Volume 1 Chapter 44 - Kaede-chan's Standing Standing is Cute
After I got out of the useless taxi in Shinagawa, I immediately headed into a deserted back alley and drank an Invisibility Potion.
Then, feeling a bit cold, I stripped right there and drank a TS Potion to revert to my male form.
Next, I took out men’s clothes and a coat from my bag, put them on, and draped the coat over myself.
Just to be safe, I hid the white bag meant for Elenora under my coat.
Once I’d finished all my transformations, I made sure no one was around and drank another Invisibility Potion to cancel the effect.
Exiting the back alley, I hailed a real taxi and got in.
As soon as I was in the taxi, I asked the driver to take me home and took a moment to relax.
Hmm, those were some weird folks. I have no idea what they wanted.
However, it was certain that they were A-rank in America. They were even listed online, and the amount and level of their skills were crazy.
They also had what they called “Unique Skills”…
Skills with a star symbol, which we call “Rare Skills.” High-rankers in either America or Japan are likely to possess them.
As I was pondering this, I took out my smartphone. There were about 50 missed calls: 49 from Kaede and one from Satsuki.
Hmm, it looks like Nanapon reported it. From her point of view, Elenora was abducted by gun-wielding foreigners. Well, that’s accurate.
Thinking that I can’t make a call inside the taxi, I opened my messaging app.
“Senpai, where are you now!? Please contact me immediately!”
Reading the message, I could tell Kaede was worried.
I immediately started typing a response.
“I’m fine. I’m in a taxi right now, so I can’t call. I’ll call you when I get home.”
I sent the message and was about to put my smartphone back in my bag when it pinged almost instantly.
“So fast!”
“I’m in front of your house right now.”
Is it Merry? Even though it’s October, it must be cold outside. I should have given her a spare key.
“Driver, my girlfriend is waiting in front of my house, so please ignore the speed limit.”
“Can’t do that.”
I leaned back and started typing another message.
“Wait for me, I’ll be back soon.”
“Come back in 5 minutes.”
She’s asking for the impossible… I was dragged all the way to Shinagawa by that musclehead.
I resigned myself to waiting until the taxi reached my apartment. After a while, we arrived in front of my apartment. I paid the fare, got out, and Kaede, who had been standing in front of my door, immediately ran up to me.
I jokingly spread my arms wide for a hug, and contrary to my expectations, Kaede actually hugged me.
“What are you doing?” Kaede mumbled into my chest.
“Sorry, sorry.”
I wrapped my left arm around Kaede’s waist and brought my right hand to the back of her head.
“What happened?”
“Let’s talk about it at home. You must’ve been cold. Want to take a bath?”
“I don’t like your bath.”
I don’t think it’s that dirty…
“Alright, fine. Come in.”
I let go of Kaede, took her hand, and led her into the house. I was aware of the neighbors watching.
Kaede came into the house, walked through the kitchen, and obediently followed me to my room. But once she was there, she let go of my hand and stood there, glaring at me.
“So, what happened?”
“Sit down first.”
I pushed down on Kaede’s shoulders, forcing her to sit. She made a dissatisfied face but sat down without complaining.
“Don’t rush me.”
“What did Nanapon say?”
“Nanapon said that when she and Elenora were about to get into a taxi, she noticed a woman inside. She found it suspicious and told me that the woman pulled a gun on Elenora when she got in. That’s why she thought Elenora was kidnapped.”
“That’s pretty much correct. They were American agents, A-rank adventurers named Claire Walker and Harry Baker. Ever heard of them?”
“Yes, they’re quite famous. I heard they were in Japan for an auction, but their target was Elenora?”
“Seems so. They said they came as bodyguards.”
“Bodyguards? But I heard she had a gun pointed at her.”
“Maybe it’s an American joke? The gun wasn’t loaded.”
“A very unfunny joke.”
“I don’t get it either, but I thought I’d hear them out.”
“That’s risky! You should’ve fled!”
“I could’ve taken them. Close-quarters, I’m stronger. I’d finish them in an instant.”
“But they’re ex-military!”
“It doesn’t matter. In a car, there’s no magic. My palm strike or knife would be faster.”
“So, are you a legit killer? Nanaka said you’re scary because you decapitate skeletons for no reason.”
“I just wanted to show off my sword skills…”
“Okita said you’re off-putting.”
“Was it the tracksuit?”
“Let’s focus. So, what did they tell you?”
“Various things. About Translation Potions, their backgrounds…”
“Do you trust them?”
“Undecided. They’re not skilled negotiators, but I saw their status cards. They’re probably trustworthy to some extent.”
“You saw A-rank adventurers’ status cards? That could be a national secret!”
“They showed me when I threatened them. But they were impressive. Both were over level 50.”
“Level 50? Don’t threaten such people!”
“How did they even reach that level? They had many skills, including Rare Skills, or ‘Unique Skills’ as they call them.”
“They have those too? Does ‘Unique’ mean no duplicates?”
“Probably. So my Alchemy and Nanapon’s Clairvoyance are unique too.”
“That’s reassuring… What skills did they have?”
“Harry had Steel Wire, and Claire had Perception Inhibition. Harry’s skill is likely combat-related, while Claire’s can make her invisible. But Nanapon’s Clairvoyance can counter it.”
“That’s scary… They’re not here, right?”
“If they were, I’d kill them.”
“Should I call Nanaka?”
“No need. Even if they were following, I’d have shaken them off by turning invisible.”
“Still scary… Anyway, let’s contact Harry.”
“Stay quiet.”
“Can I poke your side?”