Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 53

Chapter 43 Witnesses

“Magic Spear Through the Wind – Ice Column (Over Spectacle)!

Leave yourself to the rushing magic flow, open your crotch at shoulder width, and stay firmly on the spot.

Blue magic particles swirl around the protruding arms, eventually turning them into cool water currents, enveloping the activator, Goshikai’s arm.

Stupid as a tornado, the current cools in an instant and freezes brilliantly, creating two ice columns created by magic – one on the right hand and the other on the left.

When the robust and sharp ice pillar was created, the ice spears were shot forward at incredible speed.

An incredible noise, like crushing a heavy rock wall, blew into the wood dust at the same time as it landed.


Reduces the magic recoil with the fighting spirit of the body, and jumps backwards in light steps.

Looking at the ascending smoke for a while, Aya sat down on the ground as if she had finished her work.

The intrinsic magic given to satin is a skill that has been used many times before – infinite magic (over energy).

It is literally a meaningful versatile skill that can be used without exhausting the magic that springs up infinitely to turn it into a magical phenomenon.

Essentially, spiritual magic that exists in this world and is recognized for chanting can be used in any large-scale magic.

Regardless, it is all-powerful, but not all-powerful, as it cannot be exercised in the sauce unless it is magic that someone has invented or newly discovered.

Aya is a sorcerer – someone who uses something that is already there, not a researcher or developer.

Therefore, no matter how magical it may be, it is impossible to activate a lightning strike that can strike and kill a demon king at a distance, and it is impossible to use the inherent magic (skill) of summoning magic to escape back to the original world.

While gazing at the cloudy, cold color sky, the color wipes sweat from the forehead with a clean cloth.

How long will these wasted days last?

An independent practice of magic that can not feel any improvement or progress.

Making walls and mountain goats with earth magic is, above all, meaningless training from the perspective of destroying them with other magic.

Since there is no supervisor, I don’t know how well I can do it.


“The boulder is Mikorin. It’s faster and more destructive than yesterday’s training.”

“Su, wow. Mikorin is awesome!

“Offensive skills are really cool fat, after all. It’s like dancing gracefully on an okonomiyaki, like a fresh bonito fritter.”

“I know you’re hungry, but can’t you stop metaphoring with food?

He glanced at Shinzo Kawasaki, who wiped the edges of his mouth, and Aoi stood up vigorously while wiping his sweat.

I was told that Aya had a mysterious boyfriend, but the three responded as usual and there was no significant change.

When Ottoman princesses had lovers, they thought it was normal to be scorned and scolded for being bitches or bitches or bitches.

Actually, it doesn’t seem that way.

It is basically the fact that nothing changes, as many fools (Others) who worship the basic princess simply stand out and think generously or with their heads that they cannot act.

Regardless, since Ryuzaki Wings has left the group since they were suspected of being related to the female gangrene, it seems that not all of them are.

Remove the three people who turned their gaze towards the colors with a delicate flavor, and the colors raised their brown hair and returned to the royal palace.

“I’m gonna boil it in the bath, so please clean it up.”

“… yes! At Mikorin’s request!

“Okay, okay. Good luck boiling the bath!

“Welcome, fat boy.”

“… you guys really listen to everything I say.”

The three of them muttered in their mouths so that they could not hear him, and the colors looked stunned and the three of them watched to clean up.

◇ ◇ ◇

As he laid his hand on the edge of the bathtub, he gazed at the slowly accumulating water.

Depending on how you see your hands in front of you and stick your butt out, the colors exhale in a very erotic posture.

When I come to this place, I feel naughty.

The reason is simple.

The peace of mind of an empty room and the gradually rising humidity and room temperature irritate the lust of color.

Especially in this place, orchid rape is one reason.

In this situation, where you can’t let go, you can stroke your butt behind a sneaky orchid.

Put your skirts and shorts together and take them off.

While rubbing your lewdly protruding buttocks, the girl pushes a splendid symbol into her part.

Besides, while remembering that many times, it is one reason that I play with my pubic nucleus and rub my chest.

With the fantasy of orchids behind your back, you can relieve the throbbing and fever that springs up with your own hands.

It’s like I’m doing something cool again, and I’m really addicted to it.

I can’t believe we’re all going to sink ourselves into solitude and lewdness in this sacred place where we’re going to purify ourselves.

Looking back later is a very regrettable act, but the increase in time is a dramatically sweet and charming sweet time.

Just by dreaming, your womb’s mouth tingles, and Satsui inadvertently closes his thighs and puts his strength into his groin.

Watch out. There’s no boulder today.

If you do that all the time in the bathroom, one day you’ll get horny while you’re in the bath.

While you’re taking a bath, you’re unconsciously playing with your slit.

If you see such a scene, the colors can no longer live.

Focusing only on the sights where the hot water accumulates, the color shows a serious expression on the surface of the water.

