D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 84 – Happy Times

Chapter 84 - Happy Times


<POV: Carene>

As Celesta had asked me to return early, I didn't wander around anywhere and diligently moved to get home sooner. Although the traffic was heavy due to it being the early morning of a Sunday, I still did my best to keep my promise to Celesta of reaching home on time.

As I finally returned back, I checked the time to see if I had become late in my return.

Thankfully, there were still seven minutes before Celesta's designated time of return. Who knows what kind of pandemonium would have followed if I was truly late by any chance?

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I went back into the house, walking towards the living room.

And as I had guessed, Celesta and Jorah were both sitting there, waiting for my arrival. By the way, I couldn't find the twins, Isla, or the tenant anywhere near.

As if Celesta knew what I was thinking of when she noticed me, she turned to smile at me and spoke,

"You are here, Carene. It's good that you are on time. Mom is off to work again, but she said that she would be back earlier in the evening. As for the others... they seemed to have their own things to do."

So Isla's already gone. I kind of expected that to happen, but it's kind of sad how the two of us have been missing out on each other lately...

Ahem! I-I have been looking forward to the sexy times with her too, to be honest. Let's try and see if she is free tonight, though the chances are slim as she is usually too exhausted with her work, especially after her recent promotion at work. It's partially thanks to it that Isla had been able to quit her night job so readily.

Now that the money issues had been resolved, Isla had been busy solidifying herself in her new position. The promotion must have come along with a slew of new issues to be dealt with, which has been keeping her doing overtime work voluntarily. I honestly couldn't really blame her for that though, as she wasn't the one at fault here.

It's just that... she had been the one who had me enjoy the taste of adult sex ever since I came here. And now that I have to keep on holding my urges in, it gives me a heartwrenching feeling instead.

Should I visit Isla at work sometime? No, she must be too busy with her work, so much so that she's been coming home pretty late nowadays. It won't be good to disturb her in the middle of her work, along with the fact that she won't have any time to spend with me even there. Yeah, let's just give up on that thought for now.

While I was wondering about my luck with the lady tonight, Jorah suddenly pounced upon me from behind, as she pouted heavily and asked me,

"Bis Sister CARENE~~! Where have you been? I was so bored waiting for you all alone. Big Sister Celesta was also busy preparing for our trip. Eheheh, now that you are here, let's go out already!!"

As Jorah exclaimed while giving me a tight hug, I truly felt her pure adoration for me as she continued to hug my waist close to herself. And as a result, I couldn't hold back my own smile and patted her hair slightly before turning to look at Celesta in confusion as I hadn't yet been informed of what today's objective was.

Celesta stood up from the sofa and began to collect several bags next to the couch as she spoke to me again,

"Jorah had been wanting to go to the newest zoo opened in our city for the past few months. Mother... she had been too busy to go with her and kept delaying it indefinitely. Yesterday, Mom approached me with the proposal for the two of us to visit there with Jorah, together in her stead. As I wasn't against the idea, I quickly agreed to it. You... will go with us too, right? Carene?"

Ohhh... now that's the face that makes me unable to say no to absolutely anything at all. The lovely face she makes when she uneasily requests something of me, it's an absolute killer for my poor heart.

And even when making an anxious face, Celesta's looks get amplified to another level altogether, as it gives her a vulnerable look, something that is extremely rare to see from Celesta normally.

Aaaah... she's too charming! How could the young me never detect that Celesta could turn out to be so adorable in the future?

And I missed out on the perfect chance to be super close to her in my childhood, so much so that I often wish to give my past self a good earful lecture.

But, to think that Celesta is asking me for a favor...

Hey hey, since you asked me already so nicely, there is no way that I won't go! Besides, I want to have some fun time with you girls too!

"Of course, I would! I would love to accompany you two on the trip. Actually, I'm glad that you decided to invite me with you girls, as I didn't really have any plans for the day. Jorah, we are surely gonna have a blast today, aren't we?"

Upon hearing my agreement, Jorah screamed out in happiness as she buried her face in my back and spoke,

"Hurray! Then, it's decided! We three are heading out for sure! Big Sister Carene, and Big Sister Celesta, thank you~~! You two are truly the best! Ohh!! I am so fired up to go~!"

Yeah, that's the mood-setting party girl of our group. Seeing her becoming so excited made me in turn excited with the idea of spending some good time with the two girls as well.

Hmmm, it really doesn't sound that bad. After suffering through those arduous days spent in College, I really feel like getting a breather for the sake of my own mental stability.

But, I couldn't possibly become a burden for the two girls. Since I was slated to be joining them on the little outing, I wanted to show my own contribution to it and to justify my presence amidst the cute girls.

"Celesta, leave the luggage to me. I am more than enough to care for them. You and Jorah should just lead the way and hand me all the stuff."

