Chapter 120: Moving Fast
"Hmph, how can it be surprising to see me when you show up every time I leave the house, Jason." Jenna said, to the Heir of the Winged Tiger Corporation.
"Coincidence, purely coincidence." He said, not even bothering to come up with an excuse.
"Hmph, leave me alone, I am hanging out with my boyfriend."
Jason scowled towards Brax. "If you know what is good for you, you will stay away from my woman."
"Who is your woman? I don't want anything to do with you. If you want to get in with my grandfather go marry him, because I will never marry an ugly stupid baboon like yourself."
"Watch what you say." Jason said, gritting his teeth. "Some things can't be taken back. Our families have cooperated for many years in business, are you really going to throw that all away for your personal feelings."
Jenna opened her mouth but didn't say anything else. She had no intention of marrying him, but she didn't want to cause her families company trouble by deliberately making a scene here today.
Just because she wouldn't speak didn't mean Brax wouldn't.
"What horse shit. If two companies relationship can be destroyed by the words of woman who isn't even in the family business then its clear that there was never really a relationship between the two companies in the first place. Stop bothering us and scram." Brax said, before taking a sip of his drink.
"You think that just because you got lucky in Evolution that you are some bigshot now. You're nothing. Shut up while the grownups are talking. Be a good plaything and just sit off to the side." Jason rebutted.
"Hmph, fine, I previously said you weren't worth my attention. Now you have it you piece of trash. Let's see if your guild survives the month."
"You're one to talk. Word is that you won't survive the week. I don't even need to raise a finger, there are already enough people who want to squash you. Your full attention, what a joke."
"Just you wait you pea brain ape, I will take everything you have after I destroy you."
"Why wait. I have been dreaming of breaking your legs." Jason said, stepping towards Brax.
Like a flash, a figure shot from the booth. The skinny frame lifted the large warrior off his feet and slammed him on an empty table, shattering it. A cold piece of steel pressed against Jason's neck.
"I didn't quite hear what you said. Care to repeat yourself?" Tony said while standing over Jason.
"Wh-, what are you doing? Don't you know who I am?"
"Should I care? I am sure you bleed the same color as everyone else." Tony said while pulling the knife back and standing straight.
Jason pushed himself away and clamored back to his feet.
"Crazy asshole. You're a dead man. This isn't over." He said before storming out the door.
Tony stored his blade and gave a nod to the other customers of the bar. They went back to drinking as if nothing had happened.
"Thank you, but you really shouldn't have done that. He is the heir of a fairly powerful cooperation."
"Don't you worry little lass. I may not be rich in money, but I know a few people. Besides there are still some lines even the biggest corporations can't cross."
"Oh?" Jenna said, not completely understanding.
Jeff explained. "High ranking officers of the military, even when they are retired still have many connections."
Jenna nodded. Her worries somewhat alleviated.
They hung out at the bar for the afternoon. Mostly eating and drinking. Brax didn't want to log into the game drunk and Jenna knew that she got a little handsy when she drank to much. It wasn't something she wanted to do in public. That didn't stop Jeff and Tony from knocking the drinks back. Both of them drank liquor like it was water. Surprisingly, they didn't even seem drunk.
"It's time for us to go." Brax said, their mandatory rest from the game would be over soon.
"Come and join us again sometime." Jeff said. "And you too Jenna, you're pretty fun."
Brax and Jenna walked out of the bar. He could see that she was still worried.
"Are you okay?"
Jenna turned to him and stared deep into his eyes for several moments.
"What is it?"
"You know I don't like him, and my parents would never support an arranged marriage but I still feel worried that my grandfather my cook up some scheme."
Brax frowned. "I know that we have only been dating a short time, and it may sound presumptuous for me to assume I know what love is, but believe me when I say I love you. To me, love is knowing that there is no one I would rather spend my time with, and the thought of being without you is painful. It is knowing that you brighten my day every time I see you and I will do everything in my power to keep you with me. Love is when I think of the future, I can only picture the two of us, walking side by side and facing anything that comes together."
Jenna smiled. "I feel the same way. And that's-. That's why I think we should get married. If we are married, then it doesn't matter what tricks my grandfather pulls to force an arranged marriage. You can't get married if you are already married, and you are the only one I want to spend my life with."
"Are you serious?" Brax asked, he had been caught completely off guard.
Jenna looked down but didn't take back her words.
Brax wrapped his arms around her. "Let's do it then. I think it only takes three days to get a marriage license from city hall."
She looked up at him with a bright smile, planting a gentle kiss on his lips.
"Good, let's go, but you won't be upset if I don't want to tell anybody right? I know my father would throw a fit." Jenna said.
"That's fine, there is no point in causing problems. It can be our secret, just the two of us."
"Why not the three of us." Jeff interjected while putting his arms around both Jenna and Brax's shoulders. "Ha, ha, crazy kids. I get it, and this guy right here happens to know somebody at city hall. I can get you a marriage license today if you want."
Brax could see from Jenna's reaction that she wanted it done today.
"Sure, that would be great, I will owe you one." He said to Jeff.
"Ha, ha, I will hold you to that. Head to city hall. I will meet you over there and make a call on the way, you still need a witness, right? Hopefully you don't mind this old man."
Brax and Jenna drove to their destination in a giddy excitement. Walking up to the government building he pulled her to the side.
"Are you sure about doing this? I don't want you to have any regrets."
"I am sure." Jenna said. "You are the one for me."
Half an hour later they walked out of the building with a marriage certificate in hand.
"I can't believe we really did it." Jenna said excitedly.
"He, he, you can't run away from me now. You are officially all mine." Brax said, wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked back to his car.
"Grr, this is the one time I regret loving Evolution. We are too busy to blow off the game and have to rush back." Jenna pouted. "I wish we could go out and celebrate tonight."
"We will have plenty of time to celebrate in the future. And when you are ready, we will have a grand wedding."
"Let's go out again tomorrow."
"Whatever you say my dearest wife."
Jenna started to blush and punched him on the shoulder.
"What? You're my wife now. Don't beat me up wifey. Ah I understand, you are just training your husband."
"Shut up dummy."
"Yes, yes, I will shut up. A good husband always listens to his wife."
"Ah, you're still saying it."
Brax teased her the rest of the ride back. As much as she complained, Jenna loved every moment of it. She wanted to spend more time with him, but since Brax was still stuck in his trial, she had taken control of overseeing his territory in the shadow realm. She needed to get into the game to make sure nothing crazy happened while she was logged out.
As Brax pulled up to her house, he wanted to end the night with a bit of passion, but Mr. Beneil was waiting at the door. Sure he was married, but he didn't want to push his luck with her father. Brax gave her a kiss on the cheek before she turned and rushed inside.
Arriving at his uncles, Brax went into the main house to try and grab something to eat before logging in. And he made the right call because Marie was in the kitchen whipping up a snack.
"Hey Brax, how was your date? What did you guys do? Is Jenna doing well?" She asked before looking up towards him. "Wait a minute, you have a secret. I can smell it on you. Spill the beans, tell me, quick tell me."
"I don't know what you are talking about." Brax said, swiping some of the food she had just made.
"Hmph, don't play dumb with me punk. I know you have a big juicy secret. Share it with this aunty of yours."
"Ah, got to go, time to log in." Brax said, running out of the house.
He really did want to tell his aunt, but she was absolutely the worst at keeping secrets.