Chapter 90: Unfaltering Confidence
Smirking with the same energy as a devil, a new man made himself known. Wearing pure white garbs and a white crown atop his head, with pale skin, white hair, white eyes, and even a white sword the man was the personification of white.
He was young, only nineteen or so, and yet he was already rank 68. He was a talent to be sure but he was not a good man. The sword in his hand was glowing like a flame, its appearance normal yet its source different.
"How many souls have you taken?" Apathetically looking at the white man Wulin was unsurprised that he couldn't see the depth of the blade. There were too many souls held within it to even begin to guess how many it held.
"Does it matter? One or a hundred aren't that much different." Speaking provocatively it was clear what the man wanted. The white man wanted to see the depths of Grace Mirchea Luslec's power, to see the power of a god.
"I don't recommend pushing me. I'm running out of time." Looking at the man lazily it was clear that he had no intention of backing off. He held an obsessive glint in his eyes as he looked at Wulin like one would a far off idol in a twisted manner.
"That makes me want to do it even mo—" Pausing prematurely the white man found a hand pressed to his neck, cold black eyes looking back into his white orbs. He hadn't seen him move or rather he wasn't sure he had moved at all. Grace Mirchea Luslec was a god after all.
"You have the seeds of a demon. So join me. Grow your talent as the Fifth Slayer. You cannot refuse. You cannot run. You cannot lie. Decide now." Threateningly speaking to the white man Wulin was hardly surprised when his eyes lit up with glee.
"I'm going to kill you one day." It was no promise, it was a vow. This man would try to kill him endlessly and Wulin was sure that such a fate would never end for as long as they lived. But that was fine. He wouldn't lose.
"Try until your life burns away." With those words, Wulin grabbed his shoulder and the two disappeared in the blink of an eye. When their surroundings settled, they were in a luxurious hotel that was only fitting for a king such as the white man.
Two faces were present in the hall, a youngish man with a large strange looking staff and a girl with golden blond hair. The man was wary of him but did nothing about the newcomer's presence. But, the golden girl was different. She glared at him in clear warning and yet as soon as Luslec turned to her she acted like a domesticated cat.
"Leona. Watch over him. Hakm." Effortlessly commanding the two Luslec stepped into another room with Hakm following after him respectfully. Closing the door behind him Hakm watched as not only did the apathetic face of Grace Mirchea Luslec melt away into one of exhaustion but his form also shrunk drastically.
"Are you alright, my god?" Speaking softly so as to not infuriate his god Hakm gently pressed a hand on Wulin's shoulder and began healing him. It was a slow process with the universal order involved but Hakm believed he could reduce it by a third in half a day's time.
"I'm fine." Though his words were firm Wulin was short of breath and his eyes were somewhat dull from pain. The pain was expected and he could endure it however it was worse than anticipated. In time he would adapt but that time was not now.
His exhaustion wasn't helping either though that was more mental than physical. As a dragonoid, a being more dragon than human, he could change his appearance to some extent however as of now it took conscious effort on his part to maintain.
Additionally, it was only because of the divine tool made by a collaboration between Seto and Imort that the pain was only this bad. The necklace given to him by his partner was extraordinarily helpful as well.
The reverse scale of the Silver Dragon King was a powerful item and also the greatest weakness. It was akin to a heart, important and also vulnerable. The two had traded reverse scales in order to pull off this little play of theirs.
Filling his reverse scale with his blood essence—one of the only things that could endure it—she could temporarily utilize the power imbued within it and he could do the same. It was how he had manipulated the very sky. It was a bit too eye catching for him but that was the point. He had to spread FUG's name throughout the world.
Truthfully, Wulin hardly did anything worthy of divinity let alone world renown. Whether it be manipulating the sky or killing the Hyper Douluo it was done solely by mortal means enhanced by divine essence. The abilities he showed in his |Level 3| were things he could do in his base form albeit to a much weaker effect.
The only two things he truly needed besides energy were the blood of his partner which allowed him to manipulate all elemental laws and the divine tool he wielded in combat. The former was a power utilized by a mortal and the latter was molded by mortal hands.
The Devil's Right and Left Hands, an aptly named low ranking divine tool which contained the abilities of his right and left hands. The energy draining of Seto and the alchemic transmutation of Imort were at his disposal with this tool.
Since his skills were lacking as a rank eight blacksmith the divine tool was fairly weak however I held plenty of potential as a result. Wulin couldn't guess how far it would go but at the very least it would surpass most divine tools. Already it was proving to be a good replacement for the Golden Dragon Spear he recently yet not recently devoured.
"I'm sure they're alright, my God." Mistaking his silence Hakm reassured him of something he already knew. The battle may not be over and blood may still be spilling into the streets but Wulin was already treating it as though it was long finished.
After all, his other half was there.
Hey there, hope you liked the chapter.
New Orpha—I mean Slayer acquired. This will be the start of a new era for FUG since it's the transition of Slayers. Until now, all the Slayers have been fiercely loyal to Wulin but from now they'll be much more selfish. By the way, this guy is based off White from Tower of God.
If you want more chapters, head to patre* for up to 25 extra chapters. It isn't required but it'd be much appreciated.