Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 111: A Deal With A Devil

Lucan followed the bone devil into a large building. Inside a lavish chamber he stood before a tall devil covered in scales. Two thick horns curled around his head while leathery wings were folded on its back. On its waist hung a barbed whip.

The bone devil bowed respectfully.

"You are Lucan Quilldrake, Hand of Raze?"

"That's me." Lucan said with a nod.

"Mmm, we will give you an opportunity to sell us your power. But… you must not sell to any demons."

"No thanks, that doesn't work for me. If you want to make conditions you will have to offer something worth your condition."

The horned devil was displeased, he was about to say something but stopped after he opened his mouth. Lucan recognized the invisible magic that was cast on the devil. Someone was speaking to it telepathically.

Since he knew what was happening, Lucan patiently waited. After several minutes, the horned devil turned to Lucan. "I have a deal for you."

"I am listening."

"I am sure you know that we have warlocks of our own." The devil reached out his hand, flames formed and then disappeared as a small drop of blood took their place, floating in the air. "This is the blood of our master. Anyone who consumes it will be able to tap into his power." Flames appeared and disappeared again, leaving a contract in his other hand. "Our master is willing to offer you a relaxed contract compared to his other warlocks. Normally, they are required to deliver a certain number of souls every month or they forfeit their power. If you agree to not sell to any demons, my master is prepared to change that condition. Instead, you will receive power based on the number of souls you contribute with no need to meet a quota, and as long as our master is in power, you will able to use the gifts you receive."

"Hmm, interesting. I am tempted. May I take a look at the contract and I must contact my patron. I don't want to accept your deal and lose my power, making me unable to uphold my side of the bargain."

The devil nodded and the contract floated through the air and landed in Lucan's hand. The language was intentionally hard to read.

"Thou, who ingests the blood of the sacred one is given gifts equal to the measure of souls brought into service of the nine hells…" It went on and on. "Upon death the receiver of gift's soul will be transported to the nine hells. 24 hours later a path to their previous location will be provided. Upon the next death, the path will not open until 48 hours have passed, each consecutive death will have the time double."

Lucan noticed the bit that the devil had conveniently forgotten to mention, but after he talked to Raze, he felt like it didn't matter anyway. The warlock had taken a screenshot of the contract and viewed it while talking to Raze. In the eyes of the devil, he had merely glanced at it before looking away and talking to his patron.

"Alright, Raze has no problem with me signing this. Store the drop of blood for now and pass it over. I currently can't take anymore classes, so some things need to be arranged on my part first." Lucan said as he signed the contract with his own blood.

"Good, good, good." The devil said as the contract returned to the flames. He was pleased while thinking that Lucan had missed the part about his soul residing in hell after death. The horned devil stored the drop of blood in a vial and tossed it to Lucan.

"Thanks, you can have access to my power now." He said while activating pact magic. "Just remember, think my name three times and ask for power, spread the word."

"I have been instructed to test out your spells and abilities. If it is useful, other devils will take advantage of it as well."

"Good enough. Now… does anybody know how I can get to the ethereal realm?"

The horned devil shrugged. "Not my problem." With a crack of his whip Lucan was surrounded in flames, the heat was intense but did not burn him. When the flames resided, he found himself standing in the destroyed cottage in the shadow realm where he originally entered the nine hells.

The portal was destroyed, but Lucan didn't mind. He had placed the other shadow tunnel gate in the nine hells with Adrestia's help. He could get back if he ever wanted to. Dismissing her, he resummoned his familiar by his side.

*Chirp, chirp*

"Good work." He said, scratching beneath her chin. "Guess what, I have a present for you." He said, taking out the drop of blood.

"Lucan, are you sure, that contract can't be all beneficial." Silent said.

"Oh it wasn't. They wanted my soul to be sent to hell every time I died, and each successive time the duration of the stay would be doubled."

"What, and you signed it!?!"

"Eh, that's what they wanted, but they shot themselves in the foot. Their fancy language was their downfall. Nowhere in the contract did it say the one who signed it had to consume the blood. And it was all, 'Thou who consumes the blood will get power. The soul of the wielder of gifts shall have to be transported to hell, blah, blah blah. What was even the point of having me sign that.'"

