Chapter 96: Chapter Ninety-Six: The game has changed.
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~~~Tywin Lannister, Sixth Moon, 277 AC~~~
~~~Casterly Rock, Westerland, The Seven Kingdoms~~~
Today the future of my house would be decided, and songs and praises would be sung of how House Lannister rose from the ashes of an era filled with weakness, mockery, and humiliation, my father was a good man, loyal, accommodating... Weak.
Those were characteristics that made people die like flies in this world, there was no room for weakness, good deeds with no reward, and no hands to feed biting dogs.
Since I took my father's place, my house has seen nothing but greatness, the impetus of wealth, and the envy of all others, and in my presence, my house would continue to grow, it did so by becoming the richest house in Westeros, it did so the moment I became the hand of the king. But my ambitions for my house did not end there, I wished to make my daughter queen, something that was halted due to Aerys' decision to marry his music-loving son to a woman even weaker than him.
The reason why I had to start looking for new horizons, is the Stormlands, although they enjoyed a good political situation due to their connection with the royal house because of Lord Steffon Baratheon, son of Princess Rhaelle Targaryen. Beyond that, they would not bring more power than my house had, they did not enjoy a strong fleet of ships, nor a powerful economy.
The Reach, while it was a wealthy kingdom with one of the largest armies in Westeros, a marriage agreement at this time would not bear fruit, Mace barely had a two-year-old son, and a newborn, by the time they were old enough to marry, and Cersei would be past her age for marriage, and while that did not matter in the grand scheme of things, as Lady Janna was much older to marry and have children, her case was separate due to her having enormous power backing her up.
In contrast, Cersei would have to have children, and waiting for a child to mature to become my daughter's spouse was not a good option. The Riverlands were just the battle center of the other six kingdoms, not worth mentioning, other than Harrenhal.
Dorne was off the list, not in death would I let my sons be associated with those damn traitorous snakes, and marrying either of my two sons to Dorne would be giving them too much power, considering they would already have a queen in their ranks.
This left the North last, and this was where my headaches began, while the North had always stayed out of things southern, with only the Manderlys interacting with the rest of the realm due to White Harbor, but now, the Northern landscape had, was and would change all too quickly.
Their cessation to trade with the Reach had sent ripples of change everywhere, their new trade with the free cities of Braavos and Pentos, their closeness with Xandarian envoys, and if the rumors were true, their new monumental wealth they would gain from the sale of Skagos and the new canal north of the Neck that would see the Starks rise to the second-richest house in the realm.
These were all aspects that moved the landscape of the game too fast, and if you didn't pay attention, you would end up off the game board, Rickard Stark's ambitions were great, something very strange for a Northerner who had never been interested in southern politics, but Rickard Stark had known how to play the game, he elevated the North quietly, and in a very short period.
Cersei was eleven days old by name, and Brandon, Rickard's eldest son, fifteen, which did not make them a couple too far apart that they could not be engaged, and if Rickard Stark's ambitions were as great as they seemed, then he would not pass up the opportunity to marry his son to the daughter of the richest man in the realm and hand of the king.
That would give him significant support in the South, and now that my marriage to Janna was near, my proposal to Rickard was more likely to be accepted.
"Lord Tywin," Janna's voice brings me out of my musings, sitting behind my desk and facing the door to my solar, I noticed Janna enter, with two of her guards standing outside at the door.
I immediately rose from my seat and went in search of wine, as Janna sat down in one of the many cushioned chairs in the place. "Thank you, Lord Tywin," Janna thanked me as I passed her a glass of wine, her smile sweet and charming.
I wasn't very good at admiring other people's outfits, but Janna looked beautiful in everything she wore daily. Today was no exception, with a silver dress pulling on gray, with a bare chest that let her delicate neck show perfectly, along with the gold threads that held her dress, and the little gold tiara in the shape of laurel leaves, made Janna look like in my mind I remembered Joanna. It was a pity she was leaving me.
"I understand you wished to speak urgently with me Lady Janna, I am very interested in what you have to tell me", something I was proud of Lady Janna, and to take for example the beautiful woman sitting in front of me, then something I envied about Xandarian women was their strength, courage, and pride.
Lady Janna moved, acted, and spoke as if she was in control of the situation at all times, she walked with a subtlety worthy of royalty, but her erratic eyes when she entered a room or every place she entered indicated that underneath that 'delicacy', lurked a trained woman, and one who would not hesitate to kill anyone who sought to give her trouble.
That was what I liked most about her, a strong woman who would not just be a trophy for my house, but a strength that would make my legacy reach new heights, and Lady Janna was that strength.
"Yes, Lord Tywin, it is about our engagement, as you well know, the approval of my engagement rested on the king's decision, but don't worry, he has accepted, he has given his blessing to my future relationship with you, and he is very happy to see me achieve my dreams."
That was all I wanted, that door was now wide open for me to enter the Xandarian business, better connect Westerland with the Center of the World as Xandar was called, and at the same time gain strength for my home.
"This is very good news, Lady Janna, know that your hand will be most welcome and that I will greatly appreciate you as my companion and wife." All that was true, Lady Janna's hand would be something full of abundance and opportunity, at the same time I would gain a strong, powerful, and beautiful wife to stand by my side and help me with Westerland when I was not at Casterly Rock. Something I was sure she could do to perfection if her work as organizer of trade routes throughout Xandar was any proof of her agile mind and good stewardship. Something no other lady could provide, unlike Lady Olenna, but it was already out of my reach.
"It fills me with happiness to hear that from you Lord Tywin, know that my work for the running of the merchant market of Xandar will not interfere with my work as Lady of Casterly Rock, though that was not all I wanted to discuss with you." At that, I was a bit confused, would there be concessions or clauses for marriage? It was not strange to consider, especially with Xandar having different customs, laws, and rules than Westeros.
"And what would that be, Lady Janna?" I questioned, wanting to know the whole picture so I could take action, "The king has decreed that after my wedding here in Westeros, I must also marry in Xandar under the blessing of the Dosh Khaleen." Well, that presented a not-so-small challenge, especially since that would mean I would have to take a minimum period of eight moons out of my schedule to go, attend the wedding under the Xandarian religion, and return, which would present problems with my position as the king's hand in the small council and court.
"Plus the king has decided to attend our wedding here in Westerland..." Chaos, just that one sentence was needed to overturn the entire game board, and leave the others to continue playing checkers unaware that the game had changed to Cyvasse.