Barbarian Quest

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Urich and Sven pulled the reins on their horses and ascended the mountain. The path was steep but well-trodden, showing that people frequent it.


"Theyve brought horses."

Along the mountain path were shabby huts. The northerners emerging from them observed Urich and Sven closely.

"Be careful with the horses. They might get stolen and eaten the moment we take our eyes off them.

Sven warned Urich after noticing the famished state of the Mulin northerners. Their faces were gaunt, showing their desperate hunger from being isolated in this land where hunting was the only means of sustenance. Yet, their eyes shone with religious fervor.

'These people are all either enduring physical suffering for the sake of preserving their tradition and religion, or they're fleeing the empire.'

The residents of Mulin, regardless of their reasons, were those who had turned their backs on the empire.

"The Imperial army is going to be here soon. Can these people really stand up to them?" Urich skeptically remarked as he glanced at the residents. Sven didnt respond.

"Stop right there."

Halfway up the mountain, armed warriors blocked their path. Their faces looked healthier than those below.

"Were pilgrims."

"Pilgrimage at a time like this? You have to know that thats suspicious."

"What could possibly be suspicious about northerners visiting Mulin?"

Sven argued, and the warrior couldnt argue with his point. It was only natural for northerners to come to Mulin.

"Hmm, fine. Your names?"

"I am Sven from Gorigan. This is my son, who grew up in an Imperial territory and is visiting Mulin for the first time."

The warriors murmured among themselves after hearing Svens words.

"Well summon a priest. Wait here, Sven of Gorigan."

Mulin was the land of priests. They survived day to day on the offerings brought by pilgrims.

"Sven of Gorigan"

A priest in long tattered clothes appeared. He was briefly informed of Sven and had approached him.


Urich was caught off-guard by the unusual appearance of the priest. The priest was without a single strand of hair, and he was painted pitch black from the top of his naked scalp down to the bottom of his neck. The priest, who was under a shade, looked like a silhouette with only the whites of his eyes floating in the air.

"What is the purpose of your visit?"

The priest spoke slowly. His speech was long and sounded like it reverberated from deep inside of his throat. His voice echoed as if two were speaking together.

"For a pilgrimage for my son."

"He seems rather grown for a pilgrimage."

"He forgot his northern spirit growing up in imperial lands."

"So, youve been wandering outside and decided to come at a time like this..."

The priest pondered before pointing at the horses.

"Offer one of your horses as a sacrifice."

Sven nodded and led his horse away, following the priest. Urich calmed Kylios while observing the surroundings.

"Hey mister, how about you offer up that horse to us as well."

"Heehee, horse meat sounds good. This one looks well fat too. You mustve been feeding him pretty well during your journey, huh?"

Two northerners approached Urich as soon as Sven and the priest left. Their speech mixed northern and Hamelian. Urich understood northern speech better than he could speak it.

"Put your hands away before I break your fingers."

Urich said as he crossed his arms. The northerners touched Kylios who was tied to a tree, ready to steal anything they could.

"Hey now, lets not do this. Arent we all brothers?"

Desperation tinged the voice of the northerner who was trying to convince Urich. They had been without a proper meal for a long time. The hunting resources near Mulin had dried up long ago, and the looted food was insufficient to share with everyone.

Those who were gathered in Mulin werent all there for their religious devotion. Some were exiled from their homes or have committed crimes and were wanted by the Imperial army. Those without faith to depend on found it difficult to withstand the harsh conditions of Mulin.

Cutting off a toe from an overnight frostbite is nothing.

Few in Mulin were fortunate enough to keep all their fingers and toes.

'Such snakes.'

Urich frowned at the clingy northerners. They were eyeing his food supplies.

One northerner reached for Urichs bag.


Urich grabbed and twisted his hand, breaking his fingers.


The injured northerner drew a hand axe with his other hand, but Urichs reaction was quicker.


Urich outstretched his leg and kicked the northerner in the groin, causing something to break and blood to stain his lower body.

"Uggh, argh, ughh."

The northerner collapsed in agony. He felt like death would be better than the excruciating pain he was feeling from Urichs kick.

"I warned you. Why dont you listen?"

Urich nonchalantly grabbed the fallen northerner by the scruff of his neck and tossed him into the bushes. The other northerners who had been pestering Urich backed away discreetly.

"You fight quite well," a warrior who had been watching the fight from afar remarked. Urich nodded, waiting for Sven.

Follow us, Urich," Sven called Urich from a distance. His hands were stained with blood from slaughtering his horse, which was now an offering to Ulgaro.

Urich glanced at the dead horse. Priests swathed in cloaks were gathered around it, greedily consuming its raw flesh, showing that they probably hadnt tasted meat in a long time.

These northern priests were completely different from the solemn and pious Solar priests. With their shaved heads and black-painted faces, they seemed more primal than others. The sight of them devouring the carcass was grotesque, some even ripping out the innards with their hands to chew on.

"Be mindful of your actions from here on out," Sven warned, pulling at Urich's collar. They followed the priest up a staircase made of stacked stones. The staircase was high enough that it seemed endless.

"Ulgaro is watching us," Sven remarked again. Urich looked around.

'The sky feels so close here.'

