Chapter 3: Getting Isekai'd
"Look... Do you think you can go back~?"
Staring back at me from that mirror was... definitely not me, but at the same time it was me; the same radiant eyes, upturned, plump lips, the same hairstyle and the overall same look, but the hair was now pinkish, my skin was smoother and paler, and atop my head were two long, fluffy white ears that matched Bunny's.
And then the mirror shifted, showing the bathroom I was accustomed to bathing and fucking in, but this time there was blood everywhere alongside caution tape and various police officers looking around, investigating the crime scene as they covered their noses.
Floating in the tub was me, my body shriveled thanks to the bloody water while the various cuts and bruises had become infested from me being in there for who knows how long; the scene shifted to the living room, where Rayleigh stood crying, her broken posture being comforted by an officer as they calmed her down.
Then it shifted again, and I saw the blonde seated in a plane leaving her past behind, and yet beside her was Aethi, who looked none the wiser as she scrolled on her phone with a bored look; she opened her messages whenever the blonde wasn't looking and peeked at our texts, only to shrug as she draped an arm across my murder's shoulder.
"You have no place back there, because you are now dead. Before you blame me just know that this... wasn't something that I had orchestrated. The truck that drove past your apartment on its way to the convenience store was, but this wasn't. But keep looking."
Again the mirror rippled, and this time it showed a golden field of wheat that was overshadowed by a magnificent castle, with all kinds of people working in those fields, from tall, muscled green skinned Orcs, brown skinned, horned Bullkin, and the typical tanned humans that were all working together to harvest the wheat.
Around the perimeters with polished armor stood knights of all races as well, and they were overlooking the workers while also keeping their eyes on the sky, where gigantic birds of some kind flew around in circles.
When one dove down it was peppered with arrows and magical bolts, its body thudding to the ground nearby some of the workers who just treated it like it was normal, moving over to grab it and lug it over to the knights.
Then it rippled once more, taking me into the town nearby where people were bustling together as they moved too and fro, heading into shops or other buildings, carrying various goods and chatting or shouting at one another, just living a life.
Some were better off than others, but none were being thrown around like livestock or treated too harshly... but we were also on a main street, which didn't let me know a lot; it just looked like a fantasy city, nothing more.
And yet excitement bubbled in me as I saw mages walking around with ornate staffs and wands, tomes strapped to their belts that glimmered with power; then there were various warriors with giant swords, daggers, axes, maces and so much more with leather armor all the way to plate armor, alongside some lighter dressed rangers with bows and crossbows strapped to their backs.
All the things I loved from the games I played were walking around in the flesh, and now I was being promised delivery into a world that would maybe treat me better than the one I had lived in?!
But there were also drawbacks, like no flushable toilets or cellphones, the ability to-
"That's where you're going~! Have fun, Tuzi~! Bunnykin aren't rare, aren't that weak and definitely~ aren't hated anywhere, so you should be having a little~ fun over there~! Oh, and unlike your world there are no~ sexual diseases, so have all~ the sex you want~! Pregnancies are a bit more common though, so either wrap it up or push it out~!"
Patting my stomach, Bunny gave me another kiss before pushing me forwards into the mirror, where I found myself sinking into a liquid mass that clung to every inch of my being, seeping into me and infusing itself into me as it robbed me of my vision for a few seconds.
I was surrounded by warmth and filled with a heat that reminded me of my times with drugs when I had been far too young and stupid, but unlike that I was able to tell that this was actually good as my heart pumped eagerly in my chest, my lungs filled with something besides air and gave me a jolt of energy, and my mind was clearer than ever before.
"Oh, and I forgot to say... I can't give you anymore aid than this, Tuzi. I turned you into a real person of this world, with the ability to do magic and made you into a Bunnykin, but there is no system, no 'cheats' that I can give you, so... Have fun~!"
That made that warmth and clarity falter a little, only for me to be spat out of this cocoon of silvery heat and onto a forest floor, left all on my own with nothing besides-
Oh, I actually had some stuff on me, which was relieving; simple leather armor that clung to my body - not fitting perfectly but definitely my size - alongside a simple sword that hung on my belt with a red crystal rod.
A coin purse that was empty was on my other hip, and attached to my forearm was a bracer of some kind that had a slit on its inside, which held a little card that read 'Tuzi : Bunnykin, Rank E', and down another line was... my height, weight, and age...
An identification card, I suppose, that let people know I was a certified adventurer; Rank E was a bit of a blow to my pride but definitely accurate since the moment I tried to pull my sword from my sheath I realized it was actually kinda heavy...
And within myself I could feel something else drifting through my veins; similar to how adrenaline is something you can feel pulsing through your body, this was rejuvenating and gave me power, and when I tried to pull it out into the world there was a brief flash of something at my fingertips, letting me know it was mana.
I was... actually in a new world, with magic and swords and different races..!
I had been Isekai'd into a fantasy world and all it took was being brutally murdered because I had slept with someone who had already been in a relationship~!
And now I was all alone in the middle of a forest with a sword I didn't know how to use, magic that seemed a bit hard to grasp, and no idea where the fuck I was and where the hell I needed to go...