Chapter 157
In this world, the concept of “overseas” no longer exists, but it’s hard to say that the idea has completely disappeared. Under a powerful central government, several regional governments are integrated as subordinate concepts, and the territory they occupy is not small at all. If it’s a distant region, one can still enjoy the feeling of traveling overseas.
Especially if the races are completely different.
Of course, from the perspective of the people in this world, it’s been hundreds of years since the government was unified, so the concepts of “overseas” or “foreign” must have long vanished from their minds. Nevertheless, there are still quite a few regions that are famous as tourist destinations.
That said, the Gnome region isn’t famous as a tourist spot.
When I first came here and spent most of my time at the hotel on my first day, I thought this place was quite a wonderful tourist destination.
The safety wasn’t bad, and the streets weren’t filthy. Although it was once the land of races that crossed over from another world, that was hundreds of years ago. Naturally, there were old buildings and ruins that were built shortly after people came to this world. Compared to places specialized for tourism, there wasn’t an overwhelming abundance of attractions, but it wasn’t a waste to visit, either.
However, after a day passed, and I started to wander around the area from morning, I could clearly feel why it wasn’t popular as a tourist destination.
The Cathedral was close enough to my accommodation that I didn’t feel any significant discomfort visiting it. However, the moment I tried to venture a little farther, things became inconvenient.
First of all, except for the wide roads made for the central government, it was extremely difficult to get around if it wasn’t vehicles made by Gnomes. Even vehicles that other races could use, like compact or small cars, could manage to fit through somewhat, but if it were a mid-sized car, it would barely fit in one lane. For humans like us to move around easily, we would need several cars.
Still, the small girls like me, Linea, Aurora, and Rina could barely fit into one vehicle, but it was another story for the large individuals escorting me.
If it was this difficult for us, imagine how hard it would be for anyone visiting without a car.
Let’s look at the road size again. It’s an average mid-sized car width that fills the road completely. Naturally, the Gnome buses are that small too.
For Gnomes, a bus might be spacious enough for several passengers, but the moment a few humans mix in, it becomes overcrowded. Both the tourist visitors and the Gnomes who normally use the bus would find it inconvenient.
As for the subway, while entering the station isn’t a problem, the gates to board the trains are sized for Gnomes, and the trains themselves are all Gnome-sized. So whatever form of public transportation you choose, it means that humans, who are significantly taller than the average Gnome, will be in pain the whole way. And not just the humans, but the Gnomes traveling with them.
And especially for bathrooms, unless purposely made with other races in mind, they are all Gnome-sized. You might think a child-sized toilet would somehow work, but since the toilet size isn’t the only thing optimized for Gnomes, but also their plumbing, encountering a large human by a larger fixture could spell big trouble.
The region was inherently not made for humans but rather optimized for the small-statured Gnomes. It was clear that there wasn’t an ounce of consideration for tourism. Because of this, most Gnomes didn’t particularly feel the need to welcome tourists. It was mutually inconvenient.
Naturally, they didn’t advertise anywhere else, and rumors of discomfort among humans circulated, resulting in hardly any human tourists wandering around this region.
“But is it possible that I might become too famous just by wandering around like this?”
Wherever famous individuals go, others are likely to follow. I had not deliberately sought information on it, but hearing whispers of fan clubs, I couldn’t help but worry.
I’m not the kind of person who posts photos on social media, but after all, my presence here is due to an official invitation, so at least it would end up in news articles.
“You need not worry.”
The driver, sitting at the wheel, smiled and said, “We’ve never tried to keep tourists from coming here. Occasionally, some fad might cause a wave of tourists to visit, but usually, they dissipate quickly. That just means living here is uncomfortable.”
It struck me more since it was a Gnome, who faces discomfort from living with other races due to physical differences, speaking directly. Just look at that driver; he was wearing shoes with something elongated sticking out to drive this human-sized compact car.
Perhaps it was the transformation shoes Roni had shown when introducing herself.
…Just how strong was the desire for explosions that they would endure such discomfort to come to a human region’s academy? Then again, the previous academy was also part of a human region.
It seems the first Gnomes to cross over, meaning all Gnomes living today, were incredibly fascinated by the explosives and bombs used by humans. It seemed like they had been studying explosive magic in the other world too.
