Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

I’m Back Baby

Undine and I spend a few years together getting to know each other. She's very sweet, and loves to baby people. I'll have to give her an Imouto-type little sister eventually. She seems to be rather peaceful and loving too.

Undine named the planet Lapis on account of its blue color. Something happened a few years after her birth. Lapis eventually was overtaken from me by her on accident. I honestly didn't care, but Undine came up to me crying and asking me to forgive her.


Undine swims over to me with waterfalls coming from her eyes. She wraps her arms around my waist as her tears soak my side. I grab her face and wipe away her tears before saying,

"It's okay dear! I was wanting to give you this planet anyways! Lapis is your baby to take care of!"

She looks up at me with teary eyes and says,


I chuckle a little to myself and rub her head,

"Yes, really."

She smiles at me and straightens herself up. She then hugs me and is about to say something as the entire planet starts shaking. I sense that the temperature of the planet has started rising incredibly quickly and the ice caps on the north and south poles have started rapidly melting. Slowly, the sea levels start rising faster and faster.

Entire continents get covered by water, mountains start drawing, canyons start becoming trenches. Eventually, the entirety of the land disappears under the waves, except for one point. A single mountaintop remains above sea level. I teleport over to it using waterportation. I get out of the water and stand on the mountaintop. Undine follows right behind. I speak to her as I feel her connection with Lapis grow.

"I suppose little Lapis wanted to make it more comfortable for you."

Undine smiles and looks down at the ground. I look at her and ask her a big question,

"Would you like me to make you a sister?"

Undine looks at me and shakes her head no,

"No. Thankfully you gave me the same ability you used to make me. I think I'll have my own children one day. I understand that you have to leave me here, but I can always come and see you. After all, I also have the void-born skill."

I nod my head and smile at her.

"True. I'll make sure my people know about you. Visit any time you want. I'm looking forward to seeing what this planet turns into in a few hundred years."

She smiles at me and gives me a hug before I leave. I've been feeling a need to get back to tensura for a while now. I jump up into the air and take off. I've been staying in my humanoid form for a while now, so I change into birb as I'm in the air. I blast past the atmosphere and end up in the void of space. Beautiful colors as always. Purple, blue, red, green. All kinds of colors created by distant supernovas and galaxies fill my eyes. Bright stars dot the landscape around me. Space isn't as empty as people think.

I quickly fly back over to Tensura and enter the atmosphere before shrinking myself down to around normal raven size. I fly over to my kingdom and notice something… Over 90k soldiers from Luminous' kingdom marching towards my citizens. My own soldiers are marching out to meet them, but a prayer cuts into my mind. The voice of a little goblin girl,

"Please venerable Seraph, don't let my daddy get hurt. Mommy can't sleep because of her worries. Brother has chased after him as well. Please. Please keep them safe."

Well. Can't let a little girl down can I? I speak in the little girls mind,

"Worry not, little one. This battle was over before it started."

I fly to the battlefield, between the two armies and decide to make a flashy come back. I instantly grow to around 100m tall and let my aura crash down on the enemy army. Every soldier in their army falls to their knees and groans as I let out a sonic screech,


My body flares up as I activate the bio-volcanic ability. Using the ring, I contact Luminous,

"Luminous, an army of your kingdom is outside my capital. Do you mind if I just kill them all?"

After about three seconds I get a reply,

"Just don't kill all of them. Leave a few of the stronger ones please. Anyone else is fine."

"Alright. Thanks."

I hear guy come over the ring as well,

"So now these rings are just used for communication?"

I reply back,

"Shouldn't have made them so convenient!"

And then I ignore anything else coming through. I face the army of my people and speak,

"People of Abyssia, hear me. For centuries, we have been a land of freedom and love, spreading acceptance and warmth throughout the world. The people before you stand for the opposite of my ideals. They are the very definition of the word bigot. They stand to take away the acceptance we have spread over the centuries, and commit genocide on the majority of our people. Your friends, neighbors, and family. Thus, I condemn these sinners to death!"

After saying that, I turn around and release a cloud of death mist over the army, only sparing the lives of the strongest 10 among them. The 10 survivors watch as their friends begin to die around them before quickly decaying, and turning to dust. Even the equipment on their bodies and grass under their feet turns to dust, leaving no evidence of them ever having existed.

The ten soldiers all look up at me with fear stricken faces.

"Hear me, lucky survivors. Go and spread word of what has happened. Let your leaders know of how futile their endeavors truly were. Tell them of how truly foolish they were to believe they could overcome the might of a living god!"

The ten soldiers quickly get up and run off towards the forest behind them, leaving behind their weapons and shields. I turn to face my army once more,

"You all have done well. I commend you for your bravery."

A wave of abyssal healing magic spreads from my body to grow to cover my entire kingdom in seconds, healing every illness and injury that had occurred while I was gone. It also extended the lifespan of everyone affected by 40 years.

I guess it's back to playing god!

"I'm back baby!"


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