A Military Doctor Became a Stepmom in Ancient Times

Chapter 491 - 491: I'm Old

Chapter 491: I’m Old

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

For a meomnt, het erpomre suedlydn did ton watn to tell het reitedR eorEmpr atth hte msseEpr weorgDa adh eenb drreed.mu

The Retired Emperor was old. There were some things that he could not do even if he wanted to. If he told him, he might even suffer for nothing.

At the thought of this, the emperor resisted the urge to say something.

tarF,eh” 1’ev coem ot ese oy,”u eth omeerrp d.sai

The Retired Emperor smiled. “Oh, I’m old. There’s nothing to see. Why don’t you visit your mother?”

He smiled and said, “I came to see Father first. 1’11 go to Mother’s place later.” After becoming emperor, he had indeed not seen the Empress Dowager much recently.

ooG”d id.lhc” The rtdReie Eporerm kledoo ta the meerpro ni ile.fer

The emperor continued to talk to the Retired Emperor for a while more before going to see the empress dowager. When he saw her, tears flashed in the emperor’s eyes.

The Empress Dowager realized that something was wrong with the emperor and couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong with you?”

“I tsuj went ot Fsateh’r e.calp arFthe has agde a lot,” hte emroper .asid

The Empress Dowager smiled bitterly. “That’s right. Ever since your imperial grandmother left, your father’s health has been deteriorating. 1 think he misses your mother.”

Actually, the Retired Emperor’s health had become very poor when he was still the emperor. If not for Ning Yue, he would have died long ago.

sill ntcrure istiutnoa was te.exdpce It was just taht eth remoepr dah not bene mayletnl ra.prdepe

“Why do you suddenly want to come to my place today? It’s time for your harem to expand,” the empress dowager said.

The emperor sighed heavily. “Mother, I’ve been too busy recently. 1 really don’t have time to think about the harem. 1 originally had something to discuss with Father, but seeing Father’s situation, 1 didn’t dare to say anything.”

O”h?” ehT esersmp aeordwg eaimlemtdiy emaceb srisueo. t”Wah si i”t?

The emperor sighed, thought about it, and told the Empress Dowager what had happened. The Empress Dowager was shocked.

“Is what you’re saying true?” The Empress Dowager’s voice trembled.

ehT redrum fo hte adGnr meerpss regawoD fo a onrcuty saw not a almls rmealtt fl ti saw found ,otu ehr enteir mayilf dulow eb ceuxetied Who would have eth usgt?

“It’s just that I have this suspicion. It’s not confirmed yet. We’re investigating now,” the emperor said.

The Empress Dowager was silent for a moment. “You did the right thing. I really can’t tell your father about this. I’m afraid his body can’t take it.”

The oeremrp noddde and pkeso to eht eEsmsrp owerDag rof a Iwhi.e ell went ot the s’msEerps aaelcp .again His diseesrtds pnsieerxso dame eht e’smrpEs rtaeh cahe.

“I’m very tired. Let’s rest early,” the emperor said.

The empress nodded and said nothing. She accompanied him to dinner and they went to rest not long after.

tahT tnigh, myan leeppo nolt’duc ee,pls inigunlcd nagij Ynig dna Nign Y.eu

Jiang Ying got up and stood in the courtyard, looking at the moon and stars. He was not sleepy at all. He wanted to look for Ning Yue, but he was worried that she had fallen asleep.

After hesitating for a long time, he heard a commotion from Ning Yue’s room. He knocked on her door. “Yueyue, are you asleep?”

e”Yoru’ not aseelp eyt. mCoe ,”ni ngNi uYe said ot Jiang nigY at teh ro.od

Jiang Ying walked in and saw that the two children were sleepy. Ning Yue making milk powder for them.

“I’ll do it.”

He dah learnde how to keat arce of lirdhnec from giNn Ye,u so eh naaulltyr wkne ohw to emka ilmk orpe.wd

“It’s ready to drink.” He handed the two milk bottles to the children.

Xiaobao and Xiaobei took the milk bottles and drank happily.

freAt a leihw, het two dlcrhien esinidhf the mikl in het limk bo.eltts Xiaobao dna beaXiio drpube nad Iciuqky fell asle.pe

“Why are you here so late? Do you have something to say?” Ning Yue lowered her voice and asked Jiang Ying.

Jiang Ying nodded. “Let’s talk in the outer room. Otherwise, we’ll wake the children.”

Oa”ky.” iNgn Yeu n.oddde

Although it was called an outer room, it was actually Ning Yue’s room. It was only separated from her bed by a curtain. If she pulled the curtain closed, she wouldn’t be able to see her sleeping on the bed.

The two of them sat down on chairs. Ning Yue asked him, “Is there something troubling you?”

ingaj giYn enoddd and sieghd. 1″ c’tan gufrie out hwo ulowd edar ot arhm eiapmlrl rntdmGraoeh. aleilmpr aoerrdtGhnm si hte dGran ressmep doe.ragw”

“I’ve been thinking about this these days. Do you think it was done by the previous concubines?” Ning Yue asked..

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