Chapter 32: I Must Follow My Heart!
Chapter 32 I Must Follow My Heart!
Level 6 Sal white's Office Door
Reaching the last step at the top of the stairs, standing before them in front of Sal White's door is to rowdy looking chaps guarding the door. Hands shaking with nervousness Pap says with an intimidated voice, hey Lizzie don't worry I'll take them on! Gazing over at Pap, looking down at his hands trembling with fear and anxiety, Lizzie says with her right brow furrowed up and says, you sure Pap? Because by the quaking of your hands you seem uneasy! Walking forward to the front, facing the two guards. Opening his mouth to speak Pap says, I'm not going to lie to you miss Lizzie! I am deeply terrified at the moment! But me being a man I can't let a charming lady such as yourself face such brutish characters!
Glaring at Pap with a who the fuck is this kid look, the guard on the left with a high wild red and green mohawk says, yo kid! Don't step any closer! If you do will kill you and the bitch behind you! So I suggest you turn your pansy ass around! looking down at the ground, hand hovering over his pistol on his right side. Gripping his weapon, shifting his gaze at the two men, eyes shaky but ready to be brave, Pap says with a some what nerdy but cool tone, sorry sir I can't do that! I must follow my heart and get through that door!
End of Chapter 32