Chapter 1 Old Friend.
Chapter 1 Old Friend.
Isaac Wexler, the very mortal man who was claiming to be the demigod of darkness, Lenna V’Nova, the self exiled paladin who broke her oath and stabbed her uncle in the throat on her way out, and Edward von Sasston, the man known to many as ‘The Blade Master’, were headed back from their first adventure together.
“All I am saying is that if Gio had made his move when he was supposed to it would have made for a much better story.” Isaac argued.
“And all I am saying, is that life should not be thought about as if it were a storybook. It is going to get us killed.” Lenna retorted.
“Us?” Isaac asked, slightly thrown off guard.
Lenna gave him a flat look. “Yes. Us. You know I won’t just let you die.” She explained. ‘Because I am most likely going to die first defending you.’ went unspoken.
“Fine, fine.” Isaac waved her off.
“I feel like the third horse.” Edward told them when they had finally stopped bickering. “It’s like going on a picnic with an old married couple.”
Lenna turned her flat look to Edward. Isaac tried to fight back his laugh but snorted instead which caused him to lose his battle and fill the tunnel with laughter. At Isaac’s outburst Lenna turned to face forwards so the other two couldn’t see her face. What they could see was her shoulders bouncing slightly as she laughed quiet enough that her own sounds were completely buried under Isaac’s.
Edward shook his head. “I am definitely the third horse.”
After Isaac had regained his composure he looked at Edward with an amused grin still on his face. “This never happened.” He told the older man.
“Agreed.” Lenna added.
“We have an image to keep.” Isaac cut Edward off as he was about to reply.
“Maybe if you two acted more like this you would have more friends in town.” Edward countered.
Isaac raised an eyebrow. “You are a smart man Edward. Think that one through. I am a mage with a class I can’t talk about, a past I either don’t remember or can’t talk about, with a drow noblewoman as a bodyguard. Me being friendly and trying to not come off as a wagon load of blasting jelly ready to go off will only lead to more people getting hurt. If people think that they can mess with us without getting torn to pieces in the middle of the street then I will actually have to do it to prove a point. It’s better this way. Besides, we have enough friends in town.” He argued.
Edward sighed. “It makes working with you more complicated than it has to be.” After a moment he continued. “But I understand.” Another moment passed before he asked a question: “Who are your friends in town other than Celeste and me?”
Isaac put his hand on his chest in mock hurt. “Stan Ironeye,”
“Celeste’s father-in-law.” Edward added.
Isaac squinted at him. “Sera Von Arbencroft,”
“The duchess?” Edward asked, surprised.
“Yes. She’s a lot less tightly wound than her husband.” Isaac expanded. “And Jessica Silverstrand.”
“Don’t forget about Thomas.” Lenna added.
Edward raised an eyebrow. “Thomas who?”
Isaac shook his head. “It pays to be friends with your stalker, also I didn’t ask.”
Edward looked extremely confused for a moment before he realized what Isaac meant by ‘Stalker’. “One of the spies that are supposed to be keeping tabs on you? How did you manage that?”
Isaac gave him a smirk. “The same way I always do; be scary, prove that I can kill them if they double-cross me, then turn out to be a reasonable person who just happens to have a lot of unknown power and slight paranoia.” He explained as if this was something Edward should know from experience.
Edward looked lost in thought for a moment. “I hate you.” He told the younger man.
Isaac laughed. “Why?”
“Because it worked on me too.” Edward grumbled which only made Isaac laugh again.
The trio finished their walk back to Safeharbor. The walk took more than twice as long as the run out. By the time they had crossed under the gate back into Safeharbor it was already dinner time. They walked down the street towards the Duke’s mansion when suddenly Lenna turned down a side street and Isaac followed.
“Where are you two going?” Edward asked. “We need to debrief with Duke Arbencroft.”
Isaac waved him off. “Izen can wait until after dinner.”
“And I need a bath.” Lenna added.
“And new clothes.” Isaac added onto her addition.
“Clothes?” Edward asked with confusion, disappointment, and a sad understanding that he was at their mercy as a few delays were not worth fighting over.
Isaac looked over his shoulder at Edward. “She lit herself on fire, remember.”
Edward frowned. “That can’t be comfortable.”
“It isn’t. All of my under armor is ash.” Lenna replied with clear annoyance.
Edward sighed. “Fine.” He acquiesced and followed after them. Isaac raised an eyebrow in question. “I haven’t had Leo’s food in a while.”
“Leo?” Isaac asked.
“Celeste’s son. He wasn’t always a shut-in chef.” Edward explained.
“I still haven’t met him.” Isaac confessed.
Edward nodded. “That’s not surprising. After John, his father, died, Leo decided that he was going to clean up his act and has been a full-time chef at the Dawn ever since.”
Two hours later Edward and Isaac with a now clean and properly outfitted Lenna walked up to the Arbencroft Estate. Two guards stood on either side of the massive oak doors as always. “Sirs, Madam.” One of the guards greeted them. The three returned a nod in greeting.
“Tell Duke Arbencroft that we are here to debrief.” Edward ordered the guard who had greeted them.
“Right away sir.” The guard replied and quickly left his post to carry out the Guild Master’s order.
A few minutes later the guard returned and led them inside. “Right this way. His grace is waiting for you in the war room.” The trio followed the guard down a few hallways and eventually into a room with a massive maptable as the centerpiece. Izen Von Arbencroft was scanning the map for what had to have been the billionth time but looked up at their arrival.
“Thank you. You may go.” Izen told the guard who bowed and returned to his post. “You have news?” He asked Edward.
“Not even a ‘glad you didn’t die’ old friend?” Edward asked with a smile and walked in right up to the Duke’s liquor cabinet.
Izen sighed and shook his head. “I got a report when you three returned and expected you around two hours ago.”
“Your guests needed to freshen up after our grueling battle, your grace.” Edward replied with a smirk while pouring himself a glass of the duke’s expensive brandy.
Izen sighed again. He looked as if he had aged half a dozen years since they had last seen him a few days prior. “Report please. Sera is waiting for me.”
Edward explained what the trio had done and where they had gone, he left out the part where Isaac had made all of them undetectable by the wards which Isaac appreciated. When the mention of Isaac’s ‘Familiar’ came up Isaac stopped Edward and just shook his head. Izen had looked curious but didn’t press. Eventually Edward had finished his glass and retelling of their adventure with only mild input from Isaac and was ready to leave.
“Thank you. What is your plan to handle the other path now that your scout is dead?” Izen asked Edward once the story was finished.
Edward shrugged. “I don’t know yet. We need to get that thing's brain to a wizard before it decomposes too much so we’re heading over to Alexander’s tower once we leave. I’ll send you a message once I’ve figured out what our next step should be.”
Izen nodded with furrowed brows. “Alright. That is all, you may go.” The trio turned to leave but Izen stopped them. “Not you, Lord Wexler, I have some questions.”