Chapter 1: Ch.1 Birth.
All stories, and legends have a beginning, and what better place to start than at the beginning. Not at the beginning of this world, as Zania is far to old for that. A much better place to start would be with the birth of a truly legendary character, capable of doing the things that make the bards sing of their glory, for generations. But in world filled with princess saving knights, skilled craftsmen capable of building wondrous things, witches blessed with the gift of magic, and mages that steal that gift from creatures that most believe to be only myth, how do you pick? Well, that is a secret the Bard’s Guild would have my head for sharing.
This story begins in the Queen’s Chamber of a kingdom that could be called a bright emerald in a sea of sand. While Vellen Kingdom may not be the largest, or strongest kingdom on Tera, the largest of the four continents of Zania, it was one of importance. The vast deserts of Tera stretch for thousands of miles, and only have a few dozen scattered oases. So, the lush lands of Vellen Kingdom, that were covered in farms, provided a large portion of the grain found on Tera. The truly powerful kingdoms were located along the southern, and eastern coast. With their vast wealth, and power coming from their ability to control the lucrative trade routes between Tera, and Vash to the east, and Gagaree to the south. However even those mighty kingdoms still relied on Vellen Kingdom’s grain.
With a scream of pain, tinged with excitement and expectation, and one final push, Queen Ciara Vellen brought forth a new life into the world of Zania. A son. As with any royal birth, the ladies-in-waiting, and midwives, that filled the chamber to the brim, sprang into a myriad of actions tending to Ciara, and her just born son. A mighty wail of a newborn rang out heralding his arrival into the world and disapproval of the temperature of the lukewarm water used to clean him.
** Throne Room, Kingdom of Vellen, Continent of Terra**
A man in long dark royal purple robes could be seen anxiously pacing back and forth awaiting news from the Queen's chambers. This man was none other than Artro, Ciara's husband and King of Vellen. He had a mixture of different emotions on his rugged but noble face, as his advisers tried to keep pace with him, as they tried to tell him of the daily on goings of the kingdom. With his tall stature of six foot, and five inches, they had no choice but to look up to him both literally and figuratively.
He had been like this for hours and had all but worn a circle into the stones of the floor, but suddenly....
A guard in gleaming plate armor came rushing through the Twelve foot high, six-foot-wide doors that separate the throne room from the hall leading to the royal chambers. He slid to a halt while taking a knee, and saluting the King.
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Congratulations Sire, the queen has given birth to your heir. Both mother and child are in good health and resting comfortably. They are under the care of the top twelve midwives on Terra your majesty. The ladies-in-waiting, and Guard Commanders are on their way to the throne room to receive your orders minus the two, standing guard over the queen's door."
"Very well." (While Screaming Thanks to the Ancestors in his head) "I want you to personally see to it that arrangements are made for a Grand Feast, and Naming Ceremony to be held in the Main Hall and courtyard in six hours, as it is early in the morning. This will also allow the queen to rest for a while. Tell the ladies, and guards that the Queen, and I will announce who will be named as his personal guards, and “Hand of the Crib” at that time. Do well and there may be a promotion in it for you, along with your fist born son being taken as Royal Playmate to the Crown Prince. Until then I will be in my private chambers, making an offering to my ancestors as thanks for watching over the birth of our heir."
But in reality, Artro Vellen had gone through the door located behind the throne, as if going to his chambers, only to go down a hidden staircase, that could only be accessed through special methods. Deep underground in a large round chamber, known as “The Chamber of The Eye”, Artro lay prostrate before a massive statue of a dragon.
"Bormah Zu'u ___ Hi Fah Koraav Ko Fin Kiin Do Dii Kul. ___ Hi _____ Zu'u Fah Lost Aan Joor Ol Dii Kiim?" Artro spoke these words in a reverent prayerful tone before standing back up. He slowly walked over to the statue and lit several sticks of incense before placing them into the mouth of the dragon statue. After this he headed to the Queen's chamber to see his wife and son as it was only half an hour till the Naming Ceremony.
**Queen's Chamber**
After telling the guards at the door to stand relieved as his personal guard would temporally take over their duties; Artro slowly opened the door to the queen's chambers and walked over to the doors leading to the inner bedroom. One of the midwives opened the door for him, bowing deeply before exiting along with the others as their services where longer needed. While it could be said that the queen’s personal maid only left to give the royal family privacy.
"Hello, my love, how are you felling?", Artro spoke softly." I am doing well; the head midwife is a powerful magus skilled in the art of healing magic. Normally I would be the last person in the world to employ one such as her, but she has a solid reputation, and has been cleared by my family on numerous occasions.”
"That explains the six hundred gold coins for her services”, Artro chuckled. "I can't see anyone shy of a city lord being able afford to use her."
"Yes, but she is worth it husband. She said within a day we could try for a lil princess "tee he he.""
"OK now dear I know you are feeling well IF, you can bring up matters like that. It is time for you to get up and dress for the naming ceremony, by the way. But for now, it is time for me to hold our son for the first time. Don't worry Ciara, I will be careful not to wake him until he is named. At that time, it is tradition to make the child cry to the heavens after all. In a moment, I will call your maid back in to help you dress. But for now, just let me have this private moment with the two of you.”
Twenty minutes later Artro held his son aloft in front of a crowd of hundreds of nobles, and royals from all over Terra, while standing next to his wife. These nobles had all come to this city weeks ago, just for this special occasion. Right now, no amount of gold could rent a room in this capital city know as Stars Fall. For these nobles, the birth of an heir to a kingdom, especially one with the economic significance of Vellen Kingdom, was a chance to curry favor, make deals, and secure alliances. It would not be out of the ordinary for many offers of betrothals to be given. Expensive gifts for the newborn, were also a common way to curry favor with the crown, in hopes of securing a lucrative trade deal, or favor. Once the master of ceremonies got the gathered the attention of the crowd, quieting them down, Artro spoke.
"Before I announce his name, I will announce the names of his personal guard, and the lady-in-waiting that is to be named “Hand of the Crib”. Knight Captains Randle Stonewall, and Maxwell Stormborn are to be his two personal guards. The young Miss Verra Silver of White Sands shall be named as Hand of the Crib."
"His Name shall be: Elric Vellen. As our first born he is The Crown Prince of Vellen Kingdom."