Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Side Story: The Five Heroes

Walpurgis ends soon after that, Milim acts spoiled and pouts for the rest of the night and everyone heads home. I decide to check up on my worlds to see how everything is doing. I want to see how the heroes are.


Five heroes. One for each major race.

Brynn the human, a 22 year old woman proficient in the art of magic. Previously a slave, her ascent into heroism gave her the strength to escape and kill her captors, successfully making her way to the cathedral. Due to her unkempt appearance, a bishop of the church gave her alms and tried to send her on her way, however, the pope sensed the divine mana gathered inside the woman's body and had her allowed inside. Brynn has so far been able to grow to B-rank in strength.

Next, Geir, master of the spear. He is a dwarven fellow of about 54 years old, still rather young. He wields a spear created from adamantine, gifted to him by dwarven king Ragnvald. His defensive abilities are second to none, having blocked the charge of a tuskbeast (a mammoth but bigger). He has reached A-rank in strength.

Alyndra, the dark elven priestess. She has just celebrated her 43rd birthday. Her existence proves a theory of the elven people wrong. Many assumed dark elves to be an entirely different race, however, like humans, elves come in many different creeds and colors. Dark elves come from the deserts of Prujila and worship a different form of Seraph. Instead of worshiping her womanly form, they instead worship her bird one, calling her the Raven of life. Alyndra is a master of healing magic, capable of regrowing limbs entirely lost. Unlike most priests, she is able to regrow lost blood as well, leaving no trace of injury. Her healing abilities alone made her start as S-rank, however, her combat abilities are rather lacking, still being D-rank.

Kai the berserker. He's relatively young, being only 19 years of age. He's a wolf beastman who stands at around three meters in height. He wields a large double-headed battle axe that weighs a literal ton. His rage is grand, granting him the ability to ignore even lethal strikes so long as his brain is still intact. His people banished him when he was young for accidentally killing a boy during a fight. He is around C-rank.

Xirkaruz the demoness. Her people are even longer lived than the elves and dwarves, and she herself is around 130 years old, still young. She is a female demon paladin. Her existence disproves a human theory that demons are cut off from the grace of the gods. It's rare for a demon to have the ability to use holy magic, however, Xira has unparalleled control over the energy. When she was young, she was set to be sacrificed to the Crow of death, however, said crow actually granted her a boon. It established a connection between her and the goddess of the world, allowing her to tap into the goddess' power. She went on to form a holy order, the Order of the Divine Phoenix. She has reached high A-rank.

These five heroes stand in front of pope Uraies, ready to receive his word on the oracle recently delivered. He stands behind his lectern, and speaks,

"Heroes of the abyssal mother, we welcome you! You are the chosen representatives of your respective races. Brynn, the human. Geir, the dwarf. Alyndra, the elf. Kai, the beastman. And Xirkaruz, the demon. The abyssal mother herself spoke to me of dark tidings. A demon lord has found its way from the realm of hell, into our own planet-"

Kai speaks, interrupting the pope,

"So, it's a demon huh? Seems like Miss Xera over here may know the guy if that's the case. Heh."

Kai sneers as he looks at Xera. Xera ignores him and stands with grace, awaiting the pope's words. The pope continues on,

"This demon, as well as the ones under him, are not the same as the demons of our world. The abyssal mother herself said so. These demons are from another realm, as I stated. They are vile beings, who will slaughter every race equally."

Kai interrupts again,

"Well, at least they don't discriminate. Already getting a better impression of them."

Brynn looks at him angrily, and he sneers back before continuing,

"I mean, the second I entered this fucking city I was interrogated by the guards, attacked by slavers, and say my people being used as pets. Imagine if you saw a bunch of human women being led by some fat fucker on a leash!"

The pope speaks,

"Yes, indeed. The abyssal mother herself has stated how disappointed she is with humanity. You, however, have a chance to change that. After hearing the words of the abyssal mother, the king himself has been working to repeal the act of slavery based on race. A prolific hero of said race could stand as a pillar, proving to those who still believe in human supremacy that they are not greater than your kind."

Kai glares at the pope but says,

"Alright, I'll listen."

Uraies smiles and continues on,

"The abyssal mother has given you five strength far surpassing that of your peers. Many of you already stand as the paragons of your race. The demon lord has not yet arrived, but he shall soon. We shall nurture you. You all shall reach the pinnacle of your power. If you do so, the abyssal mother has promised us that you shall fell this foul beast with ease. So take up arms! Grow yourselves! Prove to these invaders that we are not mere ants to be trampled upon! But instead we are a sleeping dragon, waiting to be awoken!"

AN: oi, if you wanna be my sugar reader, my paypal is @sorrestwriting. pay for my gas for the week lol.

also, if I find out how to do it, i'll post a poll for this chapter

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