chapter 63
disaster has fallen
The day before the disaster.
The host ship was developing magic armor at a really fast pace.
As long as his lack of execution power was filled by Lee Seok-hyun, there was nothing that could stop the host ship.
“Come on… I want to sleep.”
“I see two things…”
“No, it’s really two.”
“Huh? Ah… Then you can still do more.”
Of course, in exchange for that, the research students were splitting up, but I was able to bear this much.
Even though it wasn’t like a time-limited study, the host ship really ran like a man without a back.
A talent to be immersed in when you have a clear goal.
Ki Joo-seon possessed the most necessary virtues for researchers more than anyone else.
“More! Be more immersed! Now that the skeleton is out, all you need to do is connect the mana line!”
Professors and cadets who can use Whole Steel, Forrenta Saplings, and Mana Forging.
In addition, Seok-hyun Lee’s blueprint for making all of this possible with the fire-fighting point.
The only barrier is time.
Now that he feels he is getting closer to his dream, he is working on development with the determination to grind bones and flesh.
gang! gang! gang! bang!
“No! You can’t do it that way! In that case, you have to turn your wrist slightly to hit the mana evenly.”
“Yeah! I see!”
He listened to the enthusiasm and requests of Bakhtor and Kim Seok-cheol, and actively participated in his development.
‘I didn’t know Ki Joo-seon would ask for it.’
In particular, Bakhtor was not originally interested in this part, and was involved in the development even though the delayed schedule was full.
It’s like, no matter what you usually say, the professor, who was locked up in the lab, suddenly comes to you and asks for a favor.
Besides, Bakhtor also became very interested in seeing the blueprints for the magic armor.
There were not one or two things to be corrected and to be supplemented, but these were issues that would arise because they were still in the early stages of development, and they were things that would be resolved as they developed.
‘It’s a really great thing.’
Ki Joo-sun and Lee Seok-hyeon, who came up with this idea, were admiring it over and over again.
I felt that way more because I had never thought of such a creative idea before, only making things that someone ordered.
He makes with his own hands a weapon that has never been found anywhere and will never appear in the future.
It was this part that stimulated Bakhtor’s sensibility and brought him to where he is today.
‘A weapon in the form of armor that covers the entire left arm… The fact that it is a means of protecting and attacking at the same time is really attractive.’
It was an ideal weapon with good performance on both sides, not just a good balance of airborne.
Although it was still small enough to be called handcuffs rather than armor, Bakhtor was already excited.
‘It would be great if it was completed.’
The problem is how to use it later.
Bakhtor raised the hammer again, swallowing the question as to whether a human could really use it.
The completion of the magic armor prototype was not far off.
A few hours before the catastrophe fell.
It was Woo Do-hyun, a freshman at Mirinae Academy, who noticed the harbinger of disaster sooner than anyone else.
First-year Woo Do-hyun, not the principal, professors, or other high school students.
The ability to read malice related to the blade, along with his natural talent for swords, was what made him accurately grasp the presence of the demon.
However, Woo Do-hyun, who had no experience of this kind, noticed a hint, but did not clearly know what it meant.
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Just like when you set a fire alarm to someone who doesn’t know what a fire is, they don’t know what it means.
Woo Do-hyun knew that this was dangerous, but he did not know what was dangerous and what actions to take.
‘Should I tell you?’
Do you think something will suddenly fall from the sky? Do you think that’s going to happen? to whom? How should I convey it?
Numerous questions that popped into my head clouded Woo Do-hyun’s judgment and made it difficult to derive the best result.
“I… Professor Guynard?”
“Yeah, cadet Woo Do-hyun, what’s going on?”
“Something ominous is about to fall from the sky.”
Woo Do-hyeon hurriedly conveyed this fact to Guyard before wasting time by worrying more on his own.
Unfortunately, Guyard could not understand Woo Do-hyun’s meaning.
If Lee Seok-hyun did not exist, Woo Do-hyun showed extraordinary excellence beyond combat, and showed a huge standout within a month of entering the school.
Guynard seriously considered and reviewed Woo Do-hyun’s words, and might have conveyed this fact as it was above.
