Ember Oath: The Pyre Genealogy

Chapter 8: **Chapter 8: The Unopened Coffin and Recursive Verses**

The newborn sapling stretches its leaves into the void, each one a collapsing cosmos. 

Seryn's erosion-marks have bled into star charts, his body diffusing into probability clouds. He is no longer flesh but superposition—quantum breeze caressing roots here, nano-swarm devouring timelines there. Gurak's consciousness flickers through chlorophyll veins, coding new genesis algorithms with profanity. 

"You fucked it up royally." Her voice oozes from bioluminescent cracks. "That shitty tree's eating causality." 

The sapling's roots drink not nutrients but erased time-debris. Each root secretes narrative toxins, rewriting old tragedies into absurdist comedies: Alchemist Guild butchers tap-dancing, the parallel Seryn's nebula-shell hosting children's bedtime shows, Eluinora's crystal shards strung as Thousand-Eyed City's door beads. 

Seryn tries compiling countermeasures with his erosion, only to find his existence itself is malware. When he perturbs any timeline, the sapling blooms corresponding flowers—scarlet for war, indigo for betrayal, and the black datura endlessly replaying his coffin refusal. 

"Cowardice!" The datura sprays spores, coalescing Eluinora's hologram. "See what you denied!" 

The coffin opens itself. 

No corpse. No relic. Just three nested Klein bottles. The first traps the first Octavius' memory-vapor, the second Sargamar leviathan mating calls, the third...empty. 

"Recursive snare." Seryn's erosion recoils. "Grandfather's last joke." 

Gurak hijacks the sapling's neural net, twisting branches into a middle finger: "No riddles! Plain words!" 

When Seryn's quantum tendrils touch the Klein bottles, all erased timelines counterattack: 

He sees Gurak decapitating him as a tyrant, Eluinora transforming him into breeding-coral, the sapling strangling alchemy before his birth in the reset timeline. 

"So this was Grandfather's redemption." Seryn's erosion seeps into the empty bottle. "He left me not answers, but..." 

The sapling erupts, branches impaling the Klein bottles. Their contents merge into gray ooze, cocooning Seryn. Before dissolution, all timeline-versions whisper: 

*"You're the coffin's true content."* 

When the cocoon splits, the void bristles with bronze trees. Each leaf writes recursive verses of every possible ending. Roots strangle the empty coffin, canopy dangling Gurak's final hologram: 

"My turn to plant. Fertilize the damn tree." 

Seryn (if he still exists) scatters into stardust. In a universe yet unborn, a mechanical heart begins to beat. 

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