Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 4 (1)


“T-T-Tanaka-san, please get up! Tanaka-san!”

It was now the day after the criminals escaped their execution.

I could feel a strange pressure pushing my body side-to-side. I opened my eyes to see Sophia-chan standing over me. A beautiful girl is waking me up early in the morning.


“….ah, good morning, Sophia-san.”

It was a strange feeling greeting her like this. Almost like greeting a childhood friend.

Her maid outfit that shows off her ample chest is making this experience even better.

I’m glad that I fell asleep on my back so I can enjoy this view. I deserve this after working so hard last night.

“Tanaka-san, y-you have a visitor! Please, get up!”

“A visitor?”

I got out of bed while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Sophia-chan was looking down at me with tears in her eyes and I can see she was trembling.

“Fahren-sama is here!”

“…eh, why is he here?”

Sophia’s natural enemy.

“P-Please, save me!”

She’s still as scared of Fahren as always. She looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment. She’s also sweating profusely and there are stains starting to appear around her armpits. She’s not even trying to hide the fact that she wants my help. It’s like she found a cockroach in the kitchen.

As she grew more impatient she got closer to me and I could see more of her chest. She was now only inches away from me. Naturally, my morning wood grew in response. Someday, I want our relationship to get to the point where she’ll happily give me a blowjob in the morning.

“Okay, I’ll get changed. Tell Lord Fahren I’ll be there right away.”


She hurriedly ran out of my room.

I got up after watching her leave. I quickly put on my clothes and fixed my appearance. I was wearing local clothes that I had bought from a nearby shop when I moved into the dormitory. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I resembled townsperson A from some random RPG.

Should I be concerned more about fashion? I could try something new like growing out a beard. This may give me more of a cool outlaw look. No, I should just stop. I’d just look homeless.

Anyway, I should go see why the noble mage is here.

“…it must have something to do with our meeting with the King.”

After our audience ended, we all split up pretty quickly. We haven’t seen each other since the waiting room in the castle. It’s possible things have progressed.

While thinking about this, I left my room and walked down the hallway towards the living room.

After opening the door, I spotted him sitting on the sofa, casually sipping tea.

“Good morning, Fahren-san.”

“I’m sorry to disturb your sleep.”

“No, it’s already close to noon. I should’ve already been awake.”

I saw across from him as Sophia brought out some tea for me.

What a good maid she is.

“It’s unusual for you to come visit me here. What did you need?”

“Well…there is something but I’d like to consult with you on something else first.”


It’s rare for the noble mage to need help with something. He’s incredibly powerful and usually capable of surviving on his own. If he needs help, there’s a good chance it will be troublesome.

If it’s something on par with the dragon extermination I’ll have to decline.


“That’s fine by me. You can ask me anything.”

I should hear him out before deciding anything.

“That will be a great help….”

The noble mage glanced over at Sophia-chan and then back to me.

I’m guessing he wants her to leave.

“Sophia-san, can you go back to your room for a bit?”


In response to my question, Sophia-chan quickly ran out of the room.

After closing the door, I could hear her footsteps rapidly running down the hall to her room. Then, another sound of a door opening and closing. Her room is closest to the entrance.

This should be fine now.

“So about this consultation.”

“Right. Well….”

He seemed almost unwilling to speak.

The noble mage looked even more serious than usual, before finally speaking.

“You said you were indebted to me. Would you be willing to repay that debt now?”

“Eh, well, if it’s something I can do, I’ll help.”

“Good, then…you can’t tell anyone about this conversation.”

“I understand.”

I wonder what it could be.

It must be something big if he’s acting like this. Maybe the Pussy Republic declared war after all. Or maybe this time the King is suffering from a strange illness. It’s probably Christina rampaging in some random town.

My heart is racing.

I’ve ever seen the ossan like this.

“This is the first time I’ve ever been in a position like this….”

The noble mage looked incredibly nervous.

“…there’s a woman I like.”


Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.

This is a talk about love.

Why would he want to consult this busamen about something like that?

“…t-that’s what you wanted to talk about, Fahren-san?”



Is he here to brag?

“But, Fahren-san, you have a wife.”

Are nobles allowed to practice polygamy?

Is he going to boast about his growing harem?

Go to hell.

“Who’s married?”


“I’m still single.”


What is he saying?

“When training to become a mage, time spent with a woman is time wasted not practicing your skills in the magical arts. This is a common practice for all those that wish to become an accomplished mage.”


“…or, that’s how I used to think.”

“I-Is that so?”

Really? I was certain he was married.

This actually makes sense. During my audience with Ester-chan, he was surrounded by a group of young noblewomen. The noble mage is still single so they were all trying to get close to him.

Wait a minute.

If what he just said is true, does that mean —

“Fahren-san, are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Sorry if this is rude of me to ask but your experience with women is….”


Nonexistent, nonexistent, nonexistent….

The word echoed through my mind.


The noble mage’s circumstances touched my heart.

I felt closer to him than I’ve felt to anyone else I’ve met in this world.

“And that’s why I came to speak with you.”

“I-I see….”

Why would a virgin need to consult another virgin?

Zero plus zero still equals zero.

“But since I’m just a commoner, I’m not sure how much advice I can give to a nobleman like you….”

“This woman isn’t a member of the nobility.”

“I-Is that so?”

“Is it that strange?”

“No, not necessarily. If you’re in love with this person, social status shouldn’t matter. If I may borrow your words, Fahren-san, this isn’t much different than magic.”

“I thought you’d feel that way. I knew the decision I made last night to come see you wasn’t wrong.”

Is that why he has dark circles under his eyes?

I feel bad that he’s unable to sleep. Someone nearly forty shouldn’t be staying up so late.

He’s still handsome but there’s a certain ugly quality to him now.


In the first place, how am I supposed to help him?

I can’t imagine the type of person the noble mage would fall for.

“It’s actually someone you know.”


No. He can’t possibly mean Sophia-chan.

If that’s the case, I might have to launch a fireball at him.

I’d burn down this entire room and have to escape overseas.

“W-Who exactly is it?”


The noble mage blushed and looked away.

Stop acting like a teenage girl. It’s making me feel sick. At the very least, I wish Sophia-chan was still here so she could refuse him.

“…it’s Christina.”

“…eh? T-That’s umm…..”

“That female Ancient Dragon.”

“Y-Yeah, I remember her.”

That caught me off guard.

It’s the loli dragon.

However, if I think about it, it makes perfect sense for the noble mage. I can’t imagine this magic obsessed ossan falling in love with a regular human. So, the loli dragon makes sense.


I wonder what this strange feeling is in my chest.

It has to be that.

It’s that feeling when one of the heroines ends up with someone other than the main character. Even if the main character doesn’t choose her to be the main heroine, she should still be a part of his harem. Right now, I still have to establish my harem but I don’t want to lose a member.

I’d hate that.

It has to be a harem. As a man, harems are the best.

I don’t want to lose any of my harem members.


If I had to say whether or not I like the loli dragon, the answer would be no.

However, I think I dislike the idea of another man taking her more.

I hate her, but she’s cute.

I hate her personality, but I love her appearance.


However, the noble mage is right here in front of me.

I know he’s a good guy.

He’s also helped me out so much.

I should do whatever I can to help him.


Besides, he’s a virgin just like me.

And he’s my friend.

We’re comrades.

And he’s my senior.

I can understand a man like him perfectly well.

“…all right, Fahren-san.”

I clapped my hands on my knees and looked straight into the noble mage’s eyes.

“I hope your feelings will reach her and I’ll do my best to help you.”

“A-Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’d only do something like this for you.”

“…I see. That’s…. Well, it will be a great help.”

Oh, I’ve never seen the noble mage make a face like that.

Damn it. Is he becoming a cute-type ossan?

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