Celesta didn't look too happy to hear my suggestion, as she frowned a bit and told me sternly,

"Hmm?! How can I do that? If you would like to do it, then we would share half each, okay?"

Hey hey. You don't have to pursue equal treatment in this too, okay? Having been so busy preparing the food part of the trip in advance, Celesta is bound to be truly exhausted if we let her do everything by herself.

Even when I knew her tendency to be competitive in strange places, I decided it to not be okay for her to be the one burdened for our sake instead.

"That... it wouldn't be a matter normally, but Jorah would be with us today. Since she is usually so carefree, we as adults would have to be more alert. If you stay beside her, then you can keep her safe better than I can. Just let me handle the luggage, alright?"

Celesta appeared to be pondering over my words seriously when Jorah separated from my back and pouted angrily as she complained to me,

"Hey~! I heard you!! I am not a kid anymore, so I can carry luggage too! Besides, Big Sisters should be together more, right~~? Hmm hmm. I smell the love in the air already."

Jorah... I am sorry to disappoint you, but... it just isn't real between Celesta and me. We are barely... friends right now. If she wished now, I would be thrown out of the house right at this moment. Besides, I can tell how uncomfortable she becomes whenever the topic of my relationship with her comes up.

See? Even now her face is all red with anger. She isn't even looking directly at me anymore.

Don't worry, Celesta. I... will do my best not to get in your way anymore. Even if it hurts me immensely to do so.

"Naughty girl... what are you saying, huh? Teasing your Big Sister already?!"

Seeing Ceelsta's angry self being directed at her, Jorah screamed out in alarm, as she began to run around the room, hoping to escape the pursuing Celesta's grasp.

"Aaah! Big Sister Carene, save me~!!"

Nope, sorry Jorah. Even I am powerless to help you this time. An angry Celesta is too much for me to handle. May your spirit rest in peace...

Seeing the two sisters being in their jolliest mood ever from the get-go, I began to have higher hopes for the day.


Since the others were not at home, and the Tenant had spare keys to enter the house, we decided to lock it from the front door as we finally departed the house for our outing together.

The two sisters walked ahead with each other holding the other's hands as they talked merrily about their plans for the day. Meanwhile, I kept following them from behind while carrying the bags prepared for the occasion. I was also glad for the improved strength of my body which could easily handle such tasks.

Although the stamina mostly shows its utilization in my bed-related affairs, using it normally like this feels somewhat fulfilling as well. As if there is something that even someone like me could be good at. My own USP, so to speak.

The whole arrangement and plans for the day gave me the vibe of going for a fun picnic party, which I couldn't remember to have had anything similar with my parents.

Remembering the times I spent with them... or mostly in their absence had been the source of most of the pain within me. Back when I truly needed them the most, they... just weren't around me at all. Hell, they didn't even have an idea of whether I was living healthily or not.

Even now, after so many months, they haven't called me even once to ask about me. Although, I too had been avoiding calling them to inform them of the changes in my life, but I feel that my existence isn't important enough for them to care. Yeah, that's what my parents really are like.

No matter, the past is the past. The future seems pretty bright already.

Thankfully, Celesta agreed to my proposal and took up the task of securing Jorah's safety, while I took up the task of keeping the luggage safe.

There is one thought that has been bugging me for a while for the past few days. Seeing how cutely Celesta acts around me and when comparing her treatment of the others around her, my heart keeps screaming at me that the thing between us is way beyond a simple friends relationship.

My past experiences and my pessimistic outlook has often hindered that thought, but nowadays... I have been unable to suppress the cries of my heart anymore.

And with that... my hope for something more between us grows larger and larger as the days go on.

Since I am around Celesta most of the time, I now know for sure that she isn't dating anyone at present. And... honestly speaking, she is an extremely beautiful girl, both in looks and in personality.

Even if I remember her words from when I started living at her house, I am truly helpless towards my own heart. The reason why I desire both Sis Lin and Isla and not anyone else for a permanent relationship is because of how good both of them have been towards me, along with my own liking towards them.

But, if I have to say who I feel for the most in this world... it would be Celesta without a doubt.

Many times in the past few days, I had wanted to confess my feelings towards her, but... the thought of her rejecting my confession and me ending up harming our current relationship... those thoughts have been holding me back.

For now, I don't know when I will be able to risk it all and ask Celesta about her thoughts towards me, but I do hope for that day to come sooner.

Till then, enjoying being spoiled with Celesta's special friendship isn't so bad either. After all... I didn't even have this for the past few years of my life...

While I kept being lost in my thoughts, the three of us soon approached the bus stop. Jorah seemed to be in a hurry and ran up to the first one departing towards the zoo area. Naturally, we followed suit.


A/N: Let's share some good memories, everyone! As for Kitty... New games to play~!

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