D*cking Around the Household as a F*TANARI (GL) (LGBTQ+)

Chapter 70 – A Bad Day

Chapter 70 - A Bad Day


<POV: Carene>

By the time I got out of Sis Lin's house, it was already dark outside, with the time being 7.15 PM.

Let's hope Celesta isn't too mad with me this time. Although she is usually kind to me, she hates liars and cheaters to the core.

"I-I'm back..."

As I guiltily looked around the house, Jorah soon found me and ran up to give me a big tight hug.

"Ah! Sister Carene! Welcome home~! Would you like to try my cooked dish too?"

Oh, yeah. Celesta did mention something like that on the phone. To think that Jorah has begun to take an interest in culinary arts at such a young age. Not bad, not bad at all.

"Sure, sure. Why wouldn't I? Was everything okay at the school? Those girls didn't dare to bully you anymore, right?"

That was one thing that worried me in Jorah's case since she has a habit of hiding her pain and concerns from everyone else.

"Nope~! They all behave really well now. Ehehe, it's all thanks to Sister Carene's help! Going to school now is so much fun!"

Is that so? That's good then. And here I was getting all worried over nothing. I guess those girls aren't so bad at all. They just needed someone to give them some 'tough love', I guess.

"Really? I'm glad that it's all good now. By the way, Jorah... where is your Big Sister Celesta?"

"Hmm? She left with Sisters Lara and Lanita somewhere. She was really angry before she left too. Do you know why, Sister Carene?"

Oh shit. She is really mad this time. It's never good when Celesta gets angry. In fact, her silent nature makes her appear even more terrifying instead!

"Ehh?! N-No, how could I? I mean, I came just now, right? How could I have made her angry?"

I had to refute to the best of my abilities. There is no way that I would let Jorah become offended too. Let's hope they all calm down soon.

"That's true... oh well, dinner time then~! Sister Carene, everyone ate already! Only you are left. Come, I will serve it to you myself!"

Jorah began to drag me towards the dining room, as she sat me down and gave me a big sunny smile.

"T-Thanks, Jorah. You are a really nice girl."

Jorah laughed cheekily and winked at me with a naughty look as she replied,

"Ehehehe. I know, right~~?"

Haaa... looks like Celesta is really mad with me this time. I have a lot to explain to her the next time I see her.

But, I really hope that her mood gets better. I don't wish to face an angry Celesta at all...


Celesta, she really turned out to be angry with me. Very angry, in fact.

Although I had tried to apologize to her at night, and even before breakfast in the morning, she had completely ignored me.

That's what she's like when she is thoroughly pissed.

She even went to the College without bringing me along this time. Yup, I have thoroughly angered her yet again.

The last time I remember this happening was... I think before we stopped talking to each other several years ago. Although we had been having a good time recently, I haven't forgotten the fact that our friendship itself isn't a thing to last forever. Once Celesta finds someone she likes... she will abandon me all over again.

I know it sounds pathetic, but I can't help but want to enjoy her kindness for a bit longer. Still, it can't be helped if she thoroughly hates me now.

I was staying here on the premise of Celesta and mine fake relationship. And now that she hates me openly... it's time to pack the bags, I guess.

Hopefully,, I can crash at Sis Lin's place for a while before I get my own place. And that reminds me... I have to get some cash from my bank account as well, at least for emergency purposes.

Haaah... good times really don't last long. Let's just go to the College and kill some time. Who am I kidding? It's not like I actually go there to study or something. I would much rather learn to invest in stocks and make some money at home rather than gruel away working under some bitchy boss.

But, if the time calls for it and I really need to get a job... just for those rare circumstances, and... to bang some chicks, I have to go there, with or without Celesta in my life.

After all, life won't stop moving, neither for her... nor for me. It's not like my life ended just because Celesta abandoned me in the past, or when my parents suddenly left me all alone. Shit happens, and we just have to get over it whether we like it or not.

Let's not think about all this dark stuff so early in the morning.

Bright thoughts! Happy thoughts! Positive mind!

Think positive, Carene. There is still a lot to be thankful for in this life of mine.

The sun is shining so brightly, the birds are chirping with melody, my bank account is filled with money, courtesy of my strange parents, and I am not hated by everyone, at least for now.

Isla, Jorah, Sis Lin, and... maybe Nihara? At least some people still like me. There is plenty to be happy for, and nothing to be sad about. NONE!

Don't let your mind wander into strange places, Carene. Don't overthink. Everything's fine now. It's all good.

Breathe... breathe...

Haaah... I'm good now.

So! Time to meet my shitty and ungrateful Hall mates again! Yup, life is good.


Entering the Hall, a few students had already arrived. And just like the day before, there was no one bothering to hang around my seat.

Yup, totally expected that. It's not like I am dying to befriend you all, fuckers!

Let's just kill some time before that baldie professor comes over again.

Although the students were gossiping about something, I couldn't care less what that would be about. After all, there is nothing good this bunch of animals could ever come up with.

Oh? Nihara is here? Great, right on time. At least I can talk to one person in this Hall.

