Fake Professor, Misunderstood As Strong

Chapter 190: The Nest... Part-5.

After going through those similar looking traps for three whole times Jareth finally arrived at a more deeper area.

He brought out a mana potion from his space ring and drank it to replenish his mana to full capacity again.

It's already been nearly a day since Jareth entered the Abyss Altar Area, and he's been using mana constantly ever since.

Not only defeating thousands of monsters but avoiding the traps also cost him a lot of mana as he had to use it at maximum output.

'To think even someone with 'Mana Singularity' will need mana potions… it's quite hilarious…'

Using mana singularity, you can literally command the mana in the atmosphere to enter your body and replenish your mana supply endlessly.

But right now, Jareth is in a place that is filled with miasma and corruption.

Miasma and Mana are both completely opposite forces, they repel each other like crazy and can't stand each other's existence in the slightest.

Thus, all the mana in this place was likely repelled away by miasma and now there's only miasma and corruption in the atmosphere.

Thus, Jareth can't replenish his mana from the air as it's all polluted with miasma, he has to use mana potions that he brought with himself to replenish his own mana.

Moreover, Jareth's mana is insandely dense and pure, it takes quite a few high grade potoins for him to fully replenish his mana, while ordinary grade-2 mages only need to drink half the bottle of a high grade mana replenishment potion to replenish all of their mana.

'I guess everything has it's advantages and disadvantages, there's nothing in the world that is completely perfect…'

Jareth shook his head and stopped worrying about this matter.

He already knew that he would be needing a lot of mana potions in the Abyss Alter Area, so he brought a lot of them with him.

Aside from a few important things, his whole space ring is nearly filled with mana replenishment potions to the brim.

'Here it is…'

After crossing those three similar trap filled pathways, Jareth reached a corridor whose floor was slightely tilted downwards and it's end was completely dark.

There was no glowing stones here, this corridor seemed completely dark and everything was pitch black because even the walls here were tainted with miasma.

Instead of increasng the intensity of his Glowing mana orb, Jareth stopped using it entirely and made the area even darker.

Then he took his step and tried his best to be as quiet as possible.

He even used his mana singularity to completely suppress the mana fluctuations produced by himself.

As Jareth has a strong physquie, his eyesight is also very good, he can still vaguely see the path ahead even when everything was pitch black.

By putting himself in complete stealth mode and suppressing his presence to near the level of completely erasing it, Jareth entered the dark corridor.

If it was bright enough, it would have been much easier to tell that the walls here in this dark corridor are not similar to the other corridors that Jareth has been to before.

The walls here have snake like scales all over them and the walls are constantly trembling from time to time as if they are alive and can move on their own.

'Created from the corpses of thousands of humans who were turned into serpent like mutants, these walls are partially allive…'

There are many souls trapped in these walls which are being constantly tormented and used as fuelt to power up the trembling sensation that the wall gives when you try to touch he wall and sense the vibration.

'This is where the real inner area of the nest starts…'

The first King obviously didn't make this hedious place that has used corpses as construction material, he was not that kind of person.

It's not that Jareth doesn't want to help these stuck souls, it's just that he doesn't have any time or motivation to do so.

Moving in a stealth way is the only fastest way out of this corridor.

If he stopped using stealth and made any unneccasrry noise here, then the ceiling above him will start to leak miasmic mud in large quantities.

Before long, the whole corridor will be submerged in miasmic mud and Jareth will have to literally swim inside that miasmic mud to cross this place.

That will cause him to use his mana shield at 'Overload' state where he will lose a lot of mana just to defend against such dense amount of miasma.

The biggest problem with the 'Pathway of Fools' is that there's no 'save point' in between.

In the game, whenever your character dies, you will have to start the whole 'Path of Fools' from the very start.

In other words, unless you make it past all traps and problems in one go, all your efforts will go down the drain in an instant and you will lose your progress.

Still, in the game the character can revive and give it a second try, but Jareth has only one life afterall, he can't risk it.

He needs to do everything perfectly in the very first try, otherwise his mission will fail.

In the game, you could just do everything all over again and the traps and areas will be reset again.

But's that's not possible in reality, It will take several hours for the miasmic mud to clear away from this dark corridor naturally if Jareth made a mistake here even once.

He will need to wait for several hours before he can go for the second try after the miasmic mud in the corridor settles down.

Jareth doesn't have that much time to waste, so he was being as cautions as possible.

He completely ignored everything else and made his way down.

The dark corridor alone was about two kilometers long and it took Jareth about ten minutes to pass through it as he was being extremely cautious and steady all along.

After bypassing the dark corridor, Jareth finally heaved a sigh of relief and calmed down his tensed nerves.

Walking out of the dark corridor, Jareth arrived at a wide room where seven stairscases were located.

Three of them were going upwards, while the rest of the four were going downwards.

'This one is unavoidable…'

All seven of these staircases are random, any of them could be the right one or any of them could be the wrong one.

If it's a wrong one, it will lead to a dead end and will waste your efforts, worst case scenario it will directly teleport you to the starting place of the 'Path of Fools'.

Which means if you didn't enter the right one and got teleported wrongly, you will have to start all over again from the begining.

The name 'Pathway of Fools' is no mere joke, it's an actual fact, unless you have brain damage and have nothing better to do in life, you won't try to complete this unfair and highly punishing quest.

[Mana Command: Mana flow visibility enhancement!]

[Basic Magic: Maximum Output: Mana Detection!]

[Active Healing!]

Jareth commanded the mana to make the flow of mana of various things in a radius of five kilometers more easily visible to him.

Then he used his mana detection at maximum output to read that easier mana flow and finally he used Active Healing to provide healing support to his brain.

Processing so much knowledge and so may flow patterns of mana is no simple task.

It puts a massive burden on your brain, if Jareth didn't have 'Active Heal' he would have needed a few days to recover from the brain damage sustained from analysing so much information in such insane details.

At this moment, Jareth was literally spreading his own mana in the area and then seeing how the mana will react with the miasma inside different things and places.

This way he can create a rough mental map of the area.

Although this will cost a lot of mana, atleast it can eliminite the un-predictibility of the staircases.

With this method, Jareth can figure out which staircase is the right one.

Although this method wouldn't have been feasible in the game, it is very much feasible in the real world as the 'Laws' and mechanisms in this world are very complete and thorough.

Jareth opened his mana detection for only a few minutes and then stopped using it.

He calmed down his brain and let it heal for a few seconds before finally smiling a bit.

He glanced at the leftmost staircase that was heading deeper and walked towards it without hesitation.

Only this staircase doesn't lead to a dead end.

Rest of the staircase all lead to dead ends located three to five kilometers from here.

'Good thing I preapared for everything beforehand…'

Jareth shook his head and headed downstairs with the same usual cold look on his face.

He needed to descend about three thousand stairs before he could finally cross it.

After half an hour, Jareth found himself standing in a massive hall.

A gigantic flower plant was growing inside that massive hall.

The flower on the stem of the plant alone was so big that it was five times the size of Jareth's whole body.

'And here's the mini-boss of the area…'

As stated before, everytime you die, you have to start all over from the begining, in other words, if you died to this boss, all your efforts to reach this place will be lost.

Although the whole 'Pathway of Fools' has no enemies in it, there's still a final mini-boss that you must defeat if you want to access the next area. Experience more content on My Virtual Library Empire

'The Developers of this game can never beat the allegations that they are all sadistic piece of sh*ts who take enjoyment in other's suffering…'

Putting a boss mosnter right after a horrendous path and no save points in between, if this isn't something meant for Fools with no life then who else is it for?

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