Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 79: Dudley’s street fight with a Muggle drunk

"Stop! Stop it!" Dudley shouted at the top of his voice, "You are all wrong. They are my friends. Grandpa Newt and I are frequent travelers here! Mr. William, the bar owner, can Bear witness for us!”

When Dudley said he was a passenger, everyone who almost started to riot immediately stopped, and their eyes focused on William who was standing next to Newt.

"Uh... Newt and Dudley are indeed guests here, but -" William was also one of those who was incited just now, but he calmed down a little when surrounded by everyone's eyes.

"Watch what's behind you!" The girl protected by Dudley exclaimed, reminding Dudley.

"I don't care who you are! Brat, if you dare to protect these two witches, you are seeking death!" The drunkard holding the bottle had already rushed over. He had obviously lost his mind. He picked up the bottle in his hand and headed towards the door. Hit it hard on the head.

"TiidKloUl!" (Time delay)

Dudley used Dragon Roar at a volume as low as the sound of a mosquito, and instantly entered slow bullet time.The drunkard's bottle seemed to move as slowly as a snail in Dudley's eyes. Dudley turned slightly to avoid the bottle, and then he turned around and hit the drunkard's chin from bottom to top with a powerful Shenglong Fist.

The time delay was relieved, and as the fist came into contact with the drunkard's chin, in addition to a loud bang, Dudley also heard two crisp "clicks" - one should be that the drunkard's jaw was broken, and the other was that the drunkard's jaw was broken. The sound came from Dudley's hand joints.

Due to the curse of the unicorn's blood that caused his body to become a zombie, his pain nerves seemed to be a little less sensitive than ordinary people.So much so that he couldn't control his strength. He just punched out with all his strength in desperation, but accidentally dislocated his hand.

The drunk man was just like in an arcade game. He was knocked up nearly three meters in the air before falling. The visual effect was very exaggerated. When he returned to the ground, his mouth was twisted and he was completely unconscious.

"How dare you hurt my elder brother!" When the other two drunken accomplices saw this scene, they immediately rushed forward and punched Dudley in the face with one punch from the left and one from the right.

"GolHalDov!" (Forced Will)

One of the drunk men suddenly looked confused, and then the prepared fist in his hand suddenly changed direction and hit his unsuspecting companion in the face.

A few seconds later, the drunkard controlled by Dudley recovered and looked at his companion who had been knocked unconscious by him, confused about the situation.But before he could recover, he saw Dudley rushing in front of him and kicking him in the crotch.


With a heart-rending scream, the last drunk man covered his lower body and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, his eyes turned white, and his consciousness was taken away by the severe pain.

From the time the first drunkard hit Dudley with a bottle to the time when all three drunkards were lying on the ground unconscious, less than a minute had passed.The crowd of onlookers on the street was silent. The scene of three drunkards swarming up and being easily knocked down by a child was really shocking.

"Anyone who is not calm can continue!" Dudley waved his left fist, and then relaxed his dislocated right arm as slowly as possible, "I don't need any magic, this is genuine Chinese Kung Fu, specializing in bullying the weak. Shameless person!"

"But...but we have all seen it. The president was bewitched by that witch!" The one who spoke was the young man who had just handed out the flyers. He looked at Dudley and seemed a little frightened. He only dared to stay away. shouting.

"It's special effects, no, it's stunts!" Dudley insisted categorically, "I just saw it with my own eyes. When the fat man flew up just now, there was a wire hanging on him... It must be one of his accomplices who set up a magic device on the roof nearby, but everyone was too excited to notice it!"

"You... what are you talking nonsense! How can we set up any mechanism!" The young man handing out leaflets quickly shouted loudly: "You think everyone is blind, so many people have not seen-"

"I saw it!"

The street quickly quieted down, and everyone focused their attention on the speaker—the bar owner William, who was standing next to Newt.

William seemed very nervous, but he still gritted his teeth and continued: "I just... seemed to have seen something being collected in the chaos and flying to the roof of the nearby shop."

"Old William, what are you talking about!" The young man handing out the flyers was a little anxious, "Who would believe what you say -"

"I believe William and Dudley!"

The newsstand owner raised his hand and interrupted the young man: "William and I have been friends for decades, and I am also familiar with Dudley and Newt. I believe in my own judgment of people, and I choose to believe them. "

“I believe in William too!”

"Newt is also an old customer of mine, I definitely believe it."

"The president of that bird organization is obviously not a good person at first glance, and I also believe in Dudley."


Those who stood up to support Dudley were almost all business street bosses.The members of the witch hunting organization are almost all residents from nearby villages. Although Dudley and Newt are outsiders to them, this is the commercial street of Selemuni Town, and the shop owners here are the real ones. Local snake.

"Everyone be quiet, let me say a few words." Newt's steady and majestic voice sounded, "These two girls are indeed traveling with us. We have all registered with the customs. They are genuine. travelers."

"Of course, if you still don't believe it, you can take us to the police station for confirmation. But if word gets out and there are fights between tourists and local residents-" Newt's voice contained a threatening tone.

"It's hard to say what kind of impact it will have on Selemuni's already precarious reputation. In this case, some people must be held responsible, especially some illegal organizations whose gathering content is inherently shady. ....."

Newt's words clearly hit a sore spot among the members of the witch-hunting organization. They first started to buzz with whispers, and then some started to come up and drag the president and the three drunken men away.Then they began to leave in twos and threes, and after a while, only a few sparse people were left quietly looking this way from a distance.

"Mr. Scamander, what is this-" The bar owner William's expression was very complicated, and he hesitated, as if he didn't know where to start.

"Don't say anything for now. Thank you, old man." Newt gave William a warm hug. "You can go back today. Try your best to participate in this kind of commotion recently... It's best to close the store first. Let’s wait for a while, and I’ll find a chance to catch up with you when things pass.”

The matter finally came to an end for the time being, and the two sisters at the center of the turmoil finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you both. Fortunately, I have your help." The girl politely and elegantly saluted Dudley and Newt, and then comforted the sister beside her: "Gabriel, don't cry, you are fine now."

Newt looked at the two sisters carefully and said kindly: "Judging from your obvious Veela blood... If I am not wrong, you are the children of the Delacour family."

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