Chapter 79: 79. Metepedes
The underground room is filled with magical creatures. One of them even talks human language and has a woman's voice. Ben still can't see the creatures' appearance because of the darkness. But he knows that all of them are centipede-like creatures.
'I can't fight recklessly here, or the cave will collapse. It's also dark, so I need to use my magic sensory to the max. My options are very limited, but I can't complain now. At least Bella is not here, or this will be a lot trickier,' thinks Ben.
"Don't bother to resist, human. You won't be able to defeat my children. I am the strongest and as my offspring, they too, are the strongest. Hihihi," says the creature with a woman voice.
"Strongest? You're overestimating yourself. Maybe you're the strongest on this island, but you're nothing on the outside world. You are just a frog in a well," says Ben while preparing his magic power.
"Frog?! I am not a frog, I am Metepede Queen, Grossalia," says Grossalia with an angry tone.
"Metepede? Is it because you've grown past centi and became meter? Heh, what a funny name for a species. Also, Grossalia, a good name for something gross like you," says Ben while smirking.
Grossalia fume in anger because she knows Ben is insulting her. So she immediately orders her children, "MY CHILDREN, KILL THAT HUMAN!"
The Metepedes roar and start to move toward Ben. He can sense so many enemies are moving from all over the place. Ground, walls, ceilings, they come from everywhere.
Ben gets serious and says, "Light Mode: Super Bright Body!"
Ben's body suddenly glows very brightly and it repels the creatures back. Their eyes have gotten used to the darkness, so a sudden bright flash of light hurt their eyes.
"SCREECH!" screams the creatures.
"Ho, so you still have eyes. I thought you don't have them because you don't need eyes in a dark place like this. And finally, I can see your appearance now," says Ben while smirking.
Ben looks around and sees many giant centipedes, no, Metepedes. He also finally can see the one who can talk the human language, Grossalia.
Grossalia is the biggest Metepede in this room. She has a dark red body with green wavy patterns. She just looks like a giant centipede, but she has a woman's upper body on her Metepede head.
"PUT THAT LIGHT OFF, HUMAN!" shouts Grossalia.
"Don't wanna," says Ben.
Grossalia gets angry and she sprays a dark blue liquid from her Metepede's mouth toward Ben. Ben flash to the left and avoid the liquid easily. The liquid hits the ground and smoke come out from it.
"Acidic poison? That is dangerous," says Ben after looking at the smoke.
Grossalia then slams one of her Metepede legs to the ground. Some earth walls then come out around Ben and they trap him inside. The room gets darkened again and the Metepedes move toward Ben again.
But suddenly, Ben's voice is heard from inside the trap walls, "Requip: Dragon Revolver V1!"
Ben shoots his magic revolver through the trap walls. His shots pierce through the earth walls and the bullets keep moving toward the incoming Metepedes. He used Fire element bullets that have more power.
The bullets hit the E-Class Metepedes and pierce through their carapaces. Some bullets also hit the rather B-Class ones, but their carapaces are tough enough to block the bullets.
The earth walls around Ben get destroyed and the underground room gets brightened again. Ben is holding his magic revolver and aiming it at the Metepedes.
"I don't like to use my magic weapon if I still have a lot of MP. But there are too many of you, so I will make an exception. And it seems, one is not enough. Requip: Dragon Revolver V2!" says Ben.
A magic circle appears on Ben's left hand and another magic revolver appears. Now Ben wields 2 magic revolvers on both of his hands.
The 2 weapons have the same shape and same pattern. They have the same dragon carving designs on both sides. But their color is different.
The one on the right is the Dragon Revolver V1 that has a red color with yellow dragon carving. The one on the left is Dragon Revolver V2 that has a black color with orange dragon carving.
Both weapons have the same specification, so they have the same power. It's just that V1 was the first magic revolver that Ben made. He thought of making a spare last year, so he made V2.
'My bullets could pierce through the E-Class creatures easily, but they couldn't pierce the B-Class. If that's the case,' thinks Ben
Ben raises his weapons and says, "Let's kill the E-Class guys first."
Ben then moves at a very high speed because he uses Light Mode. He shoots the E-Class Metepedes while he moves. The bullets pierce through their carapaces and make holes in their body.
The Metepedes can see Ben's movements because he is very bright. But they still can't catch up to his speed, so they can't fight back. Many E-Class Metepedes get shot and die in a short time.
The death of her children makes the Queen, Grossalia, furious. She doesn't have any love or something toward her children. But they are her troops that she used to do anything she wanted. Losing them also means losing some of her power.
"GRR, GET ANGRY, MY CHILDREN!" shouts Grossalia to her children.
"SCREECH!" the Metepedes have high-pitch screams after hearing her command.
The Metepedes' screams are so high-pitched that the earth starts to shake. Unluckily for Ben, he is a dragon slayer. His sense is a lot higher than normal people and so is his hearing.
The screams hurt his ears and make him stop moving. He closes his ears, but he still can hear the high-pitched screams. His Light Mode also becomes unstable because his brain is shaking.
Grossalia sees this and commands her stronger children to attack Ben. The 17 B-Class Metepedes move toward Ben at the same time. They surround him from every side and are ready to attack him.
Ben realizes this, but the screams have made him very dizzy, so he can't move well now. The 17 B-Class Metepedes then start to shoot many small stone bullets from their legs.
The stone bullets are moving toward Ben like rain. He can't use magic with his condition now, so he gets in a defensive posture. At least he will protect his body's vital areas from getting hit by the stone bullets.
But his defensive posture makes him release his ears. So now he can hear the screams more clearly and it really hurt his ears & brain. He can only hold it as the stone bullets start to hit him.
Hundreds of stone bullets are raining at Ben in a short time. The Metepedes have many legs and they create stone bullets from every leg. They shoot the bullets multiple times, so there are hundreds or even thousands of bullets that are aimed at Ben.
The attacks stop after a minute, but so many stones have been shot. Dust smoke spread on the area and nothing can be seen there.
The dust disappears after another minute and now there is a small mountain made of stone bullets. Ben is buried under the stones and there's no movement at all.
"Is he dead already?" ponders Grossalia.
"As if something like this can kill me," replies Ben from under the stones.
The stones mountain suddenly explode and reveal Ben's condition. He has blood coming out from his wounds, but he is very lively. A grin is even plastered on his face even though his body is full of wounds.
"It's been a long time since I get injured this badly. It seems I am still not good enough," says Ben while grinning excitedly.
You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one in my Pa_treon page if you are interested.
I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 109 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 120 of Transcended as Lord Buggy
(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)