In that light, this bomb utilizing Holy Power could relate back to the Gnomes’ roots. It’s power that crossed over when the dimensional gates opened and the laws of the world changed—an almost surreal force that appeared suddenly over 500 years ago, but that Gnomes have used for millennia.
Well, it’s the power I use now… But still, thinking about it this way, I can somewhat understand their excitement.
“Above all, the fact that the Saintess came to us should provide us with benefits, not drawbacks. We were the ones to invite you, so there’s no need for you to think otherwise; just relax and enjoy your time here.”
I’ve certainly produced quite a bit of Holy Water for such a simple time of relaxation.
Well, it doesn’t exhaust me to make it, so it hardly matters.
“It was a good call not to inform the Saintess. A splendid judgment.”
The vehicle the regional representative was riding was different from the Gnome vehicles. It was much larger and seemed way sturdier than standard vehicles, resembling a massive truck built to last.
This huge truck, massive even by both Gnome and human standards, was cruising along the broad road that traversed the center of the Gnome region. Following the road led to a wall. While it was relatively low and thin compared to others, Gnomes reinforced their size weakness with overwhelming firepower.
“But can we really just use it? Without telling the Saintess…”
When the middle-aged official with graying hair sitting next to him expressed worry, the representative fell silent.
“Surely we can’t dismiss someone who has provided us with great help. Especially since this weapon would never have come into existence without that person’s assistance.”
“That’s true. The raw materials are safe and even if we douse it on ourselves, it will only help, not harm. Besides, its structure is simple, ensuring good productivity. In fact, if we forgo stability, we could make the weapon using basic materials found at the market.”
“We’re liable to be grateful that the key materials are not accessible to just anyone!”
Just like that, the serious expressions from moments ago vanished, and the two men burst into laughter for a while. Then, they resumed their serious demeanor.
“However, the Saintess hasn’t merely supplied us with materials. If she hadn’t made that binding device, it would never have been born.”
“Indeed, that’s why we’re worried about using it without consulting her.”
With the worried tone of the official, the regional representative fell silent again. After thinking for a moment, he asked,
“How strong is the army beyond the wall?”
“Much more than usual. I can’t say for certain as I mainly inferred from seeing the forces flowing from the woods far away.”
“I see.”
Gnomes are a race crazy about explosions. They were well cognizant of this. Testing various explosives is often done in Gnome regions, and these bombs typically fell beyond the wall. The area in front of the wall had turned into a testing ground without any plant life, only laying bare the dirt ground.
Unlike other walls that had been ravaged by frequent fierce battles, the area outside the Gnome wall regularly faced of bombs, shells, and missiles raining down, making it clear why the demon forces wouldn’t freely approach.
“And since it’s in the woods, we’re hesitant to use this item created through the Saintess’ grace. Observing whether it can efficiently destroy Magic Points is a rare opportunity…”
“Of course, we will conduct the leveling work beforehand. We don’t have the numbers to just unleash it yet. The problem is persuading the Saintess.”
“The Saintess follows the gods; won’t she agree to use it?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
The regional representative shook his head gravely.
“The Saintess actively hunts witches. Until recently, she had been sending every witch straight to the gods, and if it had been like that before, I wouldn’t have put too much thought into this. But how has she acted most recently?”
“…She captured a witch.”
And that binding device came about during that capture process.
“That means she intends to extract something from the witches. I can’t know exactly what that is, but the more intel we have, the better.”
“Are you suggesting that if there’s a witch among this army, she’ll try to capture her too?”
“Exactly. So first, we need to confirm whether there’s a witch or not. It won’t be easy, though.”
“…But why are we moving this missile, then?”
When the official asked, somewhat puzzled, the regional representative looked at him like, “What a ridiculous question.”
“Of course, we need to position it first to fire the missile, don’t we? Even if we aren’t firing it, we need to be prepared.”
“…But you could fire the missile from a location further away from the wall.”
“But then you wouldn’t get to see the missile launch, would you? You can witness both the launch and the explosion. Why would you want to fire it from a safe distance?”
At the regional representative’s words, the official nodded in realization.
“Ah, true, you’re right. That’s a good point!”
“Well, it is what it is.”
Even with the possibility of battle looming nearby, the atmosphere inside the huge military truck was surprisingly cheerful.
Something suspicious is going on.
I had brushed it off at the Cathedral earlier, but now I’m changing my mind.
