Chapter 196: The Palace of Twisted Curses... Part-1.
Adamantine and Mithril are such rare items that there are only three places in the game where you can get them.
One is the main gate of the First King's palace, the second is the First King's throne, and the third is the First King's very own magic wand.
Yeah! All three pieces of the adamantine and mithril mixed up together can all be found in this palace alone!
You literally have to travel all the way from the surface to this palace located deep in the Abyss Altar Area just to get your hands on these legendary rank items.
In the history of this world, it is said that this world has always lacked in terms of legendary metals, and they are extremely rare.
Even the First King only found these three pieces from his three-decade-long journey of wandering in the whole solar system.
There might be more of them, but it would take decades or even centuries just to search through the whole solar system if you want to find more of them.
It is said that these rare items formed when 'Mana' first descended in this world and the 'law' of the world collided violently with the 'law' of 'Mana'.
In other words, the amount of these legendary metals is finite in the world as the 'Law' of 'Mana' has long been fully integrated in the world, and there will be no more collision between the laws of the world on that scale.
Even these three pieces here are not pure adamantine and mithril; they are mixed up together heavily and can't be separated; this metal is more like an alloy made out of adamantine and mithril.
'Doesn't matter if it's an alloy or a pure metal; these legendary metals are definitely what I need…'
Creating a stable wormhole is not a child's play; you need powerful and strong metals that can hold its main frame in place without getting torn apart by the power of the wormhole.
Nothing can do it better than this alloy made out of two legendary metals.
[Basic Magic: Mana Interruption!]
First Jareth used mana singularity to boost his magic, then he used mana interruption to break the powerful protective barrier on the walls.
[Grade-5 Fire Magic: Concentrated Fire Beam!]
Then he used a fire beam to destroy the 'Joints' in the wall that were keeping the giant door firm in place.
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The wall is not made out of Adamantine and Mithril after all; it can be destroyed easily.
The reason why this wall and door stood unharmed up until now was because it was being protected by powerful magic barriers; if not for that, the monsters would have broken the wall and the door would have fallen easily.
'Tch, the irony… Even if you cross the illusion barrier successfully, you won't get entry inside the palace grounds…'
The walls themselves were being protected by the same barriers that are keeping this massive underground cave intact.
So, obviously, the barrier was so strong that even grade 1 mages will not be able to get inside unless they have a legendary skill's support like him, and you can't even put a scratch on this door unless you have the power of a 'Law' helping you out.
In other words, even if you make it to the palace grounds after all that effort, unless you are already as strong as the First King himself, you won't be able to get inside without permission.
The rotting corpses on the 'Golden Path' that explode on your face likely belong to the people who died in despair when they didn't get entry into the palace even after going through all the trouble of coming here.
Even Jareth, himself would have needed a lot of time to destroy the barrier if he only had the support of 'Mana Singularity'.
The reason why he was able to burn right through the magic barrier is because his flames are blessed by the 'Law' of 'True Flames'; in theory, his flames can burn anything and everything if he can master them to the utmost peak level.
The door fell down with a loud noise as Jareth broke their supporting walls.
Without wasting any time, Jareth stuffed those two giant doors into his own system space so that he doesn't have to carry them on his back.
'Another goal accomplished…'
Although Jareth was still quite confused about how the people from 'False Dome Cult' got inside the palace grounds without breaking this door, he was also happy that they didn't actually do so.
After all, if they really had the capability to break through by force like him, they would have definitely taken this door with them; no one will let go of such a precious item like this after all.
'Alas, the staff of the first kind and that throne might have been taken away by them though…'
Only this main door is protected by such a strong barrier; the throne and the staff are both defenseless; if the False Dome Members did come here, they likely already took them both away.
Although Jareth hopes they haven't done so yet, he won't be too disappointed if he doesn't find them.
'Forget it; at least I have this part with me; they can't create 'that' weapon as long as I have the last piece of the adamantine and mithril alloy in my hands…'
Unlike Jareth, who wants to use this alloy to create a stable wormhole, this alloy can be used to create powerful weapons too.
In the game, if you use all three pieces, you can create the 'Prototype God-Slaying armament' with them.
That weapon can be of any shape and size after forging; it could be a sword or even a bow and arrow. This type of weapon was added to the especially so that the player can have at least a little bit of chance to slay 'Konda' The Terror.
Although these can't be called true 'God-Slaying' weapons, they can indeed hold their own against weaker opponents like Konda, for example, but not against an entity beyond that level.
Even with these world-class weapons, you can barely do decent damage to endgame bosses like Konda.
So, it's no surprise that the few final bosses were a bit too high in difficulty.
Walking inside the palace grounds, all Jareth saw were corpses littered everywhere, not a single soul alive.
'These are likely the corpses of the maids or servants and the people who used to work in the palace…'
People outside hoped that they would find a safe haven if they somehow got inside the palace.
But the reality was completely different.
The palace actually has ten times denser miasma inside it, and the environment inside the palace is even more polluted and deadly than its outside.
The palace ground is only lower than the core area of the forgotten city in terms of miasma density; otherwise, it has such insane miasma density that not even those hideous monsters can survive in here.
The primary issue with entering the palace grounds is that merely standing here begins to diminish your health.
Yes! The miasma here is so dense that it can ignore all defenses, including the mana barrier, to directly affect the player character and slowly chip away at the health of the player character.
Fortunately, Jareth's mana barrier is enhanced with 'Mana Singularity; otherwise, the miasma would have totally ignored his mana shield and had started to corrupt him too.
'Tch, the mana consumption increased by ten times in an instant…'
Although the miasma was not able to affect him, the mana shield's consumption increased tremendously when Jareth came in contact with such dense miasma.
'Sigh, this is going to be a very tedious task…'
Right now Jareth is feeling quite fortunate that he fought Konda above ground where Miasma wasn't present.
If Jareth had to fight Konda in such a dense, miasma-filled environment, even he would have run out of mana and would have died a horrible death.
After all, there's no mana in the air; he wouldn't have been able to keep fighting Konda for three days like he did above ground without a constant supply of mana.
In those three days, Jareth consumed so much mana that if counted in terms of mana potions, he would have emptied out the whole inventory of ten battalions of the army easily.
*Step* *Step*
Sensing that the situation was at a disadvantage, Jareth hurried up his pace. He jumped to avoid those rotting corpses and avoided all the miasma-filled puddles along the way.
Walking on the main path and ignoring the weird-looking mutated flowers and trees that were rampaging in the gardens nearby, Jareth headed straight for the door to the main hallway.
The main hallway is the one that leads to the 'Grand Hall of Heroes', where the throne of the First King and the seats of all the heroes and subordinates of the King are located in one place.
Every extra second spent here inside the palace wastes a lot of mana out of him, so he picked up his pace, ignored all unnecessary details, and headed straight for the throne.
Along the way, he noticed that the golden walls of the palace have all lost their shine and luster.
Now pitch-black miasma has taken hold of all the walls and floors in the hall.
Instead of a palace of hope, this place now looks more like a haunted palace where demons and evil spirits may hide.
*WWWAAAHHHH* *waaahhhhh*
As Jareth kept going deeper, the loud wails of the cursed evil spirits started to ring out in the palace loudly.
Those voices were filled with several mixed emotions, like suffering, pain, hatred, and anger.
If someone below grade 2 hears these wails, they will immediately go insane and lose their 'will' to these spirits.