Chapter 107: Chapter 107: Quills!
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The classes were long and boring most of the times, but sometimes they became worth it. Percy had learnt new spells to try out, and thanks to Flitwick's careful tutelage Percy managed to finally get the hang of charms. He wasn't an expert, but at least now his charms don't stop halfway through.
The experience he got from the classes helped him better understand how magic worked in the community.
Like when people used spells to clean or adjust their make up. It was the little things that seemed to stand out the most for him.
Percy was also involved with an ongoing prank war with Fred and George, and it was brutal. They got him back to what he did during the welcoming feast by spiking Percy's morning orange juice with a potion that made Percy chirp like a bird for the whole day.
Percy of course got his revenge by pouring itching powder down the twin's shirt, Percy figured they had no idea about muggle pranking tools so he constantly used this lack of knowledge to pull one over on them.
Of course McGonagall did not like this one bit, but she could never prove it was Percy, and Sprout always defended him.
It was because he had got her house an early lead in the house cup lead and Percy was glad he finally had a teacher on his side, Paul didn't count, he was dating his mom.
The month was one of Percy's best, everyday Percy thanked the Gods that he found this place. He took the day and used every second off it, he refused to waste the time he was given.
Here he could finally be himself, though the demigod side still had to be kept under wraps. But for Percy, he had finally found a place that was somewhat similar to camp, and he was happy.
Percy walked down to the Hufflepuff common room dressed ready for the day's classes. He found the common room crowded with people all looking over the notice board.
"Hey Emma, what's going on?" Percy asked a third year Hufflepuff.
"They just put up a notice Percy, it seems Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are coming over tonight! Classes are going to end early so that we can all prepare!"
Percy blinked, "wow, it is the end of October already?"
"Yup! I'm so excited! How do you think the foreign students are going to act? Will they even speak english?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe. If you want you can probably use a translation charm to learn the language."
"I see….anyway, I have to go Percy, I have Snape first thing in the morning! And I forgot to do my homework!"
"What? Agin? Sigh, fine, but next time remember to do it. Bye Emma," Percy waved her away as he made his way to the Great Hall for breakfast. He sat down and munched of his food as the others came to join him.
Just then the morning mail owls came down delivering their letters. Surprisingly an ministry owl swooped down and dropped a large file on his lap.
Percy looked up and waved, "thank you!" the owl hooted once and flew away not bothering to stop. It still had several letters and papers attached to it's leg, guess it was still on duty.
Percy took up the folder and looked it over. It was a document for his patent, he flipped over the papers and grinned, "yes! Yes! Yes!"
Gordana and the others looked over surprised, "what happened Percy? You look like you just had sex with a veela."
"Oh please, I'll admit Percy is good looking but even he can't snag a veela!" Heather cried out causing the others to laugh.
Kelly giggled at the statement while Percy rolled his eyes. "Ha ha. And for your information I can too snag a veela. I got Kelly didn't I?" the mini veela grinned as she high fived Percy.
"Right, anyway, why the smiles though? You got some good news?" Miguel asked.
"Sort off," Percy nodded, he showed them the papers, "the ministry finally approved my patents! As of 8 o'clock today the idea of quick quills and hoverboards, as I have made them, have been officially patented by one Percy Jackson!"
"Awesome!" Michael said looking over the document, "according to this you have full intellectual rights for them! If anyone even tries to copy it you can sue them!"
"How did you know that?" Kristien asked.
"Oh, I want to be a solicitor when I grow up," Michael said with a shrug, "reading the law is kinda my thing."
"Cool," Miguel looked over the document, "hey does this mean that you'll finally make those quills for us?"
"What? You will?!" Margaret screamed in joy, "please tell me you will Percy! Because I cannot stand this anymore! If you can make me finish my homework faster than I'll do anything!"
"Oh, that's a nice offer Percy, I suggest you take it up," Juan grinned pervertedly causing Kristen to smack the boy up the head.
Percy chuckled, "tempting offer but I'll pass. Actually I am planning on selling the quick quills soon. I just need to make them first," Percy grumbled, "maybe I should owl order some quills and then get to carving the….maybe I can get some from Hogsmeade next week, I still haven't even visited the place yet."
"Nice, so how much are you going to sell them for?" Gordon asked as he passed Percy back the pile of documents.
"Well I was thinking around a galleon."
"A galleon?!" Heather screamed, "that's highway robbery!"
"Hey! This is an advanced piece of rune work unlike ever seen before! It's unique! Like a unicorn!"
"Bullshit! I refuse to pay any less than 5 sickles!"
"Oh Hades no! You trying to bankrupt me Otterburn?! 15 sickles!"
"I'll admit your work is good Jackson, but I ain't paying that much money. 8 sickles, and that's my final offer."
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