Elf Master

Page 579

Hunter J clenched his hands tightly, with nervousness appearing in his eyes for the first time, staring closely at the field.

Not long after, the dust settled, gradually revealing the scene on the field.

Due to the use of the belly drum to enhance the attack to the extreme, the self-detonation power of the Kirby beast is extremely powerful, coupled with the bonus of the threshold of the esoteric truth, a huge pit was blown out, and the surrounding ground was peared in a circle, full of The scene after the explosion.

The super violent salamander flapped its wings and landed on the ground, panting heavily.After enduring the powerful self-destruction, even the Super Violent Salamander's physical strength dropped to the extreme, but he did not lose his fighting ability because of this, which made Hunter J heave a sigh of relief.

"Since that's the case, then it's up to you to be the next one, Fossil Pterosaur!" Duan Chen was a little surprised, and was going to order the Flashing Fossil Pterosaur to come out to clean up the mess.

But it was also at this time that the unique roar of the plane began to come from a distance, and the two of them couldn't help but glance at it out of the corner of their eyes.I saw a plane 163 approaching rapidly in the distant sky.

Hunter J's expression changed, and then became flat again.Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately stepped on the super violent salamander, and knew without looking that it must be the nearby support team of the Orange Alliance.

During the take-off of the super storm salamander, Duan Chen also stepped on the flashing fossil pterosaur and started chasing hunter J.

The speed of the two flying elves was extremely fast, and they rushed out of Pinggan Island in a few breaths, and rushed towards one of them.

After the two left, the poaching gang who were fighting on Pinggan Island saw that something was wrong, and used various methods to break away from the battle and planned to leave Pinggan Island.

However, the guardians of Pinggan Island naturally would not watch them leave, and began to entangle them with all their strength, but they also temporarily entangled some poachers.

Not long after, the plane landed in the flat valley of Pinggan Island, and dozens of trainers rushed out from it. Under the leadership of the trainer, they began to support the guardians of Pinggan Island.

With the support of the Xinli Army, the battle on Pinggan Island was quickly settled. Except for some poachers who escaped successfully, all the rest were caught.

At this time, above the sea in the distance, the flashing fossil pterosaur used the tailwind and began to close the distance between it and the super storm salamander.

Chapter 640 Obtained the Evolution Keystone

In the sky, Hunter J in front of him had a slightly ugly expression on his face, but he didn't have the slightest intention of turning around to block Duan Chen.She knew very well that if Duan Chen delayed her for a long time, reinforcements from the Orange Alliance would definitely arrive soon.

Although Hunter J is very confident in her own strength, she would not do such an obvious disadvantage.

Enduring the calm for a while, taking a step back to open up the sea and the sky, this is the thought in Hunter J's heart.

Even so, the distance between the two is still getting closer.The super storm salamander is very fast, but it doesn't have any acceleration skills, which is the main reason why the flash fossil pterosaur can catch up with it.

"Fossil pterosaur, turn and attack!" When the distance between the two reached a certain distance, Duan Chen immediately commanded the flashing fossil pterosaur to attack.

The speed of the flashing fossil pterosaur increased sharply again, turning into a phantom and appearing under the side of the super violent salamander, which staggered the super violent salamander, slowing down a lot.

Throw flames!

Naturally, Hunter J would not just be beaten but not fight back. Under her command, the Super Violent Salamander opened its mouth and spewed out a thick pillar of flame.

Shadow clone!

At this moment, the flashing fossil pterosaur turned into dozens of figures, causing the flame column to only destroy two clones, and did not hit the flashing fossil pterosaur's body.

The next moment, the flashing fossil pterosaur and its clone rushed towards the super stormy salamander.It's just because of Duan Chen that anyone can see the real body at a glance.

Turn and attack!

Without waiting for Hunter J to continue to issue orders, Duan Chen chose the sure-to-hit attack again without any hesitation.

This time, the flashing fossil pterosaur appeared above the super storm salamander, struggling to crash down.

The Super Storm Salamander only had time to save Hunter J before being hit directly again.Falling from the sky like a crashed plane.

Due to the previous battles, the Super Violent Salamander's physical strength was already close to its limit, and now it was attacked again and again by the flashing fossil pterosaurs. It could no longer bear it and lost its fighting ability.

When the Super Storm Salamander fell, Duan Chen immediately commanded the Flash Fossil Pterosaur to attack again, this time the target was Hunter J.

"I want to catch me, it's a good idea!" Hunter J was not afraid of danger, and threw a poke ball at the fastest speed during the rapid descent, and then took back the super violent salamander.

Hunter J's movements are fast and concise, almost completed in one or two breaths.

As the light flickered, an elegant Xanadu appeared in midair.


Just when the flashing fossil pterosaur was about to catch Hunter J, Xanadu took the lead in using teleportation, and the figures of it and Hunter J disappeared instantly.

In the next moment, Xanadu and Hunter J appeared on the sea hundreds of meters away, and then fell straight into the sea.

Duan Chen immediately threw the elf ball containing the Gyarados. As soon as the Gyarados appeared, Duan Chen immediately directed the Gyarados to use Dragon's Fury.


The Gyarados let out an astonishing roar, and its huge body began to spin extremely fast.

Responding to the call of the Gyarados, one after another Gyarados emerged from the nearby sea and began to spin as well.

The next moment, a dragon's wrath in the form of a tornado connecting the sky and the earth formed, and began to rapidly expand the attack range, and soon covered the entire kilometer range within the attack range.

Hunter J, who got into the water, naturally wouldn't sit still. After diving into the water, he released a giant winged flying fish.Just as soon as she straddled the giant-finned flying fish, she felt the turbulent currents in the sea become more and more intense.


Hunter J reacted immediately, commanding Xanadu beside him to increase his output of thought power, so as to resist the turbulence in the sea and buy him time.

At the same time, under the command of Hunter J, the giant fin flying fish began to advance rapidly.It's just that Hunter J didn't dare to let the giant winged flying fish out of the sea because of the speed of the flashing fossil pterosaur.

Under the containment of Xanadu's illusion technique, the turbulent flow towards Hunter J was quickly quelled, but when Dragon's Fury broke out with the greatest power, Xanadu could no longer control it, and the giant winged flying fish and Hunter J were affected one after another. .

A huge gravitational force came from the center, and Hunter J held the giant-fin flying fish tightly, directing the giant-fin flying fish to sprint with all its strength.

During this process, due to the one-armed relationship, the evolutionary keystone carried by Hunter J is often just hung on the clothes of the broken arm.And because the gravitational force was too great, the evolution keystone was out of Hunter J's control, and Hunter J couldn't catch it, so he could only watch helplessly as the evolution keystone was swept away by the turbulence.

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