A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 93: First battle

"Yes. But you don't need to do that. The room I will give you girls to both stay in is far more better than the rooms of other girls in this place. Except that of Helena, Jennifer, and a couple other girls."

"However, the room is stately furnished and could make these people that I just mentioned to feel jealous."

"And since you girls just arrived in here and don't really possess knowledge of how things in here work, you can keep your cool till you have understood the system of things in here. When you have fully comprehended how things how being operated in here, you can go right ahead to expel other girls from their rooms and take it for yourselves."

"But you won't necessarily need to do so since the room, like I mentioned earlier, is way better than the rooms of other girls. Therefore, it will be these envious girls that will come to you to expel you girls from your rooms and take it for themselves. So, buckle up. Your first battle in here might immediately occur when you have gotten to the room that you will both stay in" Roselyn said with a smile in her face.

Deborah and her sister looked at Roselyn and then nodded their heads understandably.

"Alright girls. You can go now. Go find that room" Roselyn said further then Lauren and Deborah stood to their feet and left Roselyn's office to go search for the room which was the 501st room.


As they walked between widely spaced, long rows of large rooms in search of the 501st room where they would both stay in, they met a lot of girls and a few boys on the way.

Then they could hear the girls and boys discuss about them.

"Who are these little girls? Have they come here to be enslaved?" One asked and cackled.

"Probably. See how little they are. They would surely become slaves to anyone of the girls here." Another girl said harshly.

Then that same girl said to a girl that stood beside her "Come with me Raylene, let us follow these future slaves of ours to see what room they were given"

Raylene nodded her head and then followed the girl that requested that they followed Lauren and Deborah to the room that they were given.

"Debbie, the girls here are really mean. Is this what dad meant by competitive? These girls aren't competitive at all. Instead, they are just excessively rude and annoyingly haughty." Lauren said in a low voice to Deborah who had also furrowed her brows. She was wondering why the girls here were behaving like this. 

But unfortunately for them, someone who had a powerful hearing ability heard what Lauren said and then said out loud:

"Hey! what do you mean the girls here are rude and haughty?"

"What?! Did I say that? I never said that." Lauren turned her head to look at this person that spoke and wrathfully shot back.

"Oooh! So you mean I didn't hear right?" The girl questioned.

"That's correct. You didn't hear me right" Lauren answered without fear in her tone.

"Lauren, let's go find that room. Let's leave these girls." Deborah suddenly said. She was the calm and not the impulsive one like her younger sister, Lauren.

However, before Lauren could turn around to continue walking with her sister to search for the 501st room where they would both stay in, the girl who had a powerful hearing ability suddenly said out loud "If you don't admit that you said those words, I am going to beat you so hard that your beautiful skin will turn blue and black"

"What? You will dare to touch my sister?!" Deborah shot back this time.

She was now pissed by what the girl said.

"Will I dare to touch your sister? What kind of stupid question is that? Why would you even ask me such a stupid question?" The girl asked.

"Because you are stupid. A stupid person deserves to be asked a stupid question. And so I asked you a stupid question that only stupid people like you can have answers to." Deborah said without caring about how the girl would feel.

Lauren's brows furrowed in anger.

'Wow! This is another dimension of my older sister that I never discovered. Haha. Let me leave her to continue exchanging words with this stupid person' Lauren said inwardly with a smile appearing in her face.

"If you call me stupid again, I swear I am going to rip your head off!!" The girl with a powerful hearing ability shouted in great wrath.

"Well, stupid person, if you really want to be unfortunate, you can come at me. I am waiting" Debbie said angrily.

At the moment, a lot of girls who had gathered before Lauren and Deborah had burst into laughter.

This little girl surely knew how to reply. They felt in their hearts.

Anyways, it wasn't that Deborah really liked what she was saying. She was only forcing herself to say those things.

Actually, she was acting under the influence of her father's advice. She knew that she had to be ferocious and fierce before these girls or they might step on her and her sister and tread upon them like ants. So, she had to maintain a really bold, tyrannical and fearless look before all these girls that have the sole intention to make her and her sister their slaves or puppets because of how little they were in size and age.

It also didn't take long for Lauren to figure this out as she was thinking hard of why this crazy side of her older sister never surfaced when they were still at their dad's house.

"Hmm! I see. I see that you are really the bold type to talk to me in this manner. Only if you knew who I am, then you won't talk to me in such a fearless and careless manner" The girl said while Deborah burst into a fake raucous laughter.


"And who the heck will you be? Have you ever thought of whose daughter we are? You come before us telling us that only if we knew who you are. But do you have a small fragment of understanding of just who we are?"

"Look, if you wanna speak about background, we are not on the same level. I am very sure that the disparity between our backgrounds is like the difference between heaven and earth. So I will advice that you leave us the heck alone and mind your goddamned business. Or you might truly regret it if you still decide to come at me" Deborah said in a fierce and tyrannical tone.

And from the chilling cold gaze in her eyes and from the fierce look of her face, one will have the absolute feeling that this girl is going to ruin or possibly decimate anyone that comes in her path to challenge her.

She simply gave a look that frightened everyone before her. Then many of the girls began to have second thoughts of following her to the room that they were given to challenge her for it and then claim it once she and her other sister were terribly beaten.

But now, they were scared of what this little girl might do to them if she overpowered them and then brought them to their backs on the ground. She could probably sit with her butt on their faces, fart on them and then spit in their mouths, or worst, strip them naked to cause them eternal disgrace and embarrassment that will forever haunt them.

Besides, they felt that even if they could beat them, they had just made themselves some really fierce enemies. They felt that when the girls grew older and they were still here, hell will certainly be let loose upon them.

They exhaled heavily when they thought of these and actually began to back off one after the other.

The girl that spoke was lost of words to say. She became speechless at what else to say due to what Deborah said.

Lauren and Deborah saw that their acting like they were truly fierce girls had really paid off. Then they grinned inwardly and decided to celebrate their first oral battle victory after they had gotten to the room that they will both reside in till their training on magic and combat in this place were complete.

However, the girl that had a powerful hearing ability didn't want to go down just like that without a good fight.

She then unexpectedly launched herself towards Deborah who wrinkled her brows from the sudden unanticipated action of the girl called Luria.

However, Deborah won't back down or try to evade her since she had been trained hard by her dad for the few weeks that they were with him. Therefore, she was going to actually exchange attacks with his girl that was probably threevkr four times her size.

Then she decided to bring out her wings to fight Luria.

In the next moment upon thinking about her wings, a pair of large, lustrous wings like they were forged from metal abruptly sprouted from her back.

It then caused her to start floating in the air.

"Sister, do I assist you?" Lauren asked in a slightly worried manner.

"No. Just stand by the side and watch how I will reduce this girl to a meat ball." Deborah said with a fierce smile in her face.

Then with the large metal-like wings that were flapping inconceivably fast at her back which she used to lift herself high into the air, she suddenly shot at a tremendous speed like an explosive-propelled spear towards Luria to give her a flying super-hard punch in the face.

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