After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 421 The dispute between true and false “male gods”

"You can't even imagine the pain I've endured in the past month or so. Bamboo, even though I've been preparing for a long time, I'm still a little powerless. Just now, I was sure that my third attempt also failed. However, , my process has only reached the first step. This really requires perseverance and luck."

Sun Zhu flipped through Fina's scrawled letter, feeling her chaotic and frustrated mood, and became nervous along with her.

"Mr. Lupine and Senior Sister Tonks guided me throughout the process, giving me encouragement and help, but I was really worried that I would let them down. Zhu, you know that I started trying Hamand on the full moon night in May this year. Pulling the blades of grass is a nightmare.

"It had a weird muddy smell, and it was a little itchy and stinging when I held it in my mouth, but I was soon forced to adapt to this feeling. But the scariest thing is that I couldn't say much while holding it in my mouth. I have to be careful even when drinking water - you know how big the mandrake blades are. If I move even a little bit, I am afraid that I will spit it out or bite it. I have to be worried when I go to bed at night, for fear that I am in my dream. I swallowed it. If I wasn't careful, my saliva would flow out. I was so embarrassed that I didn't go out at all, but even so, I still broke two leaves. The third time, it was the full moon night a month ago. , I tried again. When I finally succeeded in persisting until tonight, I failed again...

"I persisted for so long that I thought a year had passed, but I didn't expect that I was defeated by the weather. There is only one full moon night every month, but now the wind is strong and the clouds are thick, just like my mood at the moment. I can't see it at all There's no way to let the mandrake bathe in the moonlight until there's a moon, so we have to start all over again."

Sun Zhu also frowned. It was really windy last night. She closed the windows tightly and drove Yuanbao and Jade into the nest early. She was still congratulating herself that she had done everything, but she didn't expect What kind of torture Fina was suffering at that time.

"Mr. Lupin said that he was busy and couldn't guide me, but my aunt and Tonks were by my side. Even so, I still couldn't do it. And the next process is far away. To be honest, I really I started to admire those people, and they became Animagus 'predators' in the fifth grade..."

The night of the full moon was also the night when Mr. Lupine transformed into a werewolf. He definitely had to avoid it, but he didn't know if Senior Tonks knew the inside story?The big black dog should have told her, right?

"Fortunately, school will start soon. The most critical fifth grade, our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is such a gentle and patient Mr. Lupin. Compared with that useless Lockhart, these are really many bad changes. It's the only thing that gives me some comfort."

Sun Zhu couldn't help but feel better when he thought of Lockhart who was now at St. Mungo's.

Although it has always been my wish to let him go to St. Mungo's and stop harming others.But she never took the initiative to beat him up and throw him into St. Mungo's.

He thought that without the basilisk causing trouble, he might have escaped disaster.Unexpectedly, at the end of last semester, Lockhart fell into trouble.

And this matter actually has something to do with her.

Sun Zhu folded Fina's letter, put it in his letter box, and took out a pen and paper to write something to comfort her.

Why not just write about the unlucky Lockhart.

"Dear Fina, I know you must be very frustrated now, but please don't doubt your ability. You also know that this failure is purely bad luck, right? I also had it when I practiced the Patronus Charm a few months ago. I had such doubts, but look at it now, I am not using it more smoothly than anyone else. Oh, by the way, speaking of bad luck, there are actually people who have it much worse than you, but I didn't tell you a while ago because I was afraid of disturbing you.

"You still remember the diary I showed you and Karina, right? It can be seen as a prank prop created using the young Voldemort as a template. You should be aware of this. . I gave it to the little sister of the Weasley family, Ginny of Gryffindor. You know, Gryffindor loves this kind of challenge. Unexpectedly, Ginny gave it to the magical one that can be combined with The diary of conversations between people was shared with her roommates, and they actually wrote in it together and 'chatted' with the young version of Voldemort.

"The 'Voldemort' in the diary has an arrogant personality, but he is also knowledgeable and a bit talkative. His memory is often confused, and sometimes he can't quite tell who is talking to him. But he can always get the words right. Kabuto came back and coaxed more and more girls to be willing to 'make friends' with him. Later, the first-grade girls and even a few boys knew about this, and they all rushed to find the 'overbearing senior' in the diary. 'Chat. Ginny was so annoyed that she started charging, 10 cents for rent for a day, 10 knuts was just enough to say a word to him, but she actually made a lot of money. Fred and the others praised her as worthy of being their sister.

"Ahem, it's too far off topic, but I think you must have heard about it, because it made a big fuss later. But at that time, none of us had any intention of paying attention to the 'gossip' among the lower grades, so we were all selective Neville first mentioned this to me later, because he saw Lockhart in a state of unconsciousness at St. Mungo's, so I went to find out the cause and effect.

"As for how the diary 'implicated' Lockhart, I can only say that he was unlucky and he deserved it. At that time, the diary was already an open secret among first-year students. Some people liked to hear about him He has a vicious tongue and curses people. Some people like to hear him talk about anecdotes that spread in Hogwarts decades ago. Others use him as a knowledge retrieval library to ask complicated and exceedingly standard questions. Many people make up his image and think He is handsome and intelligent, and gradually looks down on his professors - mainly Lockhart, followed by Professor Binns. Professor McGonagall was the first to notice that something was wrong with the students and asked several secretly, but they actually united , said nothing - I think this must be related to the diary's ability to confuse. So Professor McGonagall asked Lockhart to ask him to pay attention to the state of the students and be more responsible.

"Lockhart made great efforts and said that he would definitely figure out what happened. As a result, a Ravenclaw said scornfully, "There is a senior who is smarter and more knowledgeable than you. I don't want to listen to your class anymore." A Gryffindor laughed. Said, your story is old, why not listen to something interesting from Senior Sikes. A Hufflepuff said disgustedly, cough cough, saying that you are old and narcissistic, I am really tired of seeing you, and you are still a handsome and young senior and We got along relatively well. Lockhart was devastated, determined to find out who was stealing all his limelight.

"It was later discovered that 'Senior Sykes' was not an ordinary carbon-based human, but a paper man. Ahem, I mean, a virtual omnipotent 'boyfriend'. Lockhart didn't believe in the existence of such magic - of course he He couldn't understand it, because he had no knowledge and skills, and the only thing he knew was the forgetting spell. So he thought it was a collective prank of the senior boys. How could someone be so perfect, so able to confuse people, and know everything, but actually More handsome than him? He must be a dummy!

"So while belittling their 'male god' in front of the first graders, he also made things difficult for all the senior boys he suspected... Finally, after his last Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he was killed by someone who didn't know who he was. He was dragged to the black lake and beaten violently. Later, he fell into the black lake in a daze and was frightened to the point of dementia by the magical creatures inside."

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