Adrestia looked at Lucan with concern.

"Don't worry. The downside is that your soul will go to the nine hells every time you die. But there was nothing in the contract that said you couldn't leave, it only specified when they would open a path for you to go back. I confirmed with Raze, but the spell I use to summon you is a soul summoning spell. As long as we send them souls, you will get more power and become stronger. Speaking of, that horned devil just made a purchase. Let me raise you level."

With the horned devils purchased and the bit he banked recently. Adrestia's level skyrocketed up to level 55. She actually had health and stats. Still no abilities but she could survive more than one hit and move stealthier, fly faster and dodge better.

The miniature shadow drake was now very eager to consume the drop of blood. With Silent's worries relieved she eagerly waited to see what would happen.

The shadow drake swallowed the drop whole. Hellfire started to swirl around her as the others backed up. Red and purple flames mixed together.

"My god!"

"What is it Ghosty?" Silent asked, worried that something bad was happening to the drake.

"Purple hellfire. That means devil royalty. Who in the world is the master of that horned devil?"

"It's a good thing?" She asked.

The Ghost King's mouse head nodded. "The abilities of a royal will be much stronger compared to the same type of devil who isn't royalty."

Adrestia shrieked. Silent was concerned again, but Lucan wasn't.

"Yes, you can do it. Come on girl."

He could see the dark golden orange dragon essence swirling in her body. As the flames started to die down, she inhaled the remainder into her lungs.

The drake sneezed and two small jets of purple fire shot from her nostrils.

"Ha, ha, you did it."

Underneath the scales on her chest was a faint purple glow. She had incorporated the hellfire with her dragon magic. She now had the ability to breath out purple flames. Her small body couldn't hold much but after it was used it would naturally regenerate over time.

Adrestia was eager to try it out. She reared back on two legs like a majestic dragon and unleashed a torrent of royal hellfire in a five-foot cone in front of her. The grass and dirt were turned to ash as the powerful flames destroyed everything in its path.

"Ha, ha, good job." He said, scratching behind her ears while she affectionately rubbed her head on his palm. When he stopped, it looked like there was something she wanted to show him.

Lucan gave her a nod. She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated. When she opened them back up, she had a devilish aura that caused fear in those around her. It wasn't the same as a dragon's fear, it was far more sinister and less majestic. It gave off the feeling that she was an evil deity. After deactivating it she bounced around happily while chirping, completely destroying the image of an evil dragon.

"That was impressive. Was that the first ability you received?" Silent asked.

The drake happily nodded.

"Good, we will have to claim more souls for the nine hells to get you more power, but we will take it slow. I don't want to send souls there that don't deserve it, unless they piss me off, then they will deserve it."

Adrestia tried to breath fire again but the hellfire hadn't recovered yet.

"Give it some time, once we know how fast it regenerates, we will be able to plan accordingly."

"He, he, he." The Ghost King was enjoying himself while rolling around on the ground. "I didn't think you would be able to scam a devil. What a great show."

"Hmph. So much for your portal. You sent us straight to hell!" Lucan said coldly.

"Hey, it's not Ghosty's fault, how was he supposed to know that the ethereal realm had collapsed on the other side."

"Ah, you are right, and so smart and wise and forgiving, my beautiful." Lucan said while moving closer to Silent and giving her a hug. He did not like that disapproving look on her face when he spoke to the Ghost King. He wanted it gone as soon as possible.

After a hug and apology, she was giving him a kiss. Lucan and Silent were locked together, the warlock's hands started to roam downward when the Ghost King eventually broke the moment.

"Hey, don't we have work to do?"

"Mmm, Ghosty is right." Silent said, pulling out of Lucan's embrace.

Lucan gave the small mouse a death glare from behind Silent. He didn't like having his make-out time interrupted.


Adrestia's tail sent the Ghost King rolling through the dirt. Lucan gave the drake a big thumbs up.

Silent just chuckled while she went to pick up the little mouse, completely aware of her boyfriend's actions.

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