Chapter 12: Ch.12 Life in the castle
Six months had gone by and it was now mid-winter. Elric had turned six years old an Aalis birthday was in three days. With the castle staff all abuzz with activity in getting the place ready for the princess' fourth birthday, Elric and the now extra large dog sized Blaze happen to notice a single person that was a a foul mood: King Jhon Foust.
Elric asked Odis about it, and was told it is because crown princess Aalis' mother Isibella had died during childbirth. This was common, even the the extra level of care a noble woman would receive, one out of two hundred births would end with the mother, child or both dying in the process.
After Elric found out he went to try an cheer up King Foust. He made his way to the king's chambers that were down a short hall from the throne room. Once he got to the door the guards station their promptly alerted King Foust to his presence along with his wish to enter. King Foust was a little surprised by Elric wanting to see him in his private chambers; never the less he decided to let him in as to see why.
Given the ok by the king the guards opened the door allowing Elric and Blaze to enter. By now everyone is the castle had long gotten use to Blaze acting like Elric's shadow. For some they would find it odd if the two of them were not together.
As the two of them entered they bowed an said the standard greeting when seeing the king as taught by the etiquette instructors. However he did add that he noticed the king was in a bit of a foul mood the last few days and only came by to try to cheer him up a bit. King Foust thought that the lessons he was given must have played a part. As it was mostly out of place for a typical six year old to pick up on such things or try to make someone feel better.
"I hope you do not mind Your Majesty I took it upon myself and asked Odis if he knew why you might be upset. He told he it was about the princess' mother. It also explains why I have never seen her with you. I'm sorry for your loss Your Majesty. If you fell up to it you can talk about her as it might make you feel a little bit better." Elric told the king.
"Thank you Elric, I see that the etiquette lessons have not been wasted on you. I could only hope that Aalis picks up half as much as you from them."
"As Odis probably told you, my wife, Princess Aalis's mother Isibella died the day after she gave birth to her. I miss my Issy deeply. Even though many including Grand advisor Odis have told me "It is not good for a King to be without a Queen." I can not find it in myself to love another woman." "Even thought it has been four years now I can't get over her and probably never will." the King said.
"How about we have a memorial service for her the day after Aalis birthday, as that is the day she passed on? I think it may help you and I'm sure Princess Aalis would like to learn a bit about her mom." Elric suggested to King Foust. The King was still thinking as to why no one else had thought of this in the last four years; was this six year old smarter than all of his many advisors. When he said "Yes I think you are right, We will have a service of remembrance for My Queen Isibella the day after Princess Aalis birthday from now on." He was thinking should he make him one of his advisors, no the others would probably kill themselves out of utter embarrassment from being out smarted by a six year old boy. If only he was older.
"I will heave it up to you to tell Odis about this. He is better at breaking the news of even more work on top of a already heavy work load better than anyone else I know. Thankyou for making me fell better you can be dismissed as if I keep you two any longer my lil spoiled princess may get angry that I'm keeping you from playing with her. She knows that your training this week was suspended so that you can spend it with her."
"Blaze I thank you for letting her treat you like a pony. I know that she is the only other person besides Elric that you let touch you at all. You have also been very helpful in lighting the ovens and candles here lately as well. I will make sure you get a extra goat to eat tonight as thanks. Now off with the two of you. Elric just remember to tell Odis about the idea you had and my saying to do it on the way to see Aalis." said the king. This was probably the longest he have ever spoken with a child other than his own, but Elric truly did make him fell alot better.
Bowing to the King Elric and Blaze left for the princess' room stopping by the office of Odis to tell him top break the news to the overworked maids and kitchen staff. This gave Odis a big headache as he to was overworked looking over the end of the year finance numbers of the kingdom. Never the less he made sure to tell them of the new holiday they had to create and get ready for in just four days.
When he got to princess Aalis's chambers she quickly ran over and hopped on Blaze's back and aid to Elric, "Where have you been all day?" He replied "Oh Just seeing your dad the king, I was asking him what I should get you for your birthday;" lying to her a bit.
"So what are you going to get me then."
"I'm not going to tell you princess that would ruin the surprise, but I know you will like it."
"FINE have it your way! Giddy up dragon pony lets go play." After saying this the three of them went out to play in the court yard that had a now removed and filled in well. The next few days were filled with nothing but the three of them playing in this court yard, eating and sleeping. They played right up to the time a maid fetched them saying it was time to get ready for Crown Princess Aalis birthday party. So they stop playing and went off to get ready. Princess Aalis to her chambers and Elric an Blaze to their now built Dragon's Keep.
After taking a long hot bath Elric put on his set of armor and uniform, along with his new slightly bigger miniature sword. The armor and uniform was a gift from the Guard Captain Davis, while Blake gifted him the new sword for his 6th birthday. His uniform was special, it was a deep purple and had the emblem of the kingdom in the back in gold thread. This was because of his status of Royal Playmate and Protector of the Crown Princess Of Foust. He only wore it on special occasions because while in uniform all the guards lower than the rank of Knight Captain how to salute him. He found this to be bothersome. Funny thing was the guards insisted on doing it as a sigh of respect for his "office" and to the fact he saved the princess. Blaze had a black leather saddle with the kingdom's emblem on one side and a flame on the other. This acted as her uniform an token of title and was made on the request of princess Aalis. Elric and Captain Davis both thought it was just to make it easer for the princess to ride her like a mini pony.
