Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 73: Preparations before the summer vacation begins

Since going to France with Newt to find traces of Nagini was a secret mission, Dudley didn't tell too many people about it.But with the exception of Harry, they were cousins ​​living under the same roof after all.

"You said you don't plan to go home during the summer vacation?" Harry was shocked when he heard the news. "What are you thinking about? Dudley, if nothing else, your parents will definitely come back if they see me alone." Will kill me!"

"Indeed, so I decided to tell a white lie to my parents." Dudley put his arm around Harry's shoulders with a playful smile, "From their point of view, the only one who returned from Hogwarts is Dudley. Silly alone, and Harry Potter will spend the summer at his friend Weasley's house."

"But how can-"

"Use Polyjuice Potion. If you have been paying attention in class, you will know its effects, Potter." Snape's voice suddenly sounded, and Harry was startled, but he could only hear the sound but could not see the figure.

"Thank you, Professor Snape, the polyjuice potion is ready." Dudley thanked an open suitcase on the ground, and then Snape's greasy black hair emerged from the suitcase.

"No need to thank me, I just completed the task assigned by Dumbledore." Snape's sallow face looked a little tired, "I have put enough unicorn potion for you for several months in the cabinet below. I deliberately prepared more to avoid an unexpected situation where you get seriously injured."

Then Snape turned to Harry with a very serious look: "As for you, Potter, you must remember it with your not-so-smart little head. The effect of polyjuice potion is only 12 hours, so you need to maintain the potion regularly. The effect...if Dumbledore's plan goes awry because of your carelessness, you will know the consequences."

After saying that, Snape simply turned around and left, leaving only Dudley and a confused Harry.

"Wait a minute, how did Snape get out of the suitcase... No, that's not the point!" Harry came to his senses, grabbed Dudley and shook him vigorously: "You mean I used Polyjuice Potion Change into your appearance and go back to the Dursleys? How can you possibly deceive your aunt and uncle? You are their biological son!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Dudley comforted the excited Harry, "You also heard what Snape said. This is Professor Dumbledore's plan. There must be no problem with the plan made by a wise old man like him. Yes. And you have lived with me for almost ten years, so you should be very familiar with my behavior - maybe you act more like the Dudley Dursley of the past than I do now."

Hearing that it was Dumbledore's task, Harry still seemed a little uneasy, but he reluctantly accepted it.

Dudley patted Harry on the shoulder and further comforted him: "Don't worry so much, little cousin. And I don't intend to let you maintain the disguise for the entire summer vacation. Dumbledore has already met Ron's father, Arthur Weiss. Mr. Lay has discussed it. If you hold on for a few weeks, the Weasleys will take you to the Burrow for the rest of the summer."

After hearing that he could spend the summer vacation with his friend Ron, Harry's bitter expression softened significantly and he began to discuss the details of the disguised identity with Dudley.

"So the place Dumbledore asked you to go to during the summer vacation won't be dangerous, right?" Harry looked a little worried, "I just heard from Snape that there was a possibility of serious injury?"

"It's okay, I'm just trying to lift the curse on my body." Dudley didn't tell Harry the truth to avoid unnecessary worries. "Professor Snape is a bit alarmist. As you know, he always puts things to the best possible outcome." Think in a bad direction.”

After successfully convincing Harry, the first problem was solved.But in addition, Dudley also needed to make other preparations for this trip.

First of all, there was the language problem. French was not as helpful as English when traveling through time, so Dudley could only learn some daily vocabulary in an improvised manner.Fortunately, Newt is a very good French teacher, worthy of someone who traveled around the world for a long time in his youth.

Then there are the magic skills. Since Dudley may encounter a battle this time, out of the consideration of letting Dudley protect himself, Dumbledore asked Dudley to learn some spells in advance that can only be learned in senior grades. The person responsible for Dudley's training was Severus Snape.

"Concentrate!" Snape shouted sternly, assuming an elegant duel posture. "There is no room for relaxation in actual combat - they will all be petrified!"

Dudley's Iron Armor Charm, which he wanted to use to defend himself, was a step too late. After being hit by Snape's spell, his whole body immediately became stiff.His pale skin makes him look like a zombie.

"The reaction is too slow, the curse will stop immediately!" Snape shook his head dissatisfied as he lifted the curse on Dudley, "Although I don't know how you defeated the Dark Lord, your current fighting ability is obviously just Third-rate level.”

Although Dudley was the only student, Snape finally got over his dream of becoming a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

There was no doubt that Snape was well prepared to teach this subject, but the problem was that the content he taught seemed a bit too profound for Dudley, who had just been exposed to magic for less than a year.

Dudley learned common combat spells such as the Stunning Curse, the Iron Armor Curse, and the Petrification Curse, but according to Snape, his level was no different from that of ordinary children from wizarding families who did not go to school.

As for Dudley's greatest reliance - dragon roar.Dudley didn't intend to hide it, he showed it directly in front of Snape and asked Snape to make some suggestions.

"Although these abilities of yours are very interesting, they can only be achieved by surprise, and they are of limited help in frontal combat." Snape was not surprised by Dudley's special abilities, but calmly analyzed the dragon roar. advantages and disadvantages.

"Actually, the biggest advantage of your dragon roar ability is that you can cast spells without using a wand. If you can master spell-free magic, you can combine it to achieve miraculous effects, but this is not a skill you can master at this stage."

Snape's analysis was very pertinent, and Dudley also felt that his use of dragon roar was too single and did not have a coordinated reaction with other magic.

"Professor Snape...I heard that you have some simple yet powerful magic tricks you created." Dudley tentatively asked Snape, "For example, you used the magic spell on the dragon last time." Feng Wuying——"

Snape's face instantly became tense and he stared at Dudley: "How did you know that this was my original work...Forget it, I'm almost used to your strange sources of information."

Snape pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "Generally speaking, these belong to the category of black magic, and I should not teach it to students... However, since you have an important mission this time, If so, I can make an exception and teach you. However, as a price, I hope that after you complete Dumbledore's mission, you can agree to a condition for me in the next school year."

(To be continued)

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