Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 117: Ghost King's Vault

More Food was snacking in the corner when Silent and Lucan walked up to the Ghost King.

"I really owe you both for all the help you have given me." Th ghost said to the two of them. "Although I lost my body, I managed to regain my throne. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my promise I made to you in the Depths of Despair."

The Ghost King destroyed the formation partially built in the rear courtyard. He didn't need it to access his vault. Putting his hands together a surge of green energy was release, forming a portal on the ground.

"Follow me." The Ghost King said, before jumping in.

Lucan and Silent gave each other a look. They didn't think the Ghost King would betray them, but it never hurt to keep their guard up. Lucan jumped in first followed by Silent.

They landed in a well-lit room. Extravagant paintings and sculptures took up most of the space.

"These are all my prized possessions. You may each take one item."

'Why would I want this crap?��� Lucan thought to himself. Just because the Ghost King considered fine art to be his most valuable treasure didn't mean they were worth something in the eyes of Lucan.

"Let's take a look around." Silent said, hoping to find something of use.

The searched around the vault and found it wasn't just art. There were a few decent treasures. Lucan didn't bother with the piles of gold. The Ghost King was smart enough to trade with devils, the warlock believed that he would say a single gold coin is an item. Or if Lucan asked for the chest filled with gold, the Ghost King would dump it out and give him the chest. It wasn't a good idea to force him since they needed the Ghost King's help to leave the vault.

Lucan and Silent split up and searched separate areas. Silent shifted through a few skills books that had been stored. None of them suited her class. They would be nice to have but they weren't a perfect fit, they were only things she could use in rare situations.

She looked at a few sculptures, unlike Lucan, she had an interest in art. She didn't consider taking one as a treasure, but it didn't hurt to admire them while she had an opportunity. A particular sculpture of an elegant woman caught her eye. Not because of the stone's graceful form but because the sculpture was wearing jewelry. The necklace in particular was very striking. She unhooked the latch and took a closer look. A simple black cord held a green crystal as the centerpiece. In the center of the crystal was a small woman kneeling in prayer.

[Heart of Keldina]

[Legendary Heirloom item]

[Once equipped the item can never be traded, dropped, or sold. The items level will always match your level.]

[Keldina, the first Empress of the Gloomy Trail in the ethereal realm, personally led the war against the rising abominations that threated to take control of Sovereigns Keep. Giving her life for her people she detonated her soul to destroy Sovereigns Keep to ensure it remained unable to fall into the hands of the abomination mastermind. In the aftermath, all that remained was the "Heart of Keldina".]

[Necklace attributes]

>Increase charisma by 5%

>Increase wisdom by 10%

>Increase loyalty of subordinates by 15%

>Immune to mental status conditions

>Once every hour, user can cast 'Ethereal Mirage'. The user can select one of the other realms to appear in a thirty-foot radius around them. The terrain is a mirage and is based on the current overlay of the other realms. The mirage will last for five minutes.

>Once every day, user can activate 'Loyal subject'. A single target will consider user as their empress for the next two minutes.

>Once every week, user can cast 'Ethereal Displacement'. Upon activating, a surge of ethereal energy will be unleashed fifteen feet in every direction. Every creature unable to resist will be randomly teleported to a different realm.

>Once every month, user can activate 'Empress's Guard'. User can summon a squad of the Empress's sworn eternal guard for thirty minutes. The eternal guard is the same level as the user.

>Every 100 levels, a new effect will be added to this necklace.

>Level 100 upgrade: Once every three hours, user can cast 'Ethereal Shackles'. User can target a single creature within 100 feet. Movement speed will be reduced to half. Shackled target is restricted for five minutes. They are unable to teleport nor leave their current realm.

>Restrictions: Female user with ethereal energy in her body.

Silent had found what she would take. The stats given by the necklace didn't help her current class, but the abilities made it worth it. And it was an heirloom item. It would grow stronger over time.

She went to go show Lucan what she had found.

"Looks like you found something too." She said, noticing the black egg in his hand.

"Both of you have made good choices." The Ghost King said. "It is rare to find an abomination capable of producing life. Usually it is only the strongest that are able to do so. I don't know what abomination birthed that egg but taming and raising it will be a great boon to your strength. Mmm, and the Heart of Keldina, if I were able to wear it, it would not be in my vault."

The Ghost King opened the portal and allowed them to return to the courtyard.

"I hope you can stay for a day or two. Now that I have my throne again, please let me host you."

"That sounds nice, but I need to get to a shrine to complete a transaction with the guardian you saw earlier." Lucan said.

"That is no problem. I will be reconstructing a shrine here. It should be done in the morning. Please stay, we can have a feast. Ah, wait, I can't eat." The Ghost King said, remembering that he was a Ghost. The last time he held the seat of power in this place he had still been in his mortal body. "Regardless, now that I have my powers back, my subordinates are on their way back, I have already contacted them.�� The Ghost King led them into the castle and out onto a balcony overlooking the city bellow. "My people have already received the news and are rejoicing."

Lucan took the ghosts word, because to him it sounded like all the ghosts in the city bellow where moaning and weeping, but he was no expert on how specters celebrated.

"I know the only reason you have helped me is because you wanted to become a planeshifter, so let me give you a final gift." The ghost motioned to the river.

Hundreds of ghosts were swarming the planeshifter ship and relieving it of its cargo. "You may take the ship once you finish your race change, till then I will keep it here where it will wait for your arrival. There is no better way to travel through the ethereal realm. Honestly, I would keep it for myself but only a planeshifter can operate it, and a planeshifter that is now a ghost doesn't count."

"Ah, don't be down Ghosty, at least you can rule over your ghost friends again."

"Aye, at least there is that." The Ghost King nodded.

The cargo from the ship was unloaded in the castle. A feast was set in the main dining hall. Only Lucan, Silent and More Food were able to partake, but it was still an exciting evening. Many ghosts of varying races, shapes and sizes came to pay their respects to the Ghost King and joined party.

Lucan always considered ghosts to be creatures that could only moan, wail and do other stereotypical ghost things. Meeting the Ghost King changed his perspective, especially when seeing the ghosts coming to greet their king.

The Ghost King would infuse his energy in them, solidifying their form and allowing them to act like they were in life, compared to the mindless wandering phantoms that Lucan had always believed ghosts to be.

It was no wonder that he could gain their support. Aside from giving them a real body he was able to let them live their lives again.

The later the party went, the more ghosts there were. They told stories of their past lives, adventures in the realms they were born too, and they talked about their afterlives in the ethereal realm. These ghosts may have been dead, but they still lived very enriching lives.

"So what kind of egg did you get?" Silent asked after telling Lucan all about her necklace for over an hour.

"I am not entirely sure. It is an egg of an elder abomination. I am already able to put it in my last pet slot, but as for when it will hatch, I have no idea."

"I am sure it will be something awesome. Ghosty doesn't seem like the kind of guy to store junk."

Lucan and Silent kept up their chit chat. On the other side of the room a blue goblin was happily stuffing its face. With plenty of food in delicacies of him, More Food didn't have a care in the world… as long as no one touched his food.

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