Chapter 137: The Victor
The Plague Baron covered himself in a set of black armor that had materialized from the shadows and charged into Lucan's shadow domain. A swipe of his staff and an explosion of shadow magic sent Lucan's shadow death knight flying away. The Baron tried to quickly get his hands on Lucan. Even though Lucan had a calm expression on his face, the Plague Baron felt a great amount of fear.
When the Baron was only a foot away from him, Lucan finally reacted. He raised his hand and pointed a finger towards the Baron.
A flashbang went off, blinding and impairing the Plague Baron's hearing. Being an elite, he was able to shake off the status conditions quickly. When he looked around, Lucan was nowhere in sight.
He brushed away the shadow creatures that were barely causing him harm. He then saw Lucan rise from the shadows on the edge of the domain.
The Plague Baron could hear Lucan finishing a chant. Before he could cast a spell, Lucan pointed his wand at him. A green beam of soulfire shot from the wand, slowing the Baron's advance and doing continuous damage.
The Baron clicked his tongue to signal the shadow rats who had finished feeding on Silent. They ran straight towards Lucan and dove towards him.
What surprised the Plague Baron was the rats dove straight through his enemy, not even making contact in the slightest.
A second Lucan rose from the opposite edge of the shadow domain while finishing a chant.
The Baron had realized he had been tricked and summoned a purple magical arrow above his head and fired it straight towards the real Lucan. Another beam of Soulfire latched onto the Baron and slowed his movement even more.
The Plague Baron didn't mind, he knew that once Lucan was struck with his arrow, he wouldn't be able to resist all the disease and magical poisons inside of it. The battle would be over in moments.
To his horror, the arrow went straight through the second Lucan as if he were a phantom.
"He, he, he." Lucan laughed, his voice echoed from every corner of the shadow domain as four more Lucan's rose from the shadows on the edge of the domain. "Your pathetic small mind can't even tell the difference between reality and illusion. How foolish to think you could ever defeat ME!!! You should never have sent assassins to my town. You should never have gotten in my way. And you should never have TOUCHED MY WOMEN!!! I WILL BURY YOU IN THE GROUND, RIP YOUR BONES FROM YOUR FLESH!!!! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!! NO ONE WILL DARE MENTION YOUR NAME AFTER I AM DONE!!! YOU WILL BE COMPLETELY ANHILATED, NOT EVEN ABLE TO BE HISTORY!!! YOUR ENTIRE EXSITANCE WILL BE FORGOTTEN!!!! I, WILL, END, YOU!!!!!!!"
Four more beams of soulfire latched on to the Plague Baron. His speed had been continually halved down to a little over 1% of its original and six streams of constant damage where chipping away at his health bar.
Lucan rose from the shadows a few feet in front of his foe. The Plague Baron tried to turn his staff towards the Lucan who had just appeared, but his body was only reacting at one hundredth of its normal speed.
With a fist empowered by telekinetic slam he socked the Baron across the jaw.
Lucan pummeled him several more times. The soulfire kept the Baron from flying away after the powerful blows.
All six beams of soulfire stopped at the same time. A green ball of compressed energy appeared at the end of the six wands.
"Foolish." The Plague Baron said, now free he quickly cast a spell, turning the ground into a swamp, both he and Lucan sunk slightly, unable to escape the coming attack.
Lucan held a hand to stop the soulfires bombs from being discharge. The phantoms on the edge of the shadow domain started to launch shadow bolts.
"There are many ways to kill you." Lucan said.
"Hmpf, FORCED ATTRACTION!" The Plague Baron shouted and snapped his fingers.
The six soulfire bombs were wrestled out of Lucan's control and dove towards the two in the center.
"Let's see who dies first."
"Alright." Lucan said as he trudged a step closer to the Plague Baron through the swamp. "He, he, Self-destruct."
A self-destruct and six soulfire bombs all detonated on Lucan who was only a step away from the Plague Baron.
Raze quickly constructed a stronger barrier over the arena. The ground cracked and then shattered while dust was thrown into the air.
"Ha, ha, ha! I am still alive. A worthy archenemy you may have been, but now you are nothing!"
The dust cleared and the spectators could see the Plague Baron standing in the bottom of a crater almost 50 feet deep.
"Ha, ha, ha, I actually won, take that Lucan."
The Plague Baron looked to Raze expectantly. When he saw his patron still not declare the match over, he felt a frightful chill go down his spine. He quickly looked around and then up.
He snarled in anger when he saw Lucan standing high above him on a flying broom.
"CHEATER! We are fighting to the death. You used a soul stone to resurrect, that means you lost."
"As I said, you can't even tell the difference between reality and illusions. Simply pathetic."
The Plague Baron grew despondent, Lucan's health had barely been touched while his was now down to 10% left.
"Only a child would use tricks instead of facing me head on."
"Fine! I will show you what I can do!"
Lucan's broom dived down at full speed. The Baron braced himself. Sending out another telekinetic slam/punch the Baron was launched like a rocket.
Lucan's eyes turned green as he activated Omni-vision and a green portal appeared behind the Plague Baron. He flew into it before it closed.
Lucan watched the Plague Baron's journey into pandemonium. The change in gravity sent the Baron shooting towards the sky. Lucan opened another portal and the Baron soared through the flaming clouds of the elemental realm's fire quadrant.
As the Baron was starting to freak out and his mind became unstable, yet another portal appeared. The Baron felt a moment of calm as he returned to the shadow realm. His calm only remained until he realized he was five hundred feet above the arena. He started to fall, another portal took him into the nine hells.
When the Baron entered hell, several winged devils instantly started to chase his descent. The Baron's mind snapped as he looked at the horrible world, he was trapped in. Beneath him was a field where the devils were "Training" their newly acquired souls and tormenting those who still had a physical form.
The Baron was tired of not knowing what was going on, this whole fight had been such a strain on him. He closed his eyes and waited for impact.
Lucan pulled out his scepter. It transformed into the pitch-black short sword. He turned his body, holding the sword at his side.
He suddenly swung upwards with all his might as a portal opened.
The Plague Baron fell as Lucan's sword rose.
*Slice* *Bang* *Plop*
The blade caught the Baron's neck, severing his head before his body crashed into the ground. With an angry stomp, Lucan crushed the head beneath his boot.
He then Looked towards Raze.
"A winner has been decided!"
The audience was quiet for a moment before the erupted in cheers.