Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

It’s Fun Being a God!~

I sit on the throne in my temple, just thinking. Theoretically, I could leave this place now and go somewhere else. The timeline would go the same it did before, or even better since my kingdom exists. I don't really have to do anything.

But hell, I'll never give up a chance to fuck shit up! I already plan on making all the other universes that Rudra brings into the war into spaget with some black holes.

Eventually, I'll absorb that soul fragment of Veldy's. It seems to be at around 2 trillion or so magicules. Honestly, at this point I'm questioning whether or not to destroy those universes or find a way to absorb them.

Well, that's a problem for future me. The me right now wants to check out paradise. I walk into my dimension and find myself hovering over the top of the O-class star that makes the solar system the now ecumenopolis of Paradise orbits. I look around the galaxy, finding many planets that support life. In particular, I find one that has similar climates to Earth, but the planet is a little bigger and has a bit more land. I feel like running a little experiment on it. I create a whole bunch of animals from earth on it, including a race of monkeys that'll eventually grow to become humans.

This will be a scientific planet with no magic. I seal all magic on the planet near the core to make sure that the planet stays alive, while not giving the creatures on the surface access.

I then create a time dilation barrier around it and about 500 other solar systems around it. This barrier makes it to where one hundred thousand years passes by every day, while the dilation gets less and less until finally growing to one day per day when they reach the modern age of Earth when I died.

I also plant evidence of dinosaurs on the planet, because I loved dinosaurs as a human.

I make a random civilization underwater that'll degrade over time. No people in it, just some ruins underwater. It'll be fun to see what theories these insane creatures come up with. I write a bunch of gibberish letters on the walls and make it to where these letters specifically never degrade. They glow blue, and if they somehow ever manage to translate it, it'll translate to "I'm never gonna give you up."

Hehe. We do a little trolling.

Then, I teleport to planet that is absolutely massive. It has three separate supercontinents bigger than the entirety of pangea on their own. This planet will be my overpowered magic world. Of course, overpowered by human means. It'll only support S-rank creatures at most. Except one race, gigantic black ravens with a trace of my blood in them. Each continent has two. These creatures are immortal and are born at S-rank. Their task is to destroy any nation or person who manages to advance through science instead of magic. They are the only creatures who can advance to X-rank.

There is no gunpowder or radioactive materials on this planet, but I still did leave ways for super weapons to be made. Just not through scientific means. I create a few major races. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, and Demons, with each race being able to mate with one another and create hybrids. I leave a few ruins scattered around the place basically depicting a woman with wings spreading into the void creating the world, along with a few books with Z-rank runes on them that make them indestructible. Nothing will every destroy them. Yeah, they're the Bible of my religion.

I'm not letting that boring name stay on this planet though, so I name the book "Church of the Abyssal Plane".

(Thank you Angus_Macleod for the suggestion, I liked yours lol)

Now with that out of the way, I put a time dilation around it and move onto my last world. A weak fantasy world with bits of science mixed in. It's a little bigger than the purely scientific one.

The beings of this world can only grow to C-rank. There's no creatures there to stop them from creating things either. Gunpowder, nuclear material, it all exists here. Despite the weakness of the beings on this world, I look forward to this one the most. It'll be interesting to see how magic is mixed with science. This world has the same races, and the Demon race in particular are strong and vile beings.

In the previous world, demons were like the typical isekai demon. Misunderstood creatures who are relatively peaceful. The demons of this world are deadly and evil. Like eating babies for fun evil.

This is to try and give the races an enemy to fight against. The demons will remain weak on their own continent until the world grows to the medieval ages, where they'll spread out rapidly through portals to each other continent. I have high hopes for this world, so I name it Hope.

I name the stronger magic world Asgard because why not. And I name the scientific world Hal. Yeah, I'm a nerd.

After naming that world and placing the same barrier, I move onto a world wildly different from the others. It's essentially a bunch of flat worlds layered up on top of eachother.  There's stairways leading up to the top,  and each stairway has different strength requirements to go up. There's something similar to the voice of the world, but far more intrusive. That's right, it's a cultivation world.

Honestly, I got sick of those on earth. They were all the same, meet young master, slap. Meet 'jade beauty' slap her boyfriend, she now loves you. And of course,

'ANCESTOR WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!' Ah, the cliches. I wonder how many I'll run into.

So, I make it to where at the top, they'll be able to reach Y-rank. They also have a chance to break out of their world entirely at Z-rank, where I'll personally meet them. Anyone who can reach past the limit I've set will definitely be worth my time. I'll make a gigantic black jade palace with stormy clouds surrounding it. I'll have attendants who will all be Z-rank once I can actually create a life form, besides my own child, at that rank. I'll make a kid when I'm here another time, but nobody will reach this place for at least a few years.

So, I start out by populating the lowest world, where the limit to your strength will be D-rank. When you reach D-rank, heaven (voice of the world) will fight against you and force you to go up a level. The next level will go up to A-rank. I'll call this the middle realm. The next world will be the upper realm, where the limit is SS-rank. It's gonna be harder to increase in strength as you go up, so this realm will be the smallest. The next world will go up to Y-rank. This realm will be the realm of the immortals.

So, as I populate the realms, the people get more and more sparse, with the most populous realm being the middle realm, due to people having incredibly long lifespans at this point.

My immortal cultivation system goes like this, while you're E and F-rank, you're essentially just a regular person, so you get no increase in lifespan. At D-rank, you can expect to live 150 years. At C, about 300, then 500, then 1000, and finally when you get to X-rank, you'll live forever if you aren't killed. Immortality is a simple thing for me to give.

I'm pretty happy with this world. The creatures i populated it with are interesting. I made a pseudo-Phoenix of sorts and even gave one the abyssal nature. It's fun being a god!


AN: wrote the entire chapter during a 15 minute break, so give ME a break lol. lemme know what you think of her little experiment.

The Battle of Inō was a battle fought during the Sengoku period (16th century) of Japan. The battle was fought in Owari Province, in what is now Nishi-ku, Nagoya, between two forces of the Oda clan: the head of the clan Oda Nobunaga and his brother Oda Nobuyuki, who with the support of Shibata Katsuie and Hayashi Hidesada, rebelled against Nobunaga. The three conspirators were defeated at the Battle of Inō, but they were pardoned after the intervention of Tsuchida Gozen, the birth mother of both Nobunaga and Nobuyuki. Nobuyuki began his second rebellion in 1557, but was defeated and his Suemori Castle was destroyed by Nobunaga's retainer Ikeda Nobuteru. In 1558, however, Nobuyuki again planned to rebel. When Nobunaga was informed of this by Shibata Katsuie, he faked illness to get close to Nobuyuki and assassinated him in Kiyosu Castle.

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