DxD: Forsaken Regalia (Gacha fic)

Chapter 9: My morality and Musical talent

Kiba pov

Lancaster...he's become even stronger. What is happening to him? How is this possible?

After deliberating for a while, I decide to greet him.

"Lancaster-san. Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Kiba." he said with a nod in return.

We look at each other. After an awkward silence, I take the first step.

"How are you so strong now?" I decide to be direct.

I notice a hint of amusement in his eyes, accompanied by a smile.

"Training." he said.


As if.

I sigh and was about to tell him about my king business in Kuoh, but he cut me off.

"So, Issei was recruited already? Good for him, I guess... or not. You need to die to be reincarnated, after all."

I widen my eyes and instinctively put some distance between us.

"Heh~ Relax, Kiba. I just saw him a bit earlier today and noticed. Besides, Sona is already aware of me, so quit it before you draw attention to us." Lancaster said.

I look around, and nobody noticed...good.

"How?" I ask him.

"How what?" he retorted.

"You knew about us?" I said cautiously.

"You mean the whole thing about Sitri and Gremory 'ruling' this city with their respective peerage? Haha, yeah, I know."

Listening to his words, I open my mouth, but I close it. I don't know what to say...

"How?" I ask again.

"Magician." he said, pointing a finger at himself. "And the Devilnet is a useful tool to know a thing or two." he added with mirth.

Of course...

"You are aware I will need to tell this to my king, right?" I said.

"Oh, for sure. Do tell her, I don't mind...I already had my talk with Sona anyways."

Really? Interesting...

"But I think you guys have other things on your plate...Issei...the crazy fallen angels hunting people in this city..."

A dark frown came to my face.

...He knows a lot.

"So, you know that too..." I muttered.

"Yeah... well, I can wait. I don't really care." he shrugged his shoulders.

"The teacher is here...Good luck, Kiba. I'll be rooting for Issei and you." he said, as if he knew something I didn't.

"Thanks..." I said, a bit unsure.

I go to sit at my desk, looking at Lancaster's back.

Who are you really?


Samuel Pov

Class ended finally! So damn boring. I know everything already.

Maybe I can get some privileges around the school? Nah, Sona will ask for something in return.

I go to Kiba's seat to tell him something.

"Yo, Kiba, tomorrow after classes will be the perfect time to talk to your king, so tell her now beforehand."

And it really will be the perfect time...They will explain things to Issei for the first time, and if I'm there, I can give him a proper explanation—unlike Rias dumb incomplete explanation.

Plus, I'll reveal his Sacred Gear...Let's speedrun things a little bit. No need for the plot to be so damn slow.

"...I understand, Lancaster-san. I will talk to her." Kiba replied with a hint of suspicion.

"Until tomorrow." Without waiting for his reply, I head out of the class, heading home.

Later tonight, Issei will be ganked by Dhonaseek. Get his abdomen perforated Ace style, heh. Work hard Issei!

I realized a couple of days ago a mistake on my part... I can't let Issei do the heavy lifting.

He's a goody two-shoes. Can't make the difficult call. Can't do the right thing now, when the time is right...when it matters.

Kill the villains.

He doesn't have the amount of power to kill beings like Kokabiel or Loki... And Heaven be damned if I'll let those pieces of trash be sealed like in canon.

Hell no.

Let's clean the trash from this world... The world is only for the good people, after all.

Yeah, beings like Kokabiel or Loki were sealed...After all the bullshit they caused, only sealed.

I mentally sigh, remembering worst cases like Indra or Angra Mainyu. Indra is alive and free, and the other was captured.

Remembering more...Hades died at the end.. Good. He had stupid fucking reasons like every villain, of course.

Funny thing i remember Hades look a lot like Ainz from Overlord. Using a staff and everything...

Well if he really a skeleton then with the Rod of Arafel...đź’€.

I have a loooong kill list. In the end, I will need to do the heavy lifting... I can't let things go like canon. We need to do better. I need to do better.

Not only for the innocent people who have nothing to do with it and suffer because of those bastards and their selfish desires.

