like them, these potatoes are not only food, but also their hope for survival.

After two months, the wasteland reclaimed by the victims finally produced the first crop of food. The faces of all the victims showed their expectation for a better life in the future. They were no longer the walking zombies lying on the roadside waiting to die. From the moment they were allowed to enter Zhuangzi, a seed called hope had quietly taken root and sprouted in their hearts.

"Everyone, please work hard. The Lord said that half of the output of this wasteland will be given to the farm, and the other half will be our own. With this food, we can settle down here."

"Yes, we met the Living Bodhisattva. We only charge half of the rent. After three years of farming, the land is ours. In the future, the rent can be reduced by another 20%. If we work for a few years and find a wife, those days will be beautiful. Very cool."

"Haha, Zhang Aniu has just had enough to eat for a few days, and you are thinking about marrying your mother-in-law."

"Why, you don't want to?"

At this time, a man with a tall stature and extraordinary abilities was watching this scene on the hillside on the other side.

"Du Aiqing, what do you think of Qin County Man's place?"

Although Du Ruhui was a little wary of Qin Hao, he couldn't help but praise at this time: "It's so full of life, it's hard to imagine that two months ago this place was still full of disaster victims."

Li Shimin stroked his beard with satisfaction: "Well, Qin Aiqing has the talent to govern the world."

"It's a pity that these two brothers don't seem to be very interested in official titles."

This is also the thing that depresses Li Shimin the most. As a person who regards becoming an emperor throughout the ages as his lifelong pursuit, Li Shimin has requirements for himself. If he wants to leave a mark in the history books, he must be good at both civil and martial arts. Only the results will be enough.

Li Shimin also knew very well that it would be unrealistic for him to govern the huge Tang Empire by himself. He needed helpers, especially talents like Qin Hao and Yun Ye who did not come from aristocratic families.

However, neither Yun Ye nor Qin Hao cared much about court affairs. Li Shimin basically didn't ask them for advice. They were too lazy to go to the palace and only showed up once a month at the court meeting. Face.

This inevitably made Li Shimin feel a sense of frustration. Could it be that he was not wise enough to allow such a talented person to truly join him?

Just when Li Shimin was stunned, Qin Hao had also received the news of Li Shimin's arrival. The dealers did not know Li Shimin's true identity. They only knew that he was a distinguished guest that even the lords respected. From the moment they entered the village, someone had to report them. .

"His Majesty."

Qin Hao was about to salute when Li Shimin held his arm: "Today I leave the palace incognito, so Qin Aiqing doesn't need to be polite."


Li Shimin pulled Qin Hao to the hillside and pointed to the victims who were digging potatoes.

"Qin Aiqing, how do you plan to resettle these victims?"

Qin Hao said seriously: "This matter naturally depends on the arrangement of the imperial court. If the imperial court wants them to return to their place of origin, I will convert the cultivated land into money and give it to them as travel expenses home. If the imperial court does not force it, then let them do it." If you are willing to stay, please report to Wannian County to arrange registration."

"I think these people will all choose to stay, right?" Li Shimin said calmly.

Qin Hao did not answer the question, but looked at the victims and said with emotion.

"It's hard to leave your homeland. If you really can't survive, who would be willing to leave your hometown?"

Li Shimin was also very sad when he heard this: "Yes, the most precious thing for the people is the land. I have already made them lose their land once, and I cannot let them lose it again."

After finishing speaking, he said solemnly to the civil servants behind him.

"From now on, we will issue a notice to calm the people. If any of the disaster victims want to return to their hometowns, the government will pay them travel expenses. After returning to their place of residence, the government will be responsible for distributing seeds. If there is unowned farmland, it will be redistributed after government statistics. , if the disaster victims do not want to return to their hometown, they can choose to settle down on their own, and no one can force them!"

Throughout the dynasties, in the face of natural disasters, population has been a burden to the court. However, once the disaster has passed, population has become a resource. When officials from various places evaluate and rate, one of the most important indicators is the increase in registered population. Naturally, the government will inevitably take advantage of these disaster victims.