The sky was clear after the blizzard, and the temple was built close to the heavens.

'Surely the Field of Swords must be in the sky.'

The sky was unattainable and unreachable for humans. Even from the Sky Mountains, it remained a distant entity.

'Whether it's the sun god Lou or Ulgaro, they reside in the heavens.'

Urich ascended the stairs. The beings called gods must be watching humans from up there. The ground was for humans and spirits, and the sky was for lofty gods.

Urich found himself lost deep in his thoughts. He wondered if there was something sacred about this so-called holy place. Was it just a feeling? Was it because Ulgaro was watching, as Sven said?

Climbing the monotonous, consistent stairs felt trance-like as if they were going nowhere, climbing the same steps over and over again.

"Urich," Sven paused to gather his breath.


"Have you ever thought about believing in Ulgaro? A warrior like you would surely be welcomed by Ulgaro as well."

Urich flinched. He clutched at his chest, only to remember that he no longer had the Sun pendant there.

I already believed in Lou once and abandoned him. I dont want to make the same mistake again.

"Lou isnt a warriors god. But Ulgaro is."

"I believed in Lou without even fully understanding what he was all about, probably out of fear of becoming an evil spirit after I die. It would be the same if I believed in Ulgaro. I dont understand him, and I cant get myself to believe in a god just because of my fear.

"Gods arent there to be understood, just to be believed in. They're called gods because they're beyond our comprehension."

Urich paused and opened the eyes that he had closed. His gaze was tranquil.


Sven looked at Urich, who was walking ahead of him, with a puzzled look on his face.

An illusion?

Urich rubbed his eyes. He saw a warrior in a winged helmet behind a tree.


Or was it just a reflection of the sunlight? The image that he saw had already disappeared by the time he finished rubbing his eyes.

"Did you see something?" Sven asked Urich as he gripped his shoulders. His eyes showed his seriousness.

Urich's eyes flickered slightly. He looked in the direction where the winged-helmet warrior had vanished. Each time he blinked, the sunlight rippled.

'Am I going crazy?'

He shook his head slightly.

"Urich, if you see something, dont ignore the vision."

"It's nothing. I just felt a bit dizzy for a second, thats all."

The air was thin; it wouldnt have been strange for him to be seeing things.

As they neared the end of the stairs, the temple came into view. Next to the entrance stood a full-size statue of Ulgaro, carved from stone.

'Winged helmet.'

The statue of Ulgaro wore a winged helmet. Urich clutched his chest as his heart pounded uncontrollably.

Urich did not know that Ulgaro wore a winged helmet.

'What I saw just now'

Urich's pupils grew and shrunk repeatedly. Maybe he had heard somewhere that Ulgaro wore a winged helmet without realizing it. Or it could have been someone's trick to fool the visiting pilgrims.

Urich took deep breaths to control his rapid breath and calm himself.

"Enter, Sven of Gorigan and his son Urich."

The priest who was already waiting at the temple entrance said to the two men.

"That priest looks frail, but he's got good stamina."

Urich whispered to Sven upon seeing the priest. Sven frowned and pushed Urich forward.

"Stop talking nonsense and lets just go inside."

The temple was warm inside. As Urich and Sven entered, the door closed behind them.

'It's dark.'

Unlike the Sun Temple, which was designed to maximize the natural lighting entering the temple, the interior of this temple was dark, with no windows. Even during the day, it was lit only by torches. The stark shadows covered the corners where the torchlight couldnt reach. It was a temple of stark light and shadow.

"Those who left the north have returned."

The high priest stood at the altar. He, too, was bald with black face paint, but he wore a helmet adorned with deer antlers. The high priest leaned his dark-painted face close to Sven.

"Is this man truly your son, Sven of Gorigan?"

The high priest's breath smelled foul, and his nails were unusually long as if they had never been cut.


The high priest scraped along Svens face with his long nails.

"Yes, he is my son, and he is a warrior of whom I am very proudmore than anyone else."

The high priest clicked his overgrown nails together, tilting his head at an angle. He took his eyes from Sven to Urich, moving silently around them like a ghost, his robes trailing on the floor.

"...He doesn't look like you."

The priest mumbled, and Urich calmly looked down at the high priest.

'Itll take me less than a punch to knock this one out.'

But priests are different from warriors. Their strength lies elsewhere. Urich understood this, so he just watched quietly as the high priest went about his ritual.

"No matter. Now offer your blood to Ulgaro."

The high priest laughed hoarsely with phlegm building up inside his throat. He pointed to a basin on the altar, which was stained and caked with dried blood. How many northerners had offered their blood here?

Sven nodded and went first. He took out a dagger and made a cut in his palm.


Sven tightened his grip, squeezing out his blood. He let his blood drop into the basin. Sven closed his eyes, shivering as if in ecstasy.

The priests hidden in the shadows kept their mouths closed and only used their vocal cords to make a vibration-like sound. The sound they produced echoed throughout the room, disorienting those present.


Sven murmured, kneeling. He smeared the blood coming out of his hand across his face, mixing it with his tears. His eyes glinted through his spread fingers.

"Urich, son of Sven."

The high priest called Urich's name and led him to the basin.

"Offer your blood to Ulgaro."

The high priest whispered into Urich's ear.

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