I've gotta make a stand... But I am just a man.

...A man that can kill gods.

When Loki dies...everyone will know...don't fuck with the world or its people.

Of course, the villains won't care... That's why Indra will be next, and then the whole gods and members who support the Khaos Brigade will follow.

Then everyone will know...Even gods can't escape punishment for their actions.

In this one, I need to be judge, jury, and executioner.

Because the people responsible in canon failed to judge them...The people failed as the jury, and the heroes failed as executioners of the evil bastards.

And this is real life now...It's never a good idea to forgive wicked bastards like them. It always ends wrong for someone. Always.

That is my morality.

Help the good ones.

No rest for the wicked.


I enter my home and put on more comfortable clothes.

In the hours I was at school, Garou and Reinhard assimilation were completed.

I'm pretty sure Dandelion will be a speedrun assimilation—he's only human, after all. No special powers.

Momo will take a bit longer because of his quirk...Yes, let's put Dandelion and Momo first.

--Dandelion - 83%--

Oh my god...this is fucking fast. Well, I keep assimilating strong people, keep getting stronger in every way...It's kinda normal that a human like him without special powers is a speedrun assimilation.

--Momo Yaoyorozu - 69%--


I smile a bit at my own joke.

As expected...at this pace, I will become...something more than human.

With the combined intelligence of my past assimilations and good research on my part, I will be able to create anything with his quirk...Damn sure about that.

No need to work in my life ever again. I'll just craft gold bars for my sustain, and that's it. I'm practically the richest man in the world right now. I have infinite income.

There are still a couple of hours left before midnight...Escanor will be fully assimilated by then...maybe even earlier.

Dandelion and Momo are practically ready...with some meditation on my part, I can finish them.

I close my eyes to meditate.





After two hours, I stop. They're both ready.

Well...How about a bard song? To check my new musical talent.

I pull out the lute.

"Let's see...a good bard song...from Dragon Age? Leliana sings a good one, I remember her song... Nah, I feel like singing something with lyrics rather than just angelic choirs."

Mmmmh, what known bard song should I sing...?

"Skyrim: The Dragonborn Comes? It's a good choice...and it fits in this situation...I'm in the Draconic Deus Universe, but no...I don't feel that one," I say while caressing my chin, thinking.

I know what song. One from Skyrim best mod, called Enderal: Forgotten Stories.

Let's sing The Last Sunset.

I prepare the lute, clear my throat, and after a few seconds, I start.

(AN: Search: "Enderal Bards (EN): The Last Sunset" in YT)

"The light fades away At the end of the day 

The sun slowly sinks 

In its nocturnal grave 

You're leaving our world 

Risin up high 

To the Paths Eternal 

To the stars in the sky 

And we stay behind 

Alone in the dark 

Our lives will be lacking 

The glow of your spark 

This is where your Path ends 

And where it begins 

In the golden twilight 

The release of all strings 

You're leaving our world 

Rising up high 

To the Paths Eternal 

To the stars in the sky 

Now blessed you'll be 

Till the end of all things 

No more toil of life 

No more weight on your wings 

The circle is closed 

Between birth and decay 

Infinite wonders 

Will embelish your way 

You're leaving our world 

Rising up high 

To the Paths Eternal 

To the stars in the sky 

When Malphas calls out 

We will hearken with grief 

And follow your Path 

To eternity"


"Yep. im good." as expected of Dandelion.

I pull back the lute in the inventory.

Time to put the Doom Slayer in the assimilation slot.

--Doom Slayer - 6%--

Damn he strong.

Time to sleep...i will go earlier today. Tommorow Escanor will be ready and maybe Doom Slayer too who knows.

Tomorrow is the reunion with Rias and his Peerage if everything goes well.


Author notes: Sup guys.

I was busy, end of the year you know?

Remember i do this fic for fun and the updates are pretty much whatever i feel like it.

About the song...i was just to check his musical talent...this will be a one thing only, probably.

I recommend you guys to play Enderal...if you have Skyrim on steam the mod is free and his the best mod i ever play :D

See you next time

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