Chapter 347: Talk With Silver
(Jason's POV)
"I'll see you later, Mavis..." I said as leaned into her and kissed her on the cheek, "I got stuff to do."
She gave me a warm smile, "Okay~"
We were in the middle of the street in Magnolia. To them, Mavis and I were gone for a couple of minutes, thirty at max. But we were having sex for a couple of hours inside the Workshop.
It was beautiful, I really enjoyed it, I don't know why.
I turned around and took a couple of steps before she called out for me.
"J-Jason!" She said
I turned to see her, she was holding her hands behind her back while blushing.
"Hm?" I said
"Uhm..." She said, "I know that it was a bit selfish of me...saying those words...."
She was referring of what she told me when were having sex. She confessed to me and I didn't respond to it at all. I merely kept fucking her, being overwhelmed by the sexual pleasure her body was giving me.
I kinda feel bad for that.
I shook my head, "I-It's fine..."
"But Jason...." She said, ""
I chuckled, "Yea...." I said looking down and shifting my feet, "I guess that's true.."
"I-It's okay though..." She said, "If you don't feel the same way....I would like for us to be friends...."
I nodded, "Okay..."
"I don't mind if you keep doing what you do." She told me, "I don't have a problem with it....maybe one day....I'll keep you for myself, hopefully, haha~!"
I looked at her, "I'll see you around, Mavis." I said, "Don't forget what I said."
"Hm?" She said with a bright face
I chuckled, "You know..." I said turning around,
"I'll protect you at all costs."
"Void Prison"
I had activated the Prison Domain, I felt as I was sucked into a massive swirling vortex of dark blue power.
Suddenly, I was inside a dark corridor, feeling nothing but dark power all around me. The ground beneath me was slightly oily and wet.
I looked around, watching torches suddenly light up with flames, illuminating the corridor and revealing cell doors all throughout it.
This was the Spatial Domain I had used to trap Silver and Hades during our scuffle. I was surprised it was too easy to do that.
Maybe there was something else at play here.
I walked over to a cell, looking inside.
"Hey." I said, "You awake?"
Inside the dark cell, I saw Silver slouched down, leaning against the wall with his head hanging down.
He slowly lifted his head up, revealing his bloodied face. The left side of his face was covered in black markings as his left eye was fully demonized, his sclera completely black. This was probably the result of his attempt to break the link between him and Keyes, freeing him from the necromancy spell.
"What do you want?" He said with venom
"I wanna talk." I said
"There's nothing to talk about." He snapped, "You and I....we had a deal..."
I nodded, "Yea.." I said, "But you know how it is, Silver. I couldn't let you run around and kill more innocent people."
He glared at me, "You son of a bitch..." He growled
"The Halberd is back in my Cursed Domain." I said, "If you want it, you can try and get it out. Even I don't go in there, with the Eclipsed Darkness and the Curse spreading throughout the ground, it'll be quite deadly. Only I'm capable of resisting those effects...."
"You piece of shit." He said, "I gave you the tome, it was a rightful exchange..."
"Yea, well now I stole it back." I said looking at him, "The fuck are you gonna do about it?"
"I swear it." He said, "I swear it on my dead wife and son, I'll break out of this prison and I'll kill you."
I raised an eyebrow, "That's something." I said, "Swearing it on your dead son.....what was his name?"
"What do you care?" He said dropping his head, "You'll-"
"Gray Fullbuster." I said
I then saw as he jerked his head up, his eyes widened in shock.
"W-What?!" He exclaimed
I rolled my eyes, "Don't tell me after all this time, doing all of Tartaros's dirty work...." I said crossing my arms, "You never found out your son was alive.....and a Fairy Tail mage at that...."
He looked at me, "G-Gray's alive...." He said, "Y-You're kidding..."
I looked at him, "Yea." I said, "And he's the reason I haven't killed you. What am I gonna tell him next time I meet him? That his dad was alive, a member of Tartaros, and a mass murderer? And that I killed him?"
He looked at me, "Y-You....."
"I ain't telling him shit." I said, "I'll let you know that much. Another thing, Silver, whatever you and that old fuck got planned...I'll find out. I found it too easy to get you in here, there must me some sort of scheme going on.."
"You can't tell Gray of this..." He said
"I won't." I said, "He and I, we're not best buddies or anything but we're on good terms, I guess. Keeping this a secret from him, it'll be my burden. It'll fuck him up, mentally. And during these times, Silver, we need him and every formidable mage to be on their A-Game."
Silver dropped his head again, "I see..." He said
"I'm also gonna need you to teach me how to undo what you did to Ruined Island." I said, "Once I undo that, I can rest easily....."
"So you feel guilty about that...." He said, "Because you gave me the halberd..."
"Yea, but even if you don't teach me, I'll figure it out." I said
"Jason..." He started, "If you don't tell my son the truth, he'll find out....and he'll hate you...."
I shrugged, "I don't give two shits if he does or not." I said, "What matters, to me at least, is that a lunatic like you doesn't go around killing people."
"But you've enabled that to happen..." He said while looking at me, "It is you who's partly responsible for that....all the people that I've hurt with the Halberd....their blood is on your hands...."
I nodded, "Yea." I said, "And I'll atone for that..."
"How?" He asked, "How're you gonna do that? Killing me?"
I shook my head, "Killing you won't achieve anything." I said, "In case you haven't noticed, that's the point I'm trying to make to you, Silver. Your quest for revenge, it'll be pointless. It won't bring your wife back. And as for your son, even if he finds out you're alive, what's he gonna think about you when he learns the truth....?"
"I must do this..." He said, "You don't understand."
"I do." I said, "I do....."
"How so?" He asked, "You don't know what I-"
"My mother was raped and driven to suicide." I cut him off, "I beat the shit out of the ones responsible, their injuries were so bad that some of them died later."
He looked at me with a surprised face, like he didn't expect them to hear this.
"And what did I feel after it?" I continued, "Nothing. I was empty. Just a hollowed shell aiming around without purpose."
"I.." He said
"And way before that, my younger sister was hit by a group of kids." I told him, "She was so scared by the blood of her wound that she ran into a street and ended up getting run over. I was so mad that I did the same, beat the shit out of those responsible. One of the kids ended up in a severe coma that lasted years..."
Silver didn't say anything to this, only kept quiet.
"I have lost people before." I told him, "Maybe not on the level as your case, but still. I felt the same pain as you are feeling right now. Even now, it hurts. I don't blame anyone else but myself for all of that. But I'm not out here hurting innocents because of it and that's the mistake you made, Silver."
I turned around and looked around the corridor of the prison.
"If you somehow end up escaping, Silver, and hurt innocents again...." I continued, "Know this...."
"I'll kill you."