Now that Lee Seok-hyun’s speciality has driven Woo Do-hyun into the shadows.
Woo Do-hyun was just a great cadet with a natural talent for swords.
It was very difficult to put credibility in the vague words of the two settings of the age of 17, who was just entering the school, and the fact that only the sword stood out.
‘Are you feeling anxious because you just entered the school?’
In fact, even if Lee Seok-hyun said it, if he hadn’t provided a valid reason, Guynard would have had no choice but to think like this.
Even now, Woo Do-hyun shows only anxiety without any further explanation, so it was concluded that it was just anxiety away from his parents.
‘This can be happen.’
Gainard nodded, recalling a time when, at a young age, his parents often shook his head looking up at the sky because he wanted to see him.
Since he was still young and young, Woo Do-hyun relieved his worries as soon as the respected professor nodded and confirmed the warm eyes that seemed to know everything.
This moment was treated as a small happening because I felt something ominous, but I couldn’t explain it properly.
It was as if they had lost the last means to prepare for disaster.
“So! So exciting! How can I look down on Mirinae Academy like this without getting caught!”
“I like the view. If the view had been born in a place like this and had a one-house life, I wouldn’t have been so unhappy!”
“Pescino! Pescino! Where’s the rose sandwich I left to eat when I fell from the sky yesterday!”
“Oh, I’ve kept it aside. Can I give it to you now?”
“Give it to me right now! Useless bastard! Before you say anything like this, you should command the colonel in advance!”
I’m going to die.
Intermediate Mine Peschino was swallowing up the back words and thoroughly defending the high level Mine.
Currently, there are about 20 minutes left until the fall to Mirinae Academy.
Until then, these damn advanced magicians were trying to eat peschinos as much as possible, whether they were going to pluck out the mulberry they gave to them.
‘Things that happened to become Advanced Magicians by chance.
How long did it take you to make a plan and realize it by bowing your head to a being who couldn’t even see your face properly?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that this Death Meteor, which is now burning hundreds of demons, was activated by Fescino investing almost everything.
Mirinae Academy’s barriers to deliver a large number of people without getting caught in the pain of this task!
“Pescino! Come to think of it, they said you bought your testicles on the black market! Give it to me! I have more things to use than you, so how can you buy such a thing!”
“Yeah, hehe… That’s right… I’ll have it ready as soon as I’m done.”
“Um! Yeah! Of course not.”
“You really bother pescino, I don’t have to give you that, so give me a massage. If you hurt me, I’ll kill you.”
“Is it possible hehe.”
None of these scumbags knew anything.
No matter how powerful a society may be where class is determined, these children were too harsh.
‘It must be killed.’
Later, when I became a high-level magician and reached the peak of my strength, I would annihilate all these children and drink wine with two skulls.
The scope of killing didn’t just include Mirinae Academy cadets.
Because I heard that the increase in power that can be obtained when you become a high-level magician and prey on a high-level magician is huge.
Pescino looked down, dreaming of a hopeful future.
‘Those fools who don’t know anything and just laugh.’
After becoming a Magician, Pescino, who had excellent eyesight due to his extremely forged body, was able to overlook Mirinae Academy.
The pleasure and ecstasy of tearing and killing children playing happily, and the sweet rewards that follow at the end.
He had a bright smile because it was a savory delicacy that cannot be left out.
died just like that.
“It’s annoying, huh? Why can’t this bastard hide his heart like this? You can see it all on his face.”
“It’s just because you can read minds, isn’t it?”
“It’s just that I see it! No, really, what can I read? There are some bastards who just look really good?
Even though the being who had been their assistant for several days died, the higher-ranking demons did not blink an eye.
Rather, he made the faces that death was more natural, and dropped Pescino’s body as if it was dirty.
“It’s a shame that there’s a lot of land in a place with high-ranking demons, it’s just that you’re very clear, we’re going to kill each other by looking through the cracks.”
“Don’t be angry, we’ll be in soon. Five seconds before we’re in.”
The time is getting shorter and the voice counting down.
As soon as these two disappeared, a great roar struck the higher-ranking demons.
The screams of green sprouts are heard with a roar.
It was a sign of disaster.