Chapter 5 Do You Have A Bucket?
Chapter 5 Do You Have A Bucket?
“Welcome to the Safeharbor branch of Alan’s General Goods and Gear.” A young woman in her mid twenties, with light brown hair tied back in a ponytail, and deep brown eyes said with absolutely no enthusiasm, greeted them. The door had barely opened and the bell had just rung before she had started her well rehearsed spiel. Her eyes had a dead look to them, her head that was lazily resting on her hand whose elbow was propped on the counter, which did nothing but help her obvious lack of enthusiasm.
Isaac gave Lenna a sidelong glance as the pair finished entering the store. Lenna just shrugged. Isaac shrugged in return. The nonverbal communication went unnoticed by the clerk as she was busy inspecting her nails lazily. Isaac approached the counter. “Hello, I heard you sell magical armor here?” He told her with a friendly smile on his face.
The young woman eyed him up and down then handed a binder with their entire catalog inside. Isaac took the binder and, using the table of contents, flipped to the section with magical armor. Everything was clearly and neatly labeled. Anything that wasn’t in stock had a note that said so. Studded Leather, magically reinforced, and with a sizing enchantment was in stock. “Twelve hundred gold is a bit much don’t you think?” Isaac told her.
She gave him a deadpan look with the same dead look in her eyes. “If you want to negotiate you are going to have to talk to the manager.” She explained.
Isaac nodded slowly. “Okay then, where is this manager you speak of.”
The young woman sighed, sat up straight, took a deep breath, then screamed at the top of her lungs: “MANAGER!”
Isaac winced at the auditory attack that left his one ear ringing. A few moments later a middle aged man with disheveled brown hair appeared and greeted them with a smile. “Hello, Hello. What can I do for you?” He asked politely. He looked tired, worn down like only a man who worked at a job he hated for at least a decade could be.
Isaac returned the man’s smile and explained his problem. “It says here that magical studded leather should only be six hundred and forty five gold but right here this set is twelve hundred. The protection offered even appears to be the same. The cheaper one is, of course, out of stock.”
“Yes.” The manager began answering what he assumed was Isaac’s question and/or problem. “The enchantment for automatic sizing of the armor is worth just as much as the hardening enchantment which increases its price accordingly. I do not see what the problem is, mister…”
“Isaac Wexler.” Isaac replied. He specifically didn’t mention his ‘Lord’ title because he was definitely not going to get a bargain if the man thought that he was a noble. “I don’t need magic to make it fit me before and after a growth spurt like some adventurer’s child. I just want a set with some protection that will last longer than one job.”
“I… see.” The manager replied and thought for a moment. “Unfortunately the prices are not really negotiable. We could put a set on back order for you of the cheaper one?” He offered.
Isaac shook his head. “If I’m not getting it today then I’ll just go and get a custom set made from someone in town so I know it’ll fit well then ship it to the magic academy to get enchanted. It’ll be cheaper.” Isaac countered.
The manager sighed. “Listen, I can probably get it down to eleven hundred but that’s it.” He offered.
Isaac shook his head. “Eight hundred. That’s almost two hundred more than I was expecting to pay.” He countered.
The manager balked. “We’ll be losing money. Ten fifty.” He begrudgingly returned.
Isaac turned to look at the bottomless bag on Lenna’s hip. “We only have a thousand with us and were planning on picking up potions too.” He lied.
The manager sighed defeatedly. “I guess… we can do a thousand.” He sighed again then added in a grumble: “We won’t even be making a profit.”
Isaac made a show of sighing as if in defeat too then nodded. “A thousand.” He agreed.
With the transaction finished Isaac and Lenna headed to Stan’s to track down someone who would be able to help Isaac with a similar project.
“Are those?” Stan asked in awe.
“Young blue dragon scales.” Isaac answered. “Yes. And I want armor made with them.”
Stan looked up from the handful of small blue scales, each one smaller than his thumbnail. “You’ll need o’er a thousand of ‘em.” The old smith replied.
“Good thing I have over a thousand then.” Isaac replied with a grin.
Stan shook his head and chuckled. “Aye.” He thought for but a singular moment before answering Isaac’s unspoken question. “Next door. The Tanner’s. Known ‘em for three generations. Good people, better crafters. Most o’ the high end leather work in town comes from ‘ier shop.”
Isaac smiled. “Thanks Stan.” He scooped up the little blue scales and made them disappear in a ball of shadows. He motioned towards the door while looking at Lenna who nodded in thanks to Stan and then started for the door.
Stan grumbled and shook his head. “Youngsters, always in a hurry.”
Isaac and Lenna walked into the shop right next to Stan’s Smithy. The Tanner Family Leatherwork was an old, worn, but well kept shop much like Stan’s but with far less dust. Two human men were inside. Both with brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. The older of the two had his slightly long hair brushed back and it looked well kept. His beard not so much. It looked as though he had shaved a week ago and hadn’t bothered since. Both his beard and hair were flecked with gray. The younger man’s beard was less grown but it still looked a week old. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail and he was hard at work trimming a long leather strap, most likely a belt from the look of it, and only tossed the newcomers a quick glance.
The older man greeted them with a smile and a warm voice. “Welcome to the Tanners, what can we help you with?”
Isaac returned his smile and looked around. Inside was a large collection of belts, pouches, satchels, and armors of varying types and sizes. “Stan said you might be able to help me with something.” Isaac explained while approaching the counter that the older man was standing behind.
“One of old Stan’s customers huh? You know how to pick a good smith.” Mr. Tanner replied with clear warmth and fondness in his voice and face.
“Referrals are always the best way to do business. Jessica Silverstrand sent us to him a while ago and he just sent us to you.” Isaac explained.
“Indeed.” Mr. Tanner agreed.
Isaac made a ball of shadows in his hand and used it as cover to pull out a handful of blue dragon scales. He set the handful on the counter. The older man’s eyes had gone wide at the magic and then wider at the sight of the scales. Isaac flashed the man a smirk. “Think you can help?”
“Dragon scales.” The man whispered. His eyes left the scales to meet Isaac’s. “How many do you have? What sizes? What type of gear?” He asked rapid fire.
Isaac’s grin was now permanent. He had the leatherworker’s full attention. “A full set of armor. Neck down at least.”
The older man had a glint in his eyes. “How many do you have?” He asked.
“I should have enough. Do you have a bucket?” Isaac asked.