Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 192 The reason for the intersection of world lines

Kevin looked at the glass quietly.

On the other side of the glass is a closed laboratory. Since the lights are not turned on, it is dark inside, so people outside can clearly see their own reflections in the glass.

If the reflection is normal, Kevin himself shown in the glass should be wearing a casual suit without a tie, with a clean chin and a normal hairstyle.

But now Kevin in the glass reflection looks different.

A man wearing a hero uniform that Kevin would no longer wear after becoming president, with a beard and short hair.

"deep sea?"

Kevin narrowed his eyes and looked at him in the mirror.

But in the mirror, as if he saw the most terrifying thing in the world, he let out a sharp explosive scream and quickly retreated.

It was only then that Kevin realized that he could actually hear his voice.

" you you-! You are me...?! are not me...Damn! I must have drank too much and hallucinated!"

The deep screamed and murmured at the same time.

Kevin didn't say anything, just watched him quietly until the other person disappeared from his eyes and Kevin's own figure appeared again in the glass.

In the glass, the deep sea in the original world line has disappeared.

Kevin looked at himself in the glass and fell into deep thought.

Although I had heard Annie say before that she saw another thing about her, Kevin had a different feeling when it actually happened to him.

I can’t describe the feeling, but it’s strange anyway.

"Being able to hear sounds proves that there are channels for transmitting sounds... Could it be that I can travel to another world in this way if necessary?"

Kevin recalled what he had just heard, the scream coming from the deep sea, and began to think.

If he could hear the sound, it would prove that he didn't just see himself, but perhaps he had inadvertently opened a passage to a parallel world.

But what is the principle?

Why do I and Annie see other people, and why are they the only ones who can see other people?

Because Kevin is a time traveler? Or is it because their destiny has been greatly changed?

There are too few examples for Kevin to judge, but judging from the current situation, it is just a sight and will not affect their lives today.

But no one knows whether the impact will gradually expand if it continues.

So even if it would waste some skill points, Kevin planned to go to the Marvel world first to ask about the situation.

That's right, right now.

In the Marvel Universe, when Kevin returns, he still remains in the New York Temple.

And Gu Yi was still sitting there, drinking tea and admiring the scenery of New York.

Seeing Kevin coming back, she raised her eyebrows slightly:

"Come back a little quick."

"You always seem to know how long I have been in my world..."

Kevin couldn't help but complain.

When he came back last time, Gu Yi could tell at a glance how long Kevin had been gone. It was clear that time here was suspended.

Gu Yi smiled and said:

"I don't know what you have experienced in your world, but I can see the traces of the passage of time on you."

"You want to say I'm getting older?"

"That's not what I actually meant... Forget it, it's not important. You came back to me so quickly. I don't think you have figured out that you want to be the Supreme Mage. Do you want to see me if you have anything?"

Gu Yi took out a tea cup for Kevin and made him tea himself, pretending to be attentive.

Kevin selectively ignored the hints in the other party's words. He sat across from Gu Yi and told Gu Yi what he had just seen:

"My girlfriend and I were suddenly able to see ourselves in another world recently. I know the concept of parallel universes, and I also understand that the world is not composed of our separate worlds, but what I don't understand is why I didn't do anything. , you saw us in another world?”

"Are you worried?"

"Yes, I'm worried about the impact this will have on the world I live in."

Kevin said honestly.

If there was no impact, it would be easy to say that he saw himself in another world, and when he saw it, he saw it, and treated it as some special phenomenon, and just laughed it off.

But if this phenomenon causes bad changes in Kevin's world, such as the collapse of the universe, then this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Gu Yi patiently listened to what Kevin said. After Kevin calmed down, Gu Yi said:

"Kevin, if I guess correctly, you should be a very special person in your world, right?"

"You mean...what?"

“To put it simply, you know what kind of person you will be in the future and what you will do in the future, but you deviate from your original route and help more people deviate from their original route. "

This is what is called changing destiny.

"You want to say that because I changed my own destiny and the destiny of others, I can see myself in another world?"

"Don't you understand this very well?"

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Kevin frowned even more tightly:

"But...why? Why can we see us in another world by changing our destiny?"

"Because your current destiny is not on the original route."

Gu Yi said, raised her hand and drew it to the side, and a green ribbon appeared in front of her.

She explained:

"If this is your original future, a straight line that continues to extend, and this-"

Gu Yi drew another ribbon next to it:

“The future of the world you see is also a straight line that continues to extend. They seem to intersect, but in fact they never intersect.

"But at this moment, in your world, you...appeared."

Ancient One said, tapping lightly on the green timeline that originally represented Kevin's world.

