Chapter 37: Your Not A Bad Guy!
Chapter 37 Your Not A Bad Guy!
Ballroom 5th Floor
With there battle ended, the rooms atmosphere falls silent and dreary. Sprawled out on the ground, bloody and bruised up, Rint lays motionless on the cold cracked floor. Walking up to the downed fighter Ver looks at Rint with a calm stare, gazing back at Ver with his swollen eyes Rint says with a hoarse tone, what are you waiting for aren't you going to finish me off? Putting his gun away back into his left holster, Ver looks at Rint and says, nah there's no need! Surprised at the response, Rint's eyes perk up slightly at Ver and he says with a tired but shocked tone, why spare me? Arching up on his face a grin forms and Ver says with a bright friendly smile, I can tell your not a bad guy! Plus when we were fighting I could sense no blood lust coming from you!
eyes watering, a tear rolls down Rint's left cheek and he says, huh! Is that so. Still laying on the floor poking out of his shirt lays a small gold pendant, slightly open it reveals two small boys with orange and green hair in it. Seeing the pendant with an empathic look on his face Ver says, once you heal up! Make sure you go back to them you here! Tears streaming down his face Rint says, yeah I here you! I here you!
End of Chapter 37