Earth With Dungeon: Saving the World With an Economic Boom

Chapter 305.1

Chapter 305.1. The Primordial Dungeon Core

Sakimori, now an incarnation of darkness—no, darkness itself—grins a twisted, ominous smile as he raises his hand while riding his dark tiger, Mike.

[Dark Emperor Sphere]

The sphere he launches toward the mass of flesh spreading across the ground is small. Under normal circumstances, one would think such an attack wouldn’t do much damage.

However, the flesh reacts violently as the attack strikes a specific point.

[Light God Radiance Sphere]

A sphere of light, shining like the sun, emerges from the flesh and is launched toward the dark sphere. The two spheres collide, annihilating each other in a pure white explosion.

“You’re way too obvious about where you are, you know? You could’ve moved around a bit.”

“Shut up. You’ve already marked me, haven’t you? Moving now would just give you an opening.”

“Then enjoy this tower defense game.”

The flesh mass responds irritably to Sakimori’s words. Then, like an anemone, it sprouts countless tentacles from its body, attempting to surround me.

“Mike. It’s time for the last dance. Let’s make it flashy.”


I laugh, enjoying the battle, and pat Mike’s head. The jet-black tiger responds with a kitten-like meow, and I unleash a burst of mana.

At the same time, the tentacles surrounding me glow brightly, transforming into laser-like beams of light that strike toward me.

[High Accelerator]

Mike’s body, carrying me, blurs and vanishes. Amidst the countless lasers, we zigzag at sharp angles, evading without giving them a clear target.

“Tch! Your partner’s gone. This should’ve been an easy win!”

The flesh mass shouts in frustration as its attacks miss.

“True, if Shizuku were here, it might’ve been easier. In that regard, your strategy was brilliant. Shizuku had to stay behind in the previous world, after all.”

With Shizuku as the vanguard and me as the rearguard, we could’ve pulled off a more spectacular and easier strategy. That much is certain. But the flesh mass doesn’t understand.

“It’s not just me and Shizuku who have all the combat experience. Did you know? The one who’s been with me the longest and has the most combat experience is actually my familiar, my cat.”

From lookout duty to eliminating enemies. Back when we weren’t as strong—when we were weak enough to be killed by crows—my cat has always fought by my side. It seems the flesh mass doesn’t realize this.

“It’s not just us who’ve been fighting stronger opponents. In fact, when it comes to combat, my reliable familiar is second to none.”

In the accelerated world, I dodge the tentacles that close in like lasers, laughing. My pet is utterly dependable. I’ll treat it to some high-quality smoked meat later.

[Thunder God Lightning]

Perhaps reaching its limit, the flesh mass unleashes a wide-area magic. The rainbow-colored sky fills with mana-charged clouds, crackling with lightning. The air tingles, and the sheer power is undeniable.

[Focused Magic Strike]

“This is the end!”

The flesh mass uses an additional skill, seemingly to focus its magic. The wide-area attack narrows, concentrating its power.

Explosive mana erupts in the sky, raining down on me and my surroundings. The flesh mass must have prioritized defeating me over protecting itself. I can’t help but admire its decisiveness.

“But you should’ve come up with better lines. That just makes you sound like a petty villain.”

I taunt as I raise my hand to the sky. I’m fully prepared.

[Dark God Domain]

Darkness spills from my palm, spreading like ripples. A pitch-black, bottomless world, akin to the void of space.

The lightning falls into the Dark God’s domain, seemingly poised to dispel the darkness. But instead, the lightning is absorbed entirely.

I was waiting for this. I knew you’d use it.

“Thanks for the meal!”

[Will Focus]


I unleash the absorbed energy, targeting its heart—the hidden location of the dungeon core.

The lightning meant to destroy me is now under my control, focused and released. Its power, amplified by the focus, becomes a spear of lightning, piercing toward the flesh mass.

“You’ll be defeated by your own power!”

[Light God Canopy]

A lattice of light covers the flesh mass, effortlessly deflecting the countless lightning spears. It seems its counter-magic is reliable, which is a relief.

Just as I planned.

“That defensive magic is your best, isn’t it? Once you use your trump card, tower defense is as good as lost.”

I shout, gathering the mana circulating through my body into my arm. Most of my mana is concentrated there, and I can feel myself nearing emptiness.

But it’s checkmate.

[Core Nemesis Hand]

My final trump card. Even with my enhanced power, using this drains my mana completely. It’s a spell that requires nearly all my mana.

The nuclearized arm of the Dark God.

Upon activation, my arm becomes a grotesque, explosive force. Just by activating it, I can feel the energy being absorbed, shaking even the flesh mass’s light barrier.


I raise the Dark God’s arm and slam it down with all my might onto the flesh mass. The lattice of light shatters like glass, and the attack strikes the flesh beneath.

My trump card, the nuclear Dark God’s arm, enhanced to godly levels, pierces the flesh mass, turning its pink flesh into withered gray. Like an ant burrowing into an impregnable fortress, a gaping hole opens, revealing a glowing red crystal deep within.

I prepare to leap in and greet it.

“Not so fast, Sakimori!”

“Finally, you said my name.”

Countless tentacles sprout like bamboo shoots after rain, aiming to impale me. With no room for finesse, it’s a straightforward mass attack. The surroundings have turned gray and withered, so it can’t seal the hole. It’s simply attacking with numbers.

But that’s the right choice. My mana is nearly empty. With my paper-thin defenses, I’d be easy to kill.

Well, my pets are still around, though.

[It’s the last dance. Let’s make it grand.]

I snap my fingers, and my familiars burst forth from my shadow.




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