Crown Princess Aalis also to a hot bath thou shorter than what Blaze and Elric took before three maids helped her put on la long flowing dress that was of the same color as Elric's uniform. You could tell by the way that she and Elric were dressed that it was a formal event even thou it was a birthday party for a four year old. It was expected for all the nobles of the kingdom and area around it to come and bring the princess a gift.
At the party Elric was given the second dance with princess Aalis as her father the king had the first. She would refuse any offer to dance from any one else. So for the entirety of the party the only three she danced with were her father the king, Elric and she even got Blaze to kinda dance with her once. This did upset the prince of one particular neighboring kingdom in particular.
As far as gifts, her father King Jhon Foust gave her a new tiara made of emerald matching the color of her eyes. Odis gave her a real pony to try and give Blaze a break. Elric used the money her made as her protector to buy a emerald necklace that matched the tiara she got from the king. Most of the other gifts were dresses, art, books, and dolls. However a local noble family that owned a well know bakery gifted her a four tier cake covered in pink and purple flowers.
The next day a solemn ceremony was held with only those close to King Foust, Aalis and the former Ladies-in-waiting of the queen in attendance. This obviously included Elric and Odis as the event was His idea an was close to the princess and after talking with the king for so long him as well.
The king and a few of the ladies talked about Queen Isibella's life and how she loved the people of the kingdom regardless of if they where a beggar or noble. It was said she would often go and give out a few coins and bread to the poor. The princess got to learn a lot of the mother she never go to know making her fell happy. this caused her to give Elric sitting next to her a tiny peck on the cheek. King Foust and Odis noticed that she had started to develop feelings for Elric after he saved her from the well.
A year went by and Blaze was now the size of a newborn colt. Elric hag gotten to the point where lesions now only included history, law and dancing. As far as training all the squires refused to fight him any longer out of fear. he could now hold is own against most of the knights in training even thou they were three times his age at the youngest.
Once again at Crown Princess Aalis party she only danced with him and her father. This year the memory of her mother was open to the public as King Foust felt that she would have wanted it that way.
Another year passed and Elric had to ride the now year old pony sized Blaze aroud the castle grounds on patrol as part of his duty when not directly escorting princess Aalis. Training was now with the younger knights as he almost killed one of the newer knights in training that did not believe the others when they told him of how strong Elric was and to not let his age fool him. It was not until their duel that ended up with him face down in the mud with an X over where his heart would be cut into his armor did he understand the difference in skill that time training would have a hard time making up for. It was like comparing the talent of a formula one driver to that of a old lady that only drove on Sundays. The poor saps loss happened so fast he could not even remember it starting as he lasted all of three seconds under Elric's sword.
Three more years past and the now ten year old Elric only had to take lessons on history, law and dancing. as Far as training it had to be done by Guard Captain Davis as he could best most of the castle guards. In fact few would dare duel him in training. No one was sure if it was out of humiliation of loosing to someone to someone less than half their age or out of fear of being burt to a crisp by the now adult horse sized Blaze that acted as a mount for Elric.
She had little fruit bat size wings growing out of her back that looked kinda odd base off her current size. However no one was dumb enough to pick on a fire breathing dragon.
At the now eight year old Princess Aalis birthday party she once again only danced with her father the king and Elric. This greatly irked a prince that came all the way to the party in hopes of seeking the attention of a princess. After being snubbed by Princess Aalis he was to shamed to try and ask one of the other noble girls an princesses that had came to the party. He could be heard making threats before he was extremely forcibly kicked out by none other than Elric. Elric even went as far as to tell him that if he came back Blaze would eat him alive as he drug him out by the hair in front of everyone. This caused King Foust, Odis, Captain Davis and princess Aalis to be happy with how he handled his job as her protector. Just the act of threating her with harm was enough to warrant his action. If the prince had manage to touch her they knew only ash would have been left of him.
The next morning before the start of the remembrance of the Queen, a maid came running to Elric's Drangon's Keep while a guard could be seen running as fast as his legs would carry him towards the king's chambers. When the maid had gone in to wake Princess Aalis she was not in her bed, and a red stain was on the pillow. The maid could not tell if it was blood or pomegranate juice from the cup that was knocked to the floor at some point. The princess was known to hide from her time to time but today was important so that should not be the case.
Fearing the worst she told the princess' door guard that she could not find her. The Guard told her to go tell Elric as he was her protector and his dragon Blaze had a much better nose and a human. It was probably better than most hunting dogs even. He would go inform the King at once.
Five hours later Blaze and Elric still could not find her. Odis found it odd that no note or anything had been found. It was custom for a ransom note of sorts to be left when a princess or noble woman was kidnaped. He had dealt with the kidnappings of King Jhon Foust's sisters before they where married off. Most of the time it was done by an assassin guild member under contract of a rival princess that wanted to marry whatever prince was courting her at the time.
For now all they knew was she was missing and whoever took her was a pro able to seek in and out of the castle without a trace.