Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

The Izawa’s

A few weeks pass by as I play around on my throne. I keep track of that little toy I gave to the goblin girl and sense that she's already getting affected by the abyss magic placed on the toy. Her and her family are starting to have black streaks developing in their hair. Shizue died, but I captured her soul before the slime ate her. I liked her in the show, so I'll let her be a resident of paradise. Specifically, the section made to look similar to Japan at the time of WWII just with better amenities and infrastructure.

I also created a new spell I call [Soul Search]. It's an ability that allows me to find souls no matter where they are. I myself may not be able to travel dimensions, but who ever decided I can't still affect them? I search for her moms soul and find it in the possession of some earth god.

Funny thing is, the dude is only B-rank in power. I create a clone in that earth and make it appear before him. The old dude jumps as it appears and speaks up,

"Y-yes great one, how may I serve you?"

Heh. It feels pretty good having a god grovel at your feet. I speak up,

"Nothing much, I just need a soul from your dimension. In return, I'll give you a blessing to strengthen you a bit. Your name is now Yahllah."

Yes, a combo of Yahweh and Allah. I'm unoriginal. Sue me. I grab Shizue's mother and put her in my realm in an exact replica of their house before the bombs were dropped. The woman looks around,


She sees her house behind her. Tears start to well up in her eyes as she says,

"B-but I…"

I appear behind her in my god form. Black halo, black wings, and black toga.

"Indeed. You did."

She jumps and looks at me before bowing to me,


I look at her with a warm smile. Then, I break the bad news.

"Unfortunately, your daughter didn't survive the attack either."

She looks up at me and gasps as she hears this. She puts her hand in front of her face while crying loudly. I speak yet again,

"Worry not, child. I have protected her soul as well. She may look a little different from what you remember, but she is indeed your child."

I turn around and disappear from her eyes. She keeps covering her mouth and crying as she hears,


She looks up and sees Shizue in her hero outfit. She looks almost exactly like her. Shizue starts running towards her, her body slowly becoming smaller and smaller until she goes back to being a child as she jumps into her mothers arms. I smile as I see the touching scene.


Shizu and her mom collapse in each other's arms, crying. I suppose I'm not as disgusted with humans as I thought. Well, at least not these ones. I grabbed a few other souls from Japan before leaving, filling up the little town I made. Of course, I only grabbed those with pure souls. Don't want a pedo to get in my dimension. The clones will explain everything to the people here.

I wait for the mother daughter pair to stop their reunion and then appear in front of them.

"Your daughter has faced many hardships. Take care of her. Enjoy the rest of eternity with her."

I walk over and ruffle kid Shizue's hair. Shizue, who reverted back to before her mom died, looks up at me and asks,

"Who are you? Are you an angel?"

I smile and crouch down in front of her. I then say,

"Not quite. My name is Seraph. I'm a goddess. I found your life to be very commendable, so I brought you and your mother here to paradise as a reward for being so pure."

I scratch behind her ear, which earns a content smile. Heh. I'm such a sucker when it comes to kids. I make her the same toy I made the goblin girl, just without the abyss magic. I make the toy wind up and it starts playing some music and walking. She takes it with a wide smile and starts playing it. I then motion for the mother to come over to me. I cast a sound barrier between us and Shizue. I then speak in a serious tone.

"While she may have been an adult, seeing you has made her regress both physically and mentally. You should expect her to be a bit clingy. I wouldn't ask her about what happened after she died just yet. The poor girl likely has a form of PTSD from it. But, just know, she is in fact the same girl you raised. And I must say, you raised her very well. She's a sweet girl."

The mother, Ichika Izawa, nods her head and bows,

"I will raise her with the utmost care. I'm very glad my daughter became someone deserving of your praise, Seraph-sama."

I put a hand on her shoulder and raise her up,

"I think you two deserve some alone time. Look around the town, you may see some familiar faces."

I smile as I say this. I wanted to collect the people in the same village as her to give her some friends. I walk away as Shizu runs over to me,

"Th-thank you for giving me this toy!"

I smile at her and rub her head before saying,

"It's no problem at all, little one."

I then walk a little bit away from her and turn into my birb form before flying away. Of course, this was only theatrics, as the second I'm out of their line of sight, I teleport into my manor. I've got some daughters to rename!


AN: while i didn't want shizu to live, i did want her to have a happier ending. the scene of her running into her moms arms while turning into a kid made me cry, so yeah. i'm manly as hell.

I've decided on the mini worlds she's gonna visit between here and overlord. she may save the souls of a few people who die in overlord. i'll let you guess who hehe.

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