It's been some time since I was here, especially after she almost got hospitalized by those losers yesterday.

"Hey, Nihara? Good Morning. How are your injuries by the way? Are you healed already? Did you see a Doctor yesterday?"

As I kept trying to talk to her, Nihara walked close to me, passed me by and went over to her seat in a corner.

Uh huh? I was ignored by her, right? Wait, is she still the same person I met yesterday?

She was all over me the last time at the infirmary! And here she is, not even bothering to look in my direction, so busy fiddling with her phone...

Yup, today's a great day indeed.

But, I wonder what's wrong with her though? I don't remember making any meeting-up promises with her too. Then, what is she mad about?! Is this a special day when friends act cold to each other?

Firstly Celesta, and now Nihara...

Such a great time I am having here. What a good day, truly.


The day went by, as the professors kept shuffling in and out. My boredom knew no limits, by the way.

It really made me wonder why exactly we have to continue with this boring old model of education. Just implant some chip in the head and get it all over with! I hope that the technology develops for that soon.

Soon it was the lunch interval for our batch, and the students began to leave in droves.

From a corner of my eyes, I saw Nihara packing her stuff and quickly running off too.

Avoiding me now, heh? Afraid that I'll follow you up?

WELL... If you are that worried about it, then... I must definitely follow up!

No more Ms. goody-two-shoes. Let's see what this girl is up to. I don't believe that any hatred had formed between us just after a day or something.

Although I don't dare confront Celesta, that doesn't means I am afraid of confronting Nihara too!


As I tried to find that girl from within the crowd, a lot of shouts and screams rang out from a corner of the stairs.

Walking over to see what was happening, I was left completely shocked and stunned in my tracks.

"You slut! I already told you no, right?! How many times do I need to make myself clear, huh?!"

"What a bitch! When our Boss already told you no, how could you keep on bothering him about it? Do you think that he would cede to you just because of your begging?"

"'Please let me be friends with her.' Hah! What a loser! To think that I actually fucked this bitch before, what a shame."

A group of men wearing strange clothing were surrounding and shouting at a girl, who was being kicked around by a few others.

And who was that girl? Yup, it was my poor friend Nihara.

"Wait! Stop all of you! Have you all ost your mind already?! It's too much to bully her like this! Are you guys not afraid of being reported?"

How could I continue to watch this shitty drama any longer? I had already made my way towards Nihara, pushed off the guys beating her, and stood in front of her, shielding her fallen body behind mine.

"W-Who is this bitch?!"

"How dares she..?!"


As I noticed the group of men shouting out, the apparent leader amongst them had slipped down after my push and had fallen face-first onto the stairs.

Yup, that's gotta hurt. I wonder if his evil looks became even more dastardly after this.

I mean, what could be worse than an angry, menacing face filled with bloodlust?

Well. an angry, menacing face filled with bloodlust and dripping with blood. Yup, that's the one right here.

The guy's nose had gotten hurt in the fall, with blood having a free go toward mother earth. Gravity is at play here, my dear friends.

"I-I'm bleeding?? This bitch... she hit me? SHEHITME?!!"

Hey, hey. Calling me a bitch over, and over again... I'm not a saint or anything, alright?

Especially, in my FUCKED UP mood right now... these guys have already crossed the line of my patience.

You guys are the ones doing such inhumane shit, you guys are the ones barking around this place, and you guys are the oness angry now??

Fuck! I am not some softball for these guys to just play around with as they want to!

Nihara is a different person. She may be able to patiently bear will all your bullshit, but DON"T you guys dare to imagine me being the same. MOTHERFUCKERS! I will rip your heads off if I get so pissed!

Even I am scared of myself when I am enraged!

"Didn't you guys have had enough? Hah?! Do you all really need some good ol' beatings?"

Hearing me shout at the guys, the other onlookers became very shocked as they all gasped while retreating a bit further away.

As for these stupid guys, they were all shell-shocked from being berated by me.

Did you guys wet your pants already? Heck! I haven't even begun yet!

As if they all finally came back to their senses, their ring leader threw his jacket on the floor, as he glared straight at me while pointing his finger at me.

"Y-You dared to hit me?! Do you know who I am? I am the freakin KING around here! And you, this tiny bitch dares to put your hands on ME?!"

Yuck. What a bad breath. Does this guy not brush his teeth or something? Why is it so bad?? It's almost to the level of declaring it to be a national disaster!

Although he has a larger body than most, I don't think I am that small to be considered tiny. My boobs are big too, by the way.

The other guys all smashed their clubs to the floor as they all screamed out,

"That's right! What right do you have to meddle in our affairs?!"

"Yeah! We do as we feel like. Nobody tells us otherwise, you bitch!"

"Why are you silent? Too scared or something? Speak up already!"

I am silent here because I'm already too speechless from your stupidity. These guys are total morons!

Haaah... these guys... if nobody stands up to correct them, they might really start considering themselves the emperors here.

What a shit load of fuck! These guys are just hell-bent on pissing me off today!


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