Eclipse of the Magi

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: An Introduction to Magic

Harvard and Zazel were traversing the forest-like region, exploring themselves to find a tavern. A simple location, in all honesty: One with a large bar, rooms in the second floor, quests tiled upon a billboard, a standard location through and through. Along the way, more questions would be posed towards the demon, much to said demon's dismay

"So wait, You just...HAPPENED to get here? How? With what? With who even?? Is it some supernatural stuff goin' on or-" Harvard would trail on and on with his questions, pestering the demon a bit before he tries to answer him.

"I told you, already! I don't know! All I know is that I got out of my home, explored a bit, and now I'm here! There's LITERALLY nothing else to say here!" Zazel would answer in a somewhat harsh, but still friendly manner. His expressions showing the same amount of confusion as Harvard did. The duo was stumped, but before they get any proper answers, and before they were able to properly reach the location, sounds would be heard. One such sounds was of a roar, loud enough to shake the foundations of the village, as well as a smaller loud sound. A Scream. It was from one of the citizens who ran away from the vicinity.


A large creature with silver hide, sharp claws and a breath of pure blue fire, searing half of the village in flames, or at least half of what the two would see. Zazel would be outright terrified, while Harvard was brimming with excitement. He was finally, FINALLY going to showcase exactly what he can do with his friend, what this world has to offer, and what magic truly is from an outsiders perspective. Casting a spell, he would send chains to wrap around the dragon's leg, holding on tight, whilst also grabbing onto Zazel. "Hold on tight, buddy! You're gonna see something awesome!" Without even a peep out of the demon, the dragon would react with wild ferocity, soaring across the sky, his leg ensnared by the dragon, and trying to slam the children into structures and trees with his might, hoping to break apart their bones through the impact.

Only Zazel would be screaming his lungs out of fear, looking across the area and trying desperately to move himself out of harms way, being dragged around by what seemed to be an absolute lunatic. Harvard, meanwhile, would be screaming in pure joy, practically gliding across the area, sliding across rooftops and jumping across branches, steadying his position to land when the dragon gets reckless. This went on for a few minutes, perhaps even hours, before the dragon made its way into its territory, a large set of mountains on the eastern side of Oaking, spanning the same length as a continent, just large enough to become a potent battleground. Zazel would quickly be launched into one of these mountains, landing softly in its snowy area, while the demon looks onward to see the fight in full.

Daggers, Chains, Elemental spells, and everything in-between. It was an absolute slugfest between the child and the dragon: Knives which were spawned that dove directly into its wingspan, ripping its flesh apart. Lightning which crackled and damaged its midsection, followed by fire which incinerates its underbelly. Chains and assortments of arms that spawned, grabbing ahold of the dragon and chucking it across the landscape, bulldozing through the rock that made up part of the continent. The dragon, however, retorted in full, juggling the child with its massive wingspan, damaged yet sturdy, slamming the child across the area, creating craters with its claws and talons which struck the child downwards. The demon would've assumed Harvard was dead after all that. A Child his size shouldn't even survive such strikes.

Yet somehow...he did.

Not only that he did, he was seemingly preparing something. Something extraordinary. Something majestic. Something...Monstrous. From what Zazel sees, it would be the child grappling the chain once more, trying to throw himself upwards, and in a stellar display showcased what seemed to be a bright green light. A Light which shined across the area, blinding the demon. It was in a six-starred hexagram on the light, as well as a circle around it. A Seal. He could see the child speaking, yet couldn't make out the words as the sounds of the seal were being too strong. Within a flash of light, without any warning, it would be complete, and what Zazel saw shook him to his core. It was a Monster, somehow even bigger than the dragon itself. A Monster with a metallic body, showcasing fire that erupts from its shoulders, and a stern face upon its screen-like chest plate. The dragon soared upwards, attempting to blast it down with its blue fire, while the metallic monstrosity countered with a single punch, coating its own arm in flames from his shoulders.

What resulted was a massive explosion, one which Zazel defended himself against, witnessing the large continent of mountains that once stood proudly, now melted and destroyed into a crater of rubble and lava from the intense heat. It took the demon one more look towards the large construct and the dragon, looking at the mighty beast being nothing more than a mere skeleton. The divine creation from the child still stood tall.

Harvard was standing atop of it, in pure dominance of melting the enemy dragon into mere ash and bones. Zazel would be seen screaming at the top of his lungs, signaling the child atop of his creation to pick him up. "WHAT!? WAS!? THAT!? THAT THING'S HUGE!!! ITS AS BIG AS...AS BIG AS....THAT!! WHAT EVEN IS THAT THING!? DID YOU DO THAT!?! HOW???" Was all he can say. All to say, and all to reaffirm the child's chaotic nature.

"Oh this? He's just one of my friends! Raphael! Say hi, Raphael!" The mechanical creature merely waved back, as it would quickly pick up the demon and take them all the way back to the kingdom. Silence filled the world in that area, with only time being the solution to heal its hot battle.

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