This is not like modern times. Each city needs the Eight Immortals to show their magical powers across the sea and improve welfare benefits to attract people to settle. In ancient times, it was often a piece of official document. The victims were sent back to their place of origin, and these devastated victims had to embark on the journey of exile again. road.

Even if they return to their original household registration, there is no food and the land is barren. The victims have no choice but to sell their land to landlords at a low price in exchange for some life-saving food, and then become tenants and slaves to the landlords for generations.

Of course, most of the victims are still willing to return to their place of origin. After all, not everyone is as lucky as Zhang Aniu and others to meet Qin Hao. During the locust plague, most of the victims can only survive on the government porridge. Once the government porridge If they withdraw, they will have no choice but to starve to death. They might as well return to their hometown, even if they become tenants, they can still live, right?

In September, the locust plague that had been raging for nearly three months finally dissipated. The lifespan of locusts is generally only two or three months. Since last month, news of large numbers of natural deaths of locusts have been reported from various places. Until this time, In August, there was finally no news of large-scale locust gatherings in the Guanzhong area.

Li Shimin could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The victims who gathered outside Chang'an City began to evacuate one after another. For them, this was actually good news. The imperial court gave them travel expenses and food rations. Although it was not much, saving some food could still support them until they returned home.

However, Wannian County and Chang'an County have completely different scenes. Except for a very small number of victims who are unable to leave their hometown, most of the victims have chosen to stay. The two county magistrates of Wannian County and Chang'an County should be regarded as such. During the locust plague, there were only a few officials who benefited. Not only did they shine in disaster relief, but after the disaster was over, they were able to expand a large number of people. The official rating at the end of the year must be at least excellent.

Zhang Aniu took his younger brother to the main book.


"Zhang Aniu."

"Where are you originally from?"

"Chencang County"

"Do you want to voluntarily enroll in Wannian County?"

"Yes, I am willing."

"Okay, just put your fingerprint on this household registration book, and come to the county office in a few days to get your photo."

"Thank you, Master Guan. Where is my brother, Master Guan?"

"Are they brothers?"


"Do you still have parents at home?"

"No, they're all starving to death."

"Then you are the head of the household. What is your brother's name?"

"Zhang Erhu."

"Okay, you can also take your fingerprints and you will be naturalized."

Seven days later, Zhang Tieniu and his brother received their Chang'an County household registration photos, which meant that they were already residents of Chang'an County. They couldn't help crying with joy.

"Er Hu, let's go home. I'll bake potatoes for you."

"Well, brother, I want to eat two."

"Okay, I'll bake you two big ones and serve them with a bowl of wild vegetable porridge."


It was already sunset when the two brothers left the county government office. The two of them, one tall and one short, were walking on the field ridge of Zhuangzi, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, taking happy and firm steps towards home.

On September 15th, Qin Hao got up early and rode Chiyue all the way to Chang'an County.

Today is the day when Gewuyuan holds its opening ceremony. As a teacher and school director, he naturally has to be there.

Originally, Yun Ye's plan was to set the start of school on September 1st, but Yuan Tiangang made some calculations and found that September 1st was not an auspicious day, so he proposed to postpone it.

Yun Ye scoffed at this, but Li Gang and other teachers unanimously sided with Yuan Tiangang this time.

Yun Ye was alone and could only complain to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao rolled his eyes when he heard this: 'Can your bad taste be more obvious? This is the Tang Dynasty, not modern times. ’

Yun Ye lowered his head dejectedly. In fact, these days, he discovered a problem that he couldn't let go of for a long time.

He seems to have accepted his current identity as the head of the Yun family, Baron of the Tang Dynasty, grandma's grandson, and brother of four little girls.

"Brother, you also know that I have the worst memory. I am afraid that one day I will really forget where I come from. I want to leave some marks for future generations."

Qin Hao sighed and patted Yun Ye's back comfortingly.

"The master who taught me martial arts once told me that a martial artist only has the path in front of him and no body behind him. Since there is no way back, he should be brave and diligent and move forward."

Yun Ye smiled bitterly: "I understand the truth, but I just can't completely convince myself."