When I looked at the water without thinking, I had the illusion that something had crossed the edge of my vision.

“… hmm?

Reflectively raise your face and look at the entrance to the bathroom.

The door is closed and there are no signs of anything passing through, including the washroom.

As I leaned my neck thinking it was because of my mind, I suddenly felt like someone stroked me from thigh to buttocks.


Skin feels faint and screams unexpectedly when someone touches your lower body.

But my mouth was blocked by the hand stretched out from behind, and I was stopped from screaming before the cries of color resounded.

“–nnh, who is it?!

It’s me, Aya.

With a pleasant voice from behind, the colors relax from your body.

Slowly twist your neck with your mouth shut and face away from the entrance.

The colour turns up with a face that looks like laughter even now, full of expectations.

In front of Akai was Ryan, a senior servant dressed in butler clothes, and Saint Kirishima Orchid.

“… Kirishima”

“Sorry to surprise you. Are you mad?

“Yeah, I forgive you.”

While licking the hand that stroked the edge of the colored mouth, the colored cheeks were colorfully dyed.

With his eyes on the orchid, he pretended to shake his ass as if he were inviting him.

“Is that why you’re here today?

“Of course.”

“Ehehe, I’m glad Kirishima wants you so much.”

The orchids show a gentle smile on the colored saliva, licking the fingertips subtly.

Instead of coloring her hands while she was at work, the orchid slipped her shorts down to her ankle.

Were you hoping this would happen?

Even though she took off her underwear silently, she didn’t look disgusted or confused.

The orchid expresses excitement and joy in a situation where it accepts the orchid’s actions without resistance.

Roll up a short skirt with low defense and expose your colored round buttocks to the eye.

A soft, fleshy ass is as attractive as a girl.

When I pressed my palm against it, it bounced back at the sinking moment.

It’s not as soft as the breasts, but it’s a pleasant swelling.

“… nh, fuah”

Orchids gladly put their hands on their pants as they saw the glow of their buttocks melted.

The floor is wet, so you can’t throw it off.

Open your crotch as you lower it to your knees to stop it from falling.

Similarly, the orchid crouched behind the colour as the pants fell down.

“Aya, don’t move.”

“… Kirishima? What… uhhhhh!?

Slowly open the colour crack and kiss the stunning pink pussy exposed.

In this posture, it is quite difficult to get a blowjob from the colors.

So the orchid wanted to solve the colored vagina with his tongue.

“… if you colored it, maybe you were playing with it yourself?

“Come on, I didn’t do it today!

“Don’t play around with this, it’s so erotic if you color it.”

While making a slutty sound, the orchid threw its tongue into the colorful crotch and swooped in saliva.

Do you feel it because of the friction caused by your tongue? Your thighs will close as your hips tremble.

Such a cute reaction makes orchids turn their tongues even more violent.

“Nhia! Kirishima! No, no, no! If that happens, I’ll get up and I won’t stand up anymore!?

The soft vaginal meat is scratched apart with the tongue, and the orchid chuckles into the colorful crotch.

The colour of your beloved opponent’s precious part makes you squeeze the abyss of the bathtub and lean against the pleasure.

Colour that closes your thighs while twitching and spasmoding.

Although the crotch itself is closed, only the vaginal holes opened by the orchid’s fingers are well opened.

“Kirishima… Seriously, seriously, stop, bah. If you do that anymore, you’ll really suck…”

The orchid took its mouth away from the soggy wet pussy while supporting its shaking body.

The important part of the color is melting and the sticky liquid is dripping.

Is this orchid saliva or saturated love fluid?

Though either was fine, the orchid hugged the constriction of color and rubbed against her limbs.

Enjoy the feeling of colorful hips in your palm while pressing your colorful crotch with colorful pussy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When you roll up your sailor clothes, your sweet, waggy waist is exposed to the orchids.

Stretching out from the cheap buttocks, he gave a kiss on the exposed colored back as he tickled.

Feel free to put a kiss on your slender, fleshy back, pressing your toy and lower body down.

Whenever the hot swells and the powder is pushed into the crack, the color makes the body bounce with a twitch.

“I can insert the colors…”

“Whoa, whoa, please! Let me rest in the boulder, nhiiiiiiiiiiiiiihh!?

Without hearing the still colors, the orchid pushed its hips forward without hesitation.

With the saliva of orchids and the love of color, my pussy Xko melted into a mess, swallowing the orchid Xpo without resisting.

While the clear liquid is melting and zero, the slippery x powder penetrates.

The feeling that the loneliness of your groin, which had been throbbing all at once, was completely eliminated and filled.

My beloved opponent decimates my vagina, and the color melts my face happily as I scream like a demon.

“Nhiaaa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Salivate from the half-opened edge of the mouth, shaking long brown hair.

Step out and squeeze your thighs against the edge of the tub.

While sticking your buttocks out and pinching your toes, the color fills the bathtub with a lewd expression.