"Your existence has made your future no longer certain. The more you change your respective destinies, the more unpredictable the future direction of this timeline will be. This timeline that belongs to you will not follow the original path. Move forward on a determined path.”

Following the words of Ancient One, the green timeline that originally represented Kevin's world began to deviate from the original route.

It begins to bob up and down, and at one point collides with parallel lines below that would not otherwise meet.

"So." Gu Yi pointed to the intersection of the two world lines, "You met each other."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, his fingers continued to slide, and several different green ribbons began to extend. All the ribbons were almost parallel and did not intersect, but only one was different.

That is the timeline that represents Kevin's world. It is like a wild horse, running back and forth in different world lines, causing more fluctuations in the world lines.

Ancient One continued:

"Moreover, we will collide with more world lines in the future."

"What impact will this have on my universe?"

Kevin understood what Gu Yi said and understood the reason for interacting with other world lines.

But what he now wants to know is whether it will have an impact on his world.

Kevin thought Gu Yi would know, after all, she was in Kevin's heart, and she was almost omniscient and omnipotent.

But who would have thought that Gu Yi would simply spread his hands:

"I have no idea."


"Don't look at me like that. I may be able to know the future of my world, but I cannot know the future of your world. Maybe what you are experiencing now will not have much impact on you, but it is also possible...

"The collision between different parallel universes will produce an increasingly larger chain reaction until one day, the chain collapses, leading to the collapse of parallel universes."

"The worst outcome is the end of the world?"

"The end of all universes."

"...But it might not turn out to be the worst, right?"

"Perhaps, but even the best result will lead to more and more people discovering the existence of parallel universes, and starting your own parallel universe war."

Just like the ‘Kang’s Dynasty’ in the Marvel world.

Will the world of black robes evolve towards the ‘Kevin Dynasty’ in the future?

But except for Kevin who is now transported, the other Kevins are all the brainless Deep Sea. How could they evolve into the 'Kevin Dynasty'?

Kevin frowned and thought for a long time.

But Gu Yi said at this time:

"If you really want to find a way to deal with it, why don't you go to someone who knows more about it?"

"...Time Management Bureau?"

"No, I mean... you can actually try it yourself."

Furu smiled, as if his plan had succeeded, and placed the Eye of Agamotto around his neck on the coffee table and sent it to Kevin.

Kevin: "..."

Gu Yi smiled and said:

"Try it, it doesn't cost any money."

Kevin stared at the Eye of Agamotto that Ancient One sent to him, and then looked at Ancient One's kind and kind smile. Kevin was silent for a while and asked:

"...If we don't deal with this matter in a short time, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"Not for the time being, but what will happen in the future depends on how much you change your destiny. The more times you change your destiny, the more significant it is, and the more frequently your world will intersect with other worlds."

"How soon...will something happen?"

"You shouldn't have to worry about it for a short period of time...two or three months, but if it lasts longer than a year, you need to be careful."

Ancient Yi guessed the approximate time based on his own 'experience'.

Then he smiled at Kevin again:

"So you want to try it yourself?"

She handed over the Eye of Agamotto to Kevin with increasing anticipation.

But Kevin then opened the portal without hesitation:

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

After saying that, Kevin got into the portal and left the New York Temple.

Now that he knows what he wants to know and is sure that there will be no danger in the black robe world in a short period of time, Kevin must now prepare to go back to the black robe world.

However, before returning to the black robe world, he must find a way to make up for the skill points he spent, so that he would not be considered a loss.

The way to replenish skill points is actually very simple.

Just find any villain and kill him.

As for who this unfortunate villain is, it all depends on who Kevin has in mind at the time.

After killing a few lesser-known villains in the Marvel world and returning with six skill points, Huey was basically done.

Although the process was painful, Huey did gain superpowers.

Just like the original plot, Huey's superpower is still teleportation, and it's teleportation without clothes.

At the same time, he also has similar physical fitness and recovery ability to Annie.

The ability to teleport is okay, but the latter is not something that every superhuman has.

Although in the plot of the main three seasons, it seems that most of the superpowers are proficient in physical specialization. Whether it is strength, speed, defense, or recovery ability, they are far beyond ordinary people.

But one only needs to look at Generation V to know that there are still only a few people with physical expertise.

Most superhumans' bodies are actually not much different from ordinary people.

It is rumored that the heroine Mary can cut her own skin with just a knife.

In addition to controlling other people's thoughts and changing other people's memories, Kate herself is not much different from other people in terms of physical fitness.

Even most of the superpowers who have been transformed have the same physical fitness as ordinary people.

So don't think that the abilities Huey has gained are very basic. In fact, his current physique alone can surpass most superhumans.

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