Qin Hao did not try to persuade him anymore. After these days of getting along, Yun Ye seemed to be such a naughty person, but it was precisely because of this that he seemed so real, just like Zhang Wuji, the protagonist of Jin Yong's "The Story of Heaven and Dragon Sword", even though he was He possesses peerless martial arts skills, but in essence he is just an ordinary person who is indecisive.

The sound of Chiyue's horse's hooves trampled on the cement road, kicking and kicking, and had arrived at the main entrance of the college.

At this time, there was already a lot of traffic at the entrance of the college. The first batch of students in the Gewu Academy were all noble children from Chang'an City. Li Shimin even brought his two sons, Li Tai and Li Ke, to the college. It is conceivable that these dandy children The scene is so scary.

Li Tai and Li Ke relied on their status as princes to bring servants into the academy, but when Niu Jinda and Li Gang both appeared, they could only stand aside and listen to the training.

"The college stipulates that everyone needs to take care of their own food, clothing, and daily life from the moment they enroll. Servants in the college's important areas are not allowed to enter. The first offender will receive a 30-year ban, and the second offender will be confined for three days, and the third offender will be directly expelled from the school!"

With the intimidation of Niu Jinda and Li Gang, these dandy boys could only reluctantly walk lightly and enter the college gate with their baggage.

As the gate of the college closes, the opening ceremony of a closed college officially begins.

There are a total of sixty-three formal students in the college. According to the standards of later generations, they only make up two classes. However, it was not a small number in the Tang Dynasty. Elite education had actually been implemented in ancient China, and it can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period.

There are only six teachers for now.

In addition to Qin Hao and Yun Ye, Li Gang teaches classics, which is Confucianism, Niu Jinda is a physical education teacher, Yuan Tiangang barely teaches geography, and there is also an old gentleman who teaches law, which is Dafa. Tang Lv, judging from the books, actually has a shadow of a later school.

"Boy Yun, you are the founder of the college. It is you who should deliver the speech at the opening ceremony." Although Li Gang was unanimously elected as the college's headmaster, that is, the principal, he had no intention of competing with Yun Ye for power. As the teacher of princes and princesses, he came to teach at the academy not for fame and fortune.

Yun Ye subconsciously looked at Qin Hao, Qin Hao gave him an encouraging look, and then Yun Ye slowly walked towards the podium.

"Students, I believe you are all very curious about what Gewuyuan teaches and what you can learn from here."

People in the audience, such as Li Tai, Li Ke, Li Huairen, and Cheng Chumo, were already very familiar with Yun Ye. They usually regarded him as brothers, but this was the first time they had seen Yun Ye look so serious.

Yun Ye paused and continued: "The so-called investigation of things to achieve knowledge is to explore the principles of all things in the world and find the laws within them for my use."

"For example, extracting edible fine salt from toxic salt mines is a relatively simple application of Gewu."

Li Gang and Niu Jinda looked at each other, with happy smiles on their faces. Even though Yun Ye was usually so carefree, which made people want to kick him in the face, if he really wanted to be serious, he was relatively reliable.

Sure enough, when Yun Ye talked about making salt, these dandy boys became interested. After all, this was a great achievement that could directly grant Li Shimin a knighthood. If they could learn it, could they also be knighted?

Except for a few exceptions such as Cheng Chumo, most of them are the second sons or concubines of the noble family. According to the ancient system, they have no inheritance rights.

Yun Ye's words made the dandy boys present have a slight interest in the future class.

According to the class schedule, the first class was given to them by Li Gang, which was regarded as a Chinese class. Teachers Qin Hao and Yun Ye were also in the class to observe. As a great Confucian of the time, Li Gang's understanding of Confucianism was unquestionable, and his teaching The level was also extremely high, even Qin Hao listened with great interest.

The duration of a class is half an hour, which is one hour, and then there is a break of half an hour, mainly because 45 minutes was difficult to calculate in ancient times.

The second class was Qin Hao's turn. Originally, this class was supposed to be taught by Yun Ye, but this kid insisted that Qin Hao was his senior brother. There was no reason for the junior brother to get ahead of his senior brother. To put it bluntly, this kid just had some Coward.

Just when the class bell rang, Li Shimin took Queen Changsun, Du Ruhui, and Fang Xuanling into the academy quietly.

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