Put your chin on the edge of the bathtub and drool your tongue.

“Kirihima-no-michi × po feels so good… I love sex…..”

Disturbance, melting, and opium color, as if it were a happy climax.

Bright and dry long hair sticks to salivated cheeks and mouth, intertwining with lingering tongues that can’t stand the pleasure.

At last, the color that can no longer support your weight just by your hands and jaws collapses sharply as if it was on your hips.

I can’t believe we’re having sex in a bath where everyone in the class is going to be exposed to such vulgar faces.

Excited not only by the pleasure of the act, but also in an emotional sense, the color leaned with a squeeze on his crotch.

“I can’t cum, cum, cum!!!”

Shake your hair lewdly and squeeze your hot, aching pussy.

The voice of the tempura orchid was played, and a hot liquid poured into the colored vagina.

A thick and sticky semen is exhaled, and the colors stick out your buttocks and crawl to the floor to avoid zero.

In a lewd costume like kissing the bathroom floor, she shook her ass out into a slut and pretended to shake it.

I raised my face to tell the orchid that the color of happiness that was pouring into my eyes and about to lose consciousness was pleasant – I noticed something strange.

While dripping cloudy liquid from the groin hole, the colorful face transforms from a dreamy expression to a face like a girl who has been dragged back to reality.

The colorful eyes reflected an impossible sight.

Open door, two sailor clothes.

The lord of the sailor’s clothes was the face of the colors.

One of them is a swimmer with short black hair – a kiwi.

The other one is the brown-haired Ponkotsu Gal – Ayuhara Saki.

The sound of a stunning gaze and the palm of your palm cover a surprisingly wide mouth.

It’s a contrasting expression, but there’s probably no big difference in the emotions that are happening in your chest.

“Oniwa, Blue Plains…..”

“Mi, miso shiba… What are you–”

“I heard a terrible scream, so when I came…”

Sakuya and Sound looked at each other and showed the appearance of leaving the bathroom without saying anything further.

Disoriented by the events, the colour tries to retain them while looking at their backs – caring for the boy who should be behind them and putting the hands of the two bitch students back in their original positions without letting them rest.

I scolded myself who was about to panic, and Aoi turned her attention to the (…) person who was in love with (…) not (…).

Kirishima Orchid, a denied saint, covered his face with his arms.

Her face is pale and her mouth is moving unnaturally.

“… Kirishima”

“… it’s too far. I didn’t get the skill.”

After confirming that the door was closed, Aya squatted with her head in her arms.

Which was the correct answer in this case?

Should we have retained them somehow and made them family members with orchid skills right away?

Or is it good to drop off the orchid this time because of the overwhelming desire not to find out who it is?

Anyway, this is an imagination after calm – a desk theory.

The color that just climaxed won’t hold them back.

Rather, it might have given them time to see the butler’s face.

I think they found out.

“I also wore wigs and glasses. If you live in the royal palace, it is obvious that you exist. The name of the skill above you has been erased. It’s a distance away from family training, clothes like this, and hot air… But you won’t be able to be optimistic.”

Should I go after him?

It’s not too late now, so should we chase them and train their families from behind?

No, if you rush out and meet other saints in the hallway now, all your plans will collapse.

“What are the plans for the saints?

“When you’ve finished your training, you should take a bath in the girls’ and boys’ order – and then have dinner and go to bed.”

“Who always tells boys that the bath is empty?

“… Normally, it’s either Dog God or Snow White. But I’m telling the Ottomans, and not one of them is telling everyone.”

I see.

This means that having contact with male students is as early as after bathing – or as late as dinner.

The sounds of Sakuya Azuhara and Oniwa are surrounded by the beauty of Queen Gahill.

“Friendly – Kiryu Inn is the only male student who often acts together.”

Kiryu Inn Ko is a person who reveals emotions like people have changed when it comes to the Queen Gahima Lihua.

Normally, it is a person who is calmly sedentary and leaves it to the emotions to act.

I don’t think I would say anything that is unclear whether it is a fact or not by swallowing only the words of Sakuya and Sound.

But that time zone is one that orchids can’t handle.

If you wander around the Royal Palace, it’s even more likely that one of your classmates will find you.

If it’s a girl student, it’s fine to meet a boy student.

“Change of plans. Let’s make them family as soon as we can. That said, the only thing I can do directly is in the middle of the night when everyone’s asleep.”

“It’s okay. Until then, I’ll handle it. I’ll do what I can.”

“I’m counting on you, Aya.”

I was fine last time, so I’m fine this time.

Such arrogant hearts and the orchids themselves, danced by the treacherous act of committing colors from behind in the bath, are said to be the main cause of the failure.

A colour that follows Orchid’s thoughts without a disgusting face.

Though he wondered whether this was really a conversation between lovers, the orchid rebuked his plans for tonight.

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