Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Chapter 81: 81. Gross Sight

3 B-Class Metepedes have been killed by Ben. Now, there are 14 B-Class and 2 Low-Level S-Class Metepedes that he needs to kill before he will fight with Grossalia.

All 14 B-Class Metepedes are now rushing toward Ben. They attack him together now because 3 of their friends died when they fought him alone. That's why they banded together to attack him.

Ben still can't see the surroundings perfectly because of the darkness & mist. But his magic sensory has covered that problem and helped him sense the enemies. Besides, he has gotten used to the darkness and can see a little.

The 14 B-Class Metepedes attack him together. They create many stone spikes that attack Ben from below. He is forced to move and dodge the stone spikes.

Ben moves back and the B-Class Metepedes are chasing him. They keep shooting stone bullets while some of them create the stone spikes.

The attacks that force him to move back make Ben get pissed a little. He then finds a plan and jumps far to the back. Ben gathers his MP in his mouth and then creates an orange Magic circle in front of his mouth.

"Sun Dragon's Plasma Roar!" says Ben.

Ben shoots Plasma energy from his mouth. He aims it at the 14 B-Class Metepedes that chase him. The plasma roar is quite wide and covers a big area. Ben made it that way so that it can hit all 14 B-Class Metepedes.

The Plasma Roar covers a wide area and hits the B-Class Metepedes. Some of them that move on the side have the time to evade. But the ones in the center can't evade and get engulfed with Plasma energy.

"SCREECH!" screams the Metepedes who get hit by the roar.

The roar lasted just for 15 seconds, but it has created big destruction. From 14 B-Class Metepedes that became his targets, Ben's roar hit 10 of them. They get hit and pushed back to the wall behind.

They screech in pain as the Plasma Roar is very hot and highly destructive. Their tough carapaces cracks & brittle, while their flesh gets cooked by the hot temperature. They try to protect their body with magic, but the pain makes their magic unstable.

It doesn't take long for the Metepedes' tough carapaces to break and their body gets destroyed. Ben has killed 10 B-Class Metepedes with that attack, and it destroy some parts of the ground and wall behind.

The 4 B-Class Metepedes that has evaded Ben's roar attack also didn't come out unscathed. They get some parts of their legs or carapaces destroyed by the plasma energy.

"I hope that won't make this underground room collapse. I don't have any choice just now, but I need to be careful next time," says Ben after looking at the destruction that he made.

Ben is still worrying about the underground room collapsing if he makes too much destruction. He doesn't want to be buried alive because of his own mistake, after all. That's why he needs to be careful at using his magic.

His roar spell also makes the Metepedes wary of him now. They never thought that Ben can use such a strong magic spell. The Metepedes can't sense magic power, so they don't know Ben's raw magic power.

While the Metepedes get distracted, Ben moves to attack them. He needs to kill the remaining 4 B-Class Metepedes. As for the 2 S-Class & Grossalia, he will take care of them later.

Ben then creates 2 red magic circles using both his hands. Then a sharp red glowing spear blade appears on each magic circle. He points his hands at 2 of the remaining B-Class Metepedes.

"Sun Dragon's Plasma Spears!"

The sharp plasma spear blades get shot as Ben says the spell's name. They fly at high speed toward the 2 B-Class Metepedes. But Ben doesn't shoot once, he shoots some rounds of spear blades.

The plasma spear blades hit & stab all 4 of B-Class Metepedes. Ben aimed for 2 at first, but then he also aim the remaining 2 B-Class Metepedes. They couldn't dodge the spear blades because the spears are too fast.

After the plasma spear blades stabbed the B-Class Metepedes, the plasma energy erupt. The blades explode inside the Metepedes' bodies and destroy them internally.

"As long as I can pierce through those tough carapaces, then it will be easy. Your bodies are quite weak inside," says Ben while smirking.

Grossalia and her 2 strongest children can only look at Ben angrily now. He has killed all the Metepedes except the 3 of them. She has nurtured them for 100 years, but Ben destroys it all in a day.

It's not easy for Grossalia to raise all her children to be this strong. This island has a limited source of food, so she needs to control its ecosystem, or her colony will die of hunger.

The lack of food is also the reason why her colony only has less than 200 members even after 100 years. Most of her children are weak because they couldn't eat too much or they won't have any food for the future.

She has a plan to relocate her home to another island, but she doesn't know anything outside this island. She doesn't know where to go as she can't swim to reach another island.

However, she knows that she will need to cross one day. That's why she amassed her strength and raised her children. She will find a way to cross the sea, so she needs to prepare soon.

Now, seeing her children that she has raised for 100 years died easily, makes her mad. It's not that she loves her children, but because they are her power. She only sees them as troops to use.

Ben doesn't know what Grossalia thinks, but he knows she is angry. This battle will be a lot more difficult than before. So Ben gets ready and prepares himself.

Grossalia then talks with a low angry voice, "How dare you kill my children. I won't forgive you, human. You will regret what you have done to me."

"Oi oi oi, I just try to protect myself because you want to eat me," says Ben calmly.


"Then just do it if you can," says Ben while grinning.

"AIS, BIS, FILL YOUR STOMACH!" shouts Grossalia to her 2 S-Class Metepedes.

Ben is surprised to know that Grossalia named her children. Although it seems that only the 2 S-Class have names and they follow the alphabet. But at least she thought of names for them, it's impressed Ben a bit.

However, the next sight that he sees doesn't impress him in the least bit. It even grosses him out and he will puke if his heart is weak. But this sight also makes him confused and doesn't know what to do.

What Ben sees is the sight of the 2 S-Class Metepedes, Ais & Bis eating their siblings. When Grossalia told them to fill their stomach, Ben never thought that they will eat their dead siblings.

"I'm really glad I left Bella on the ship. This thing will traumatize her for life," says Ben.

Ais & Bis eat their dead siblings very fast like they haven't eaten for years. Ben doesn't know why they need to eat instead of attacking him. But he knows it's not without reason, so he will attack them.

Ben wants to move while they eat, but some dark flying blades are attacking him. The blades are from Grossalia who uses her dark magic. She knows Ben wants to interrupt Ais & Bis, so she stops him.

Ben is forced to dodge the blades, as they are very strong. He can't take a high-leveled S-Class creature's attacks lightly. Even basic attacks like this are highly destructive.

While Ben dodges the attacks, Ais & Bis finish their meal. Nothing is left from all the Metepedes' dead bodies. Then, both Ais & Bis get their carapaces cracked and a new layer appears.

"Fuck, they get stronger," curses Ben.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 111 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 122 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


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