“Saintess, I apologize. Our schedule has changed a bit; could you wait in the hotel for now?”
“What do you mean the schedule has changed?”
When I asked back, the Gnome official accompanying me started glancing anxiously around before replying.
“Well, it seems that your visit coincides with training happening at the wall. Of course, it’s not that we don’t want you to see it, but if you could give us a little time, we’ll tidy things up after the training ends. It won’t take long.”
“So… You started training at the wall without knowing I was supposed to visit?”
“No, it’s not that we weren’t aware… I’m really sorry, but we’d appreciate just a bit more time!”
Isn’t that where they were planning to conduct explosive tests?
I had suggested witnessing them together.
…Did they already lose patience and set off a bomb without waiting for me?
“…Alright, I’ll go along with it. If that’s the situation, it can’t be helped. I can’t disregard the efforts of the soldiers over there.”
“Thank you!”
The official deeply bowed to me and rushed off.
What is going on?
No sooner had the door closed than Rina spoke up.
“Something feels off, doesn’t it?”
Aurora nodded.
“Indeed, it feels suspicious.”
Then Linea—
As she started to say something, our eyes met, and then she said, “…it is.”
It seemed like such a struggle for her to get the words out. Well, it can’t be that tough. The kids at the academy all casually spoke to me in informal language. The only one who spoke formally was Roni, who I had met not long ago, and that was a different situation since she recognized me as the Saintess.
I plopped down on one of the beds. The kids followed suit, each finding a place to sit.
“Do you think something is happening beyond the wall?”
The first to voice an opinion was Aurora.
“If it’s something happening beyond the wall, it would only be demon armies coming, right? Then wouldn’t they likely have called for me first?”
As I said that, Aurora nodded in agreement.
“That’s true. It would be much easier if Clara were to step in against demons or beasts.”
“It doesn’t seem likely that Gnomes would toss efficiency aside to uphold their pride.”
Rina crossed her arms and said, and then we all turned to look at Linea. She visibly flinched before speaking.
“Or maybe the Gnomes are deliberately hiding something from us… But I think they wouldn’t consider it dangerous enough to inform Clara right now…”
It was a pity to see her struggle with each word. Should I just tell her to speak in her usual way? But doing that might feel more like ordering her around.
“Well, it’s a bit awkward for me to step up and ask for clarification, too.”
Technically, I could find out using my status. I’m at the pinnacle of the Church; an official of the community wouldn’t be able to do much against me.
But if I did that, the local residents might become discontent, and more importantly, it’s not something I want to do. Every time I tried to take action, troubles emerged. It seems better to calmly stick to the altered plan and head back.
“Well, if that’s the case—”
Just as Rina was about to respond to me, there was a gentle knock knock on the door.
When the door opened, it was Rina who had been standing right next to the door.
A girl just barely tall enough to reach the doorknob stood there. Without needing to ask who it was, I knew it was Roni.
“…What’s wrong?”
Seeing her face, I couldn’t help but ask because she looked incredibly distressed. No, it wasn’t that she looked angry or anything. It was more like a little child who was about to burst into tears over a toy she cherished being taken away.
Not to mention, she was younger than all of us, with a much smaller stature. It wasn’t surprising that we were all taken aback by her expression.
“M-my warhead—”
…Is she referring to that thing that goes at the tip of a missile?
Come to think of it, despite her appearance, she was capable of creating explosives strong enough to melt the surrounding area without batting an eye. The reason she came to see me was to show off a new explosion method she discovered. The purpose of my visit was to witness the testing of a powerful new bomb that had officially been developed.
Well… Whether the bomb shoots out of a cannon, is dropped from a plane, or launched through a missile, it would seem normal.
On that note, the fact that she wanted to put it inside a missile shows her intense craving for nuclear bombs.
Technically, it’s not exactly a nuclear bomb.
“The warhead?”
“It’s gone~~!”
Then she plopped down on the floor and burst into tears.
No way, the way she cried made it seem more like a lost toy than a lost secret weapon. Something about it just doesn’t match. Well, this doesn’t seem to be her fault.
“The older men say they don’t know where it is! It was definitely supposed to be right there!”
Waaahh Roni began to sob heavily, and we stared at her in a daze.
…So, just to clarify, the new warhead using Holy Power has gone missing? Right? It’s not just a doll’s name, is it?
If that’s the case, isn’t this an incredibly serious situation…?