Chapter 34: Pap's Skills!
Chapter 34 Pap's Skills!
6th floor Sal White's Door
Pulling out his weapon gazing at the two disheveled men, his hand shaking with nervousness, Pap says in a not so confident voice, if you don't move! I'll be forced to use this! Turning there heads to look at each other and then turning them back toward Pap, bursting out with laughter the two rowdy looking men laugh hysterically. Gazing with genuine concern on her face, Lizzie says in her mind with a nervous and worrisome tone, Pap! I hope you know what you are doing! Wiping out there firearms after having a good laugh, the man with the wild mohawk says, ha! That was a good laugh! But in all seriousness kid I would suggest you put your gun away, it's not a toy ya know! Walking up to the two gentleman with his head tilted down at the floor, Pap says in a soft spoken voice, well I warned you guys.
Dashing forward with a surprisingly good burst of speed. Now in front of the guard with the wild mohawk, with no wasted energy Pap strikes the man in the gut, hunching over from the blow in pain with his head drooping down, pointing his gun underneath the mans rugged chin. Bang! Firing, the bullet then zips out of the chamber and rips up through the mans skull, he then drops to the ground in a pool of blood, turning to his next target Pap fires with pin point accuracy at the next guard, exploding out of the gun two bullets travel hitting there mark right on the money, one in the neck and the last between the eyes. Lifeless and still standing the guard finally drops, turning behind him with a sad and dejected expression on his face, Pap says, alright miss Lizzie let's follow our hearts and open this door!
End of Chapter 34