Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter 38: Hot & Bothered

 Varen had to drag Zeya out of the bar once it was time to finally leave. Zeya was dead asleep by the time they made it home, the Roseabelle seemed to be at peace when she wasn't awake. 

 "You're definitely not going to make it easy for me, are you?" His question obviously went unanswered, but he didn't mind.

 He quickly made his way past the living room where Nox laid at the center of the room. The creature quickly followed as it noticed the two had finally got back. Varen placed Zeya softly onto the bed, but his carefulness wasn't enough to keep her asleep.

 "Ugh..." She groaned, indicating that she had finally come to. She looked around with a groggy face before her dazed gaze landed on Varen.

 "Did you have fun drinking to your heart's content, my love?" He asked sweetly, kneeling in front of the bed to face her.

 "Is it my fault that I was trying to ease myself with a few drinks?" She muttered, clearly still drunk.

 "Oh?" He tilted his head, amused. "What could be possibly troubling you, Zeya?"

 Zeya grumbled something incoherently before she closed her eyes again, seemingly going back to sleep.

Much to Varen's surprise however, Zeya was trying to get her clothes off, the temperature was too warm thanks to all the booze she consumed.

 "... I wouldn't do that if I were you." He got in bed with her and quickly stopped Zeya's shirt from coming off completely, earning an annoyed groan from her.

 "You're insufferable." She said with a frown as she glared at the Kaxarene, who could only stare back.

 "Get out." She demanded, kicking Varen in the chest as he continued to stare. 

 Her eyes were no longer the glimmering gold color that Varen was used to staring into.

He had suggested that they had disguised themselves to appear more human.

He grabbed her ankle and gently pulled her towards him just so he could look at her better.

 "No human ever goes around with golden eyes." He recalled what he said to Zeya earlier that day. It was what made her oblige to him using his powers on her, placing a spell on her that made her eyes dark brown instead.

 "I much rather look at you without the barrier." He said his thoughts out loud. "The color brown does not suit you at all."

 "Well, I prefer you without those demonic red eyes." She retorted, clearly too drunk to care for what he or she was saying.

 "Oh?" He smiled seductively at her words, getting closer. "Do you really?"

 "Don't you even think about it, Varen." She warned, knowing what the Kaxarene was trying to pull on her.

 "I would never do anything without your approval." He said without an ounce of shame, getting closer regardless of her warnings. "I just want to break the spell so I can look at your pretty eyes again."

 His hand was large enough to cover the top half of Zeya's face entirely, taking her by surprise. Her eyes turned to normal as he said he would do, glimmering seductively as he finally unhanded her.

 "... Are you trying to sleep with me Varen?" Zeya asked out of the blue. Varen visibly froze at the directness of Zeya's question.

 "Of course not, I'm not that desperate." He replied, expressionlessly as he held Zeya's watchful eyes.

 "Your hands are telling me a different story though." She referred to his hands that rested comfortably on her inner thighs. 

 "And you don't seem to despise the idea of me touching you... Just what mind games are you playing with me, hm?" He stated, his hands roaming to her stomach, until Zeya stopped him from going further. 

 "You should be ashamed, Varen Edevane." She whispered, her gaze cloudy and unfocused as she held her tense gaze at him. "Coming onto a Roseabelle after what you did... such a brazen bastard."

 "You're not just any Roseabelle, are you?" He questioned, a handsome smirk forming on his face. "You're a Roseabelle I used to fuck, there's a difference."

 "Used to fuck." She repeated his words back to him. "And you know I despise men that chase."

 "Get yourself an easier target somewhere else. I'm sure a human prostitute would suffice your needs well enough." She got up from the bed as she said that.

 "You can have the bed all to yourself, Your Majesty." She wore a sly smile on her face as she walked over to the door. "I'll sleep with Nox in the living room." 

 "Good night, Varen." She closed the door with a soft click, leaving Varen alone in the bedroom.

 "... Good night."


 The second morning greeted Zeya with an aching back and a heavy hungover.

She was alone in the cottage with only a letter from Varen placed on the dinner table to tell her where the Kaxarene wandered off to. It read:

 Something urgent came up while you were asleep but meet me at the same bar tonight at exactly midnight... If everything goes well that is. Don't miss me too much, I'll see you soon enough.



 Zeya couldn't help but cringe at the letter, but she knew that at least part of it was being serious.

She crumpled the small piece of paper and went back to bed with Nox still sleeping soundly by her side.

If she was going to have to look presentable that night, she was going to sleep away the hangover until it was time for her to actually get ready.


 She had a long, black coat draped on top of a simple yet elegant red dress since it was cold out tonight.

The wind kissed her cheeks to be a rosy tint as she made her way to the main street. Nox made sure to tag along while it blended in with the shadows, staying out of sight. 

 The bar was filled with people from all kinds of backgrounds, chatting away about all kinds of different topics.

There was a certain pair that caught her attention as she entered, they were sitting at the front of the bar where the bartenders made your drinks for you from scrap as soon as you ordered.

 Varen was busy drinking and conversing with slightly shorter man, who must've been the dealer that handled the business in this specific village.

He welcomed her with a warm welcome when he finally noticed her arrival, placing her figure close to his as he introduced Zeya to the stranger.

 "This is the business partner I was telling you all about." He told the stranger as Zeya extended her hand to him. "Don't be shy, introduce yourself to this kind gentleman."

 "Evelyn." She replied with a random name, eyeing the strange man that was being far too friendly.

 "How do you do this fine evening, madam." He kissed the back of her hand politely. "You can call me Phantom."

 'What a name for a frail-looking man.' She thought, finding the nickname tacky.

 "Your wife is beautiful." He complimented; the words gave her goosebumps all over her body.

 '... Wife?!' She glared at Varen who remained unfazed.

 "A beauty indeed." He agreed with Phantom's compliment, glancing over at Zeya teasingly. "You have no idea how much I had to spend just to get her hand in marriage."

 Laughter erupted from the both of them while Zeya remained expressionless, her fists clenched tightly by her side.

 "Well, now that she's here, let's get down to business, shall we?" Varen offered, leaning in closer so he could whisper.

 "I heard from a friend that this village is filled with poppy plantations." He said cautiously. "Is that true?"

 "Most certainly, Sir." He nodded, smiling with pride. "We make only the very best opium you can find in Exousia."

 "You see, I'm planning to start a big business with this opium drug. I already have buyers that are interested, and I heard that you're in good terms with the royals."

 "I wouldn't say the royal family, but we do have connections with the royal council." Phantom seemed proud after Varen's compliments. "If anything, they're the ones helping us do business so easily."

 "Oh..." He exclaimed apathetically. "Why is that so?"

 His suspicions were right after all.

 Zeya noticed something in Varen's eyes shift and she knew then that whoever he was going to catch as the culprit was going to be in deep trouble.

 "Well, like I said, I'm interested in buying from you, and it's not just some any measly quantity." He smiled to mask his anger as he continued. "I want you to be my manufacturer and I have the power to make your business thrive under me."

 He took out a large bag of gold and placed in directly in front of the astonished human, like a predator baiting its prey.

Phantom eyed the huge bag with greed leaking out of his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure by clearing his throat and looking around warily.

 "You look surprised, Phantom." Varen teased with a loud laugh, noticing that the entire bar was listening in on their conversation now, but he continued regardless. "This is just proof from my side to assure you that I'm the real deal."

 'Rich bastard.' She judged internally, glancing over at the bag of gold. 'He's going to use up his entire family inheritance at this point.'

 Just as Phantom reached out to slide the bag to his side, Varen stopped him before he took it back entirely.

 "However, I don't trust you well enough yet with my hard-earned money." Varen confessed almost cartoonishly, tapping his finger on top the wooden bar table. "I want to talk to the person in charge, face to face."

 "That... is quite a condition, Sir." Ghost admitted, eyeing the bag desperately. "I'll try my best to get him to come down here but... I cannot guarantee he'll agree."

 "I'll give you time to think about it then." He nodded his head in understanding. "Just be aware that this is only the beginning of how much I'm willing to give you for your services. I hope you understand, Phantom."

 "